nice one mate and thanks for the insight and you are welcome to post here when ever nice to have new faces and new information
thanks guys i will try and check in when i can i am always busy w/ projects and my boards and such but wanted to say thanks for the warm welcome...quite refreshing actually i don't belong to any public boards in the U.S. anymore because of all the noobs and flamers thanks for understanding i have nothing to gain or prove just thought i would post some info that i know of that's all well that's all for now and thanks again for the warm welcome 3m
threem, I just wanted to say that was one of the best first posts I have probably seen on any forum. I look forward to seeing your future posts here!
threem. Welcome and many thanks for your insights. I particularly welcome your statement "Nagra 3 has been compromised so you can all rest assured the game is not over" I can only hope that we see the solutions soon. One bonus of missing the sports package is that I now simply have to go to the match on Saturday. "Up the blues"
well let me say that N3 is compromised and not w/ IKS...might be a little bit before anything public surfaces and I might ad that even though i hail from the U.S. I am a Chelsea supporter...i ask myself why sometimes but I just can't deal w/ Liverpool or Man you can let the flaming begin...hehehe j/k back on track here... N3 is being worked on now through various proprietary pieces of hardware relative to our providers here in North Network and Bell Express Vu but once the cat is out of the bag we'll all be in good shape. cheers from Chicago! 3m cheers
have you any idea when this file would be leaked to the cable writers so that they can avail of the script to sort our impending faith here in rainy and cold Ireland
i would sit back... have a wee Guniess or perhaps Boddingtons or 2 and head over to the Isle as the TT races will soon be upon us..anything public on Nagra 3 will not be public for a little while. I am not sure about all of your systems over there but a lot of people here are running IKS in the interim so you may want to explore that option. I am naive when it comes to that and even FTA really, I usually test plastic from the providors as it gives us the all important and useful code we need. 3m
at the moment here in Ireland the FTA is going thru a huge close down 99% of all the FTA boxes have been wiped out by the cable company's and there is only 1 box working here at the present time for how long is anyone's guess so i imagine when N3 is fully implemented god only knows when but the other 1% will prob be wiped out then so im thinking we dont have time on our side but sure we all got a good run out of it anyway should it be killed off If you have any sites that might be of interest could you pm me with them so i could have look thanks
Hi threeM, just want to welcome u to the forum and say thanks for your info! Quite a refreshing look at things!! I, like many others here, mainly read through posts for info and assistance, (thanks to all that have contributed!!). I have basic knowledge of what you guys really do to keeps us "regular" box users up and running and just want to say thanks and much appreciated!! Also, like Fergusrb said, if there is any sites that you think could be of interest, please pm me. Hope to talk to ya soon!!
Apologies for the blank posts don't know whats up there Don't get me started on what you call soccer Aladin has a lot more to it than a Stateside fix. Without segregating a fix , ( as all are global), there are so many rumours, but why let a CC know, it makes no sense look at their rumours, G4 cards lol. Cat and mouse leave it that way, publicity is not the way to go. Or is it
Hi! I'm on NTHell in Dublin, Replay lite with software before Xmass.I can watch all the channels exept movies,sport and adult stuff by going first on NICKELODEON channel and then pressing the channel No. that I want to watch.So about 100 channel still working but strange way, without Nickelodeon firts most channels just black.Any ideas lads? Is Replay lite box works with Negra2 and doesn't work with Negra3?
N3 has already been compromised. The nFusion box in the USA decrypts N3 on Bev and Dish Network. Yes it works with IKS but who cares. You plug the box in and connect to your router and it works, what does it matter about the technical details of how it works. With IKS you will never again have to worry about auto-roll, updates, keys. Box will be working all the time. If you dont have a internet connection, hacked (free) modems work fine on NTL in dublin IKS box+hacked modem = win