I had an older softmod on my Xbox and switched it to Krayzies installer with no problem. Didnt loss anything. First off you would have to load up the MS dash to save the game exploit on your HDD you can get the exploit from the link below. After saving the exploit on the HDD gamesave then run the exploit like any other softmod. The only problem I ran across is the krayzies installer made diffrent folders for my skins and Emulators. All I had to do is transfer the skins and emulators from the old softmod folder to the new folder that krayzies installer made then delete the old skins and emulator folders that the old softmod made. For those intrested in where and how to do it just go to the link below. Theres a guide plus links to everything you need. http://www.freewebs.com/betatester/profile2.htm
So to put on Krayzies instaler i have to mod my xbox all over again? Its not just something I can download and install onto my xbox? Sorry pretty new at this stuff
thats how I installed it. restored my dash back to M$ dashboard then transfred the krayzies installer game exploit onto the HDD gamesaves ran the game and then installed the krayzies installer softmod. Yes it reinstalled the softmod(remodded it) with the krayzies. This softmod will let you run a virtual drive thats how the softmod lets you play the NBA Live game. It loads the ISO making the Xbox think that it is playing of the DVD drive. You can get directions how to set up the NBA Live game to run off the HDD with this new softmod in previous post so read back a few pages. You can actully do it with any game you want. I have done it with NBA Live 06 and Tont Hawks American Wasteland and a few more.
can someone give me a step by step on how to rip it to the pc hdd from the xbox i tried to rip it with my pc's dvd drive but it said it was only 15mb
@UltimateX If you would do a search on how to make a backup you wouldnt have to ask that question. There are tons of post on how to make a backup of an Xbox game. There is even a pinned topic in the Xbox forum that says The Complete Guide and FAQ to making a XBOX GAME BACKUP! LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING "How to..." THREADS! How can you miss it? Below is a link to the thread. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/141037
sorry bout that i foegot to edit that i used dvd2xbox to rip the game to my pc hdd through ftp with servu server, made the iso with quix, then burned it with alcohol\ and it still didnt work any idea
but did u rip it like me or a diffrent way edit: i always thought alcohol was the best but nero got the job done thanks guys
@UltimateX dont rip it to the Xbox HDD Place the game in your Xbox DVD Drive and then FTP with Quix and choose the D: folder(Xbox DVD Drive) It will pull the game from the Xbox DVD drive and make the xISO then burn with your burning software. Nero = Choose to burn image file DVD Decrypter = MODE/ISO/WRITE
wow i did something completely diffrent i put up an ftp on my pc with serv-u and made dvd2xbox rip it to the ftp location then turned the files to an iso with quix weird thing is that the game gave an error when i burned it with alcohol but it worked when i burned the same iso with nero
Thats a cool way too. The way I do it is to put the game in the xbox, ftp to the xbox from my pc, and drag the entire D: folder from the xbox to my desktop. Then I use burn a UDF with Nero. It works great all the time. EVOCRE8R
alright, I tried to make backup of nba live 06 disc. Here's what I used Created .iso with Quix with NBA Live 06 in Xbox Drive. .iso saved to PC. .iso image was like 2.7GB Burned image using Nero Burning ROM. After the image finished burning, when I put the disc in, XBMC reads the disc as (Audio CD) I am using a DVD+R, do you have to use a certain type of media or does it matter? I am using Maxell DVD+R, is Verbatim best to use for this?
With nba live 2006, copied the files directly to the disk (I did not make a xISO)and burned a UDF disk and it works great! evocre8r
so you ripped the game to your HDD via(dvd2xbox, or pxx hddloader) and ftp'd the files to your PC, then just burned the files directly to a DVD using UDF in Nero? you have a hardmod or softmod?
yup. Thats exactly how I did it. I have never been successful at burning iso's so I just went the UDF route. It works like a charm. EVOCRE8R
Everyones doing this UDF route, couldnt you just use winrar to extract the .iso file (yes it opens them) and then burn via nero? Wouldnt it accomplish the same thing?
Got NBA 2007 working on soft-modded Xbox (Krayzie's) using instruction found here using driveimageutils.zip-attach.xbe file and c-xbox tool program from the usual places-created iso from Qxix. Followed instructions posted here last year for NBA 2006-left names as 2006-as I don't know how to edit the attach.xbe file. Shows up in XBMC as NBA 2007 and plays on Xbox 200 gb harddrive.