I don't know what to tell you Sithlord. Until you get a hold of some decent DL media to see if that makes a difference, it's hard to know how to proceed. I have a NEC 3500, a BenQ 1655, and a TSSTcorp 652. All burn Ridata (Ritek, Ricoh, some Memorex, Matrix) as well as what all burners love, Verbatim. My NEC loves to burn the Verbatim at 4X although it will burn faster. Will not the drive that did the burning make the layer break change? Is it just a standalone that won't make the change?
sithlord1, have you tried cleaning your drive? Open the tray (do an eject & leave it open) and blow it out with canned air. Also get a CD\DVD cleaner disk and run that in the drive. I didn't think my problem was the drive either, but it now looks like it might have been caused by a dirty/dusty laser lens. Another test you can do is try to scan one of your discs. Remember that these scans are pretty much "eye candy" but it will give you a graph of errors on your disc. Go to Nero Toolbox and select CD\DVD Speed or if you use the Nero Smart Start, go under "Extras" and select "test drive". You will then want to select "Disc Quality" and a scan speed of 8x or 4x. I myself had problems burning the Daxon media.
Hey laddyboy, I just noticed this in sithlord1's last log. First ImgBurn identifies his disc as a DVD-DL: I 13:51:18 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RICOHJPN-D01-02) (Speeds: 2.4x) and then as ReWritable media here: I 20:14:23 Media Type: DVD+RW (Disc ID: RICOHJPN-D00-01) (Speeds: 2.4x) I 20:14:23 Quick Erase: Yes which it is trying to erase before writing to it. Or is the log cut and pasted?
I use Nero don’t like Nero 7 saying that not to keen on Nero 6 but it works for me never used imgburn for dvd burning only used it for xbox game backing up like its been said until you can get your hands on some decent disk’s could go on for ever since you don’t have a lot of space on your hard drive in your log says only 8gig in size I take it your disk is partitioned before you try another back up, scan pc for spy ware spybot search and destroy and use ad-aware personal do a full scan then scan for any viruses I use AVG free edition after all that defrag your hard drive when ready to try another go at doing a disk make sure all back ground running tasks are off i.e. anything down by the clock right click and select close then good luck reason I suggested all that is I remember years ago my burns went tits up when I did all the above my problem went away also the problem with Nero so its been said doesn’t like other burning programs installed so might be worth doing a Nero uninstall use the Nero clean tool then reinstall it and like I said I prefer Nero 6
@hobbit I saw that as well, but isn't that in reference to the verification stage. I doubted it made any difference if it was verification. The log indicated a successful burn which is why I asked if the disk could be played back. It isn't unusual to get verification errors and still have the disk play back correctly. I'm guessing the problem is the media or the combo of media and the burner.
@killalot is not a good version of Nero. Nero is considered the most stable. Package 1: http://httpdl1.usw.nero.com/software/Nero6/Nero- Package 2: http://httpdl1.usw.nero.com/software/Nero6/NVE- or Package 1: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/Nero- Package 2: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/NVE- Good suggestions re the spam/ad busters.
Never let me down yet besides wouldn’t call any version of Nero stable half the time i've just been lucky i quess
Yeah I know, I really should try to get some decent media first. But I'm starting to doubt they have those here at all. Even if they sell them as authentic discs they're probably fake, so it's not that easy. No, it's not just the standalone that would freeze, the DVD drive does as well. So the problem is with the disc, not the player. As I have a brand new drive, it hasn't occurred to me to clean it yet. But I'll try anything that might help burn successfully. Hobbit, I didn't change anything in the log, I copied the complete log for that particular burn and pasted it on here. I know I can't erase a DVD+R, it was dumb to try I know. Never mind that part! Anyway, until I get better media, I'll try scanning for spyware and cleaning my drive. Who knows, it might work for me as well. Is there anybody who tried burning on a notebook?
If you didn't cut and paste your log then something wierd is allowing your program & drive to change it's opinion on what media it has. I also use AVG free edition, adaware & ccleaner (a registry cleaner) on a regular basis. I also recommend that you do virus, adware, and regustry scans. Burning DLs on a laptop is geatly defendent on your drive. If your drive is a Matshita, it's hit or miss. Mine is so variable that I purchased an external burner for my lappy in order to get decent burns.