ndstt will not load roms

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Adamsky, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. jodiebex

    jodiebex Guest

    Forgot to say, ive loaded firmware v1.07 - looking for update every day !! lol
  2. woof811

    woof811 Regular member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    thanx for the replies , normally i only buy kingston ( japanese versions as they are very fast read times ) ive had very little trouble with kingstons so far .

    this is my first dstt and only bought it because it was very cheap , but so far with the kingston it seems ok , i will let you know straight away if i get any freezing , not loading etc.........

    i normally buy r4ds , m3ds simply and m3ds real for friends and family , bought about 30 so far ! most using kingston memory and a few using sandisk ( 1 + 2 gb ) , all have been excellent so far using latest firmwares for each .

    any probs with the dstt and i shall let you know , woof811.

    @jodiebex as always a good idea to keep up with the latest firmwares , ill keep my eyes peeled lol.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2008
  3. Flight66

    Flight66 Member

    May 16, 2004
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    I have to chime in on this one. I have the same problem and I think I found out the solution. The DSTT you have is defective.

    I bought 2 from a vendor and one works fine. When I stick the exact same microSD card into the 2nd DSTT adapter I get the ttmenu.sys error OR it will only play the last working/registered rom no matter which game I choose. And i was able to test this because I have 2 of them. For instance, I played Brain age using the working DSTT and then when I try to use the other DSTT adapter (defective) it will still play Brain age even though i select another rom like mario kart.

  4. parman

    parman Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Hi guys

    got sent a DSTT about 20th Dec 2007, been ok, using 1gb Kingston memory, my daughter wanted the games changed so i used just over 3/4 of the memory and it didnt load from memory, formatted, loaded about 10 roms and all is well again (so far). I have just recieved a r4ds for someone else, by the sounds of things i presume id be better keeping the r4 for myself, what do you think ? Is the r4 far better ?
  5. jodiebex

    jodiebex Guest

    Flight66 - dont think it is faulty DSTT because I had 5 of them to go at and problems with all of them! The website which sent them (ds-memory.net) has now put advise on if having problems.i.e. format to fat 32, leave 25% freespace, etc., but this advise was not available when I was sent them instead of R4's. Found out by trial and error - a lot of trial and error!! Lol
  6. xKeelyx

    xKeelyx Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    EVERYONE I HAVE THE ANSWER after weeks of searching for the answer, i finally have it. I tried downloading the software from www.ndstt.com but that didn't work! And most other sites just timed out!!! but ive finally found a website! it takes about 15 seconds to download! Go on http://www.jorosar.com/ndsgear/usingdstt.shtml click Download NDSTT Startup Pack (ZIP, 1.2 MB), then save to disk. When thats done format you memory card (mines a 2GB SD) to FAT32. Then move the 3 items straight onto you memory card!!! you also move your games to this same page! pleeeeease email me at notallowedhere@aD.co.uk to let me know how you all get on xx
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2008
  7. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    No emails allowed so post edited and removed.
  8. t4sha78

    t4sha78 Member

    Mar 27, 2008
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    I'm having problems loading games onto my ds, i have uploaded the stuff onto my card but when i put it into the de it come up with a red menu screen, someone said i might need to format my micro card, how would i go about doing this, please help as i'm getting annoyed with it now, thanks
  9. lazirus

    lazirus Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Hey guys, I JUST JOINED this site to post this for you. I had the EXACT problem and no one knew what was wrong. It was almost by accident that someone else, who was posting on a forum, mentioned that you should put the roms in an other folder. So after getting sick of that black box error, I reformatted my card to fat16 and put the system files in, (the one main file with the folder) and then a games folder where all my roms and savs are. It works perfect. I believe there was nothing wrong with your DSTT and I have ahd a much better time with my DSTT than my R4DS, which never worked after doing EVERYTHING possible.

    So try this
    Reformat into fat16
    then the folders should be like this
    / (root)
  10. Coronos

    Coronos Member

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Hey guys, I still have a problem with my TTDS.

    Okay, when I first got it, I downloaded the 1.10 Kernel Files straight from the official website (www.ndstt.com) and put on a couple of ROMs that I got from other online sites. I placed my microSD (1gig) into the TTDS cartridge and it worked perfectly.

    The day after, I decided to download more ROMs to put into the microSD. However, when I put a couple of ROMs, I get an Error when I load up the TTDS.

    Solving this problem, I reformatted my microSD, put back the 1.10 Kernel Files, and put in the NEW ROMS that I downloaded, and they load perfectly. After that, I placed all of my OLD ROMs in the microSD, load up TTDS again, and I get an error.

    Now I know what some of you may be thinking. There might not be enough memory in the microSD. This is not the case. Sometimes the TTDS would stop working after placing 2 ROMs, sometimes the TTDS would stop working after 8 ROMs. I place ROMs in one by one and it seems that when I load up the TTDS, it will give an error at a random ROM that was newly placed.

    So my question is if my TTDS, the ROMs, or the microSD card that's the problem. I know that it works perfectly, it's just that after putting a certain number of ROMs, or a certain kind of ROM, it would cease to function. Any help is appreciated.
  11. Mickoz74

    Mickoz74 Active member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    if you have problems with the ndstt software here is the link for the kernel 1.15v its the latest, also by putting the dstt in without the micro SD card and turn on so you get a no card ! icon i found reset something so when i switched it off put the micro SD card in, it loaded the menu instead of going to the nintendo touch screen to contine. for setting up ndstt goto
  12. Mickoz74

    Mickoz74 Active member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    best micro SD cards to use in the DSTT are kingston or ScanDisk 2GB or 4GB it can not handle more than(4096MB=4GB), some people having reported problems with the 1GB card no matter if it has/has not been formatted deal extreme sell them with kingston or ScanDisk Micro SD's only. I have had a few dealings with people i work for sorting out there problems with these cards, also on youtube.com search for DSTT and you will find loads of videos on this topic and about moonshell v1.71 (playing DVD's and MP3's on your nintendo DS)

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