Need Help with Computer

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by JSRife, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Please dont go off topic and/or hijack threads.
  2. barney149

    barney149 Member

    Jul 1, 2004
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    have you been into the settings on your comcast e-mail account, it may sound stupid but is the font colour set to white?
  3. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    I already checked it out..Everything is set up right, font is black
  4. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    I can write mail through Yahoo, good enough... I can't figure out what the problem is, probably something stupid. I know Comcast my ISP changed and upgraded there email services, probably need to update outlook or something, who knows. Computers seem to have a mind of there own sometimes. So much damn stuff to learn and know...Alright everyone have a good day!!!!
  5. hk2npck

    hk2npck Regular member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    Reformat! It is the cause of and solution to all of life's problems!
  6. Buik

    Buik Regular member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    Try using "Mozilla Firefox" as your browser. It is safer and faster than InterNet Explorer (IE). During set-up, you can import your settings from IE. Go to the link below.

    Also, it helps when we are all speaking the same lingo. Please check out the glossary function. Re-formating a HD is quite a bit different that using the OEM mirror disk & performing a system restore.

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Stretch the cash. Bargain hunting. System is not static.[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2004
  7. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    Yeah reformating does Jack in my case. I reformated like 4 times in the same day still same problem writing email.. I tried before and after updates on everything....And still no luck.
  8. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    Don't need the glossary in this case. I did a full reformat(The Big One) The kind that puts everything back to the way the computer was when I bought it, everything that I have downloaded after the reformat is gone, dust in the wind the only thing that stays on the computer is the stuff the computer came with brand new. I know there are different reformats you can perform, I could reformat my machine to get everything back to the way my computer came from factory and also keep everything the same config wise and keep everything I have downloaded along with that reformat. This isn't the case...When I reformated the machine, I did the full true reformat to where it says " If you continue with this reformat" " You will lose everything you have done on your machine" " And everything will be the way it was when coming from the factory"
  9. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Uh.... minor technicalities aside .. whats the effective difference between a "normal" format and a "full" format? :)
  10. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    I don't know dude, lol......To me a reformat is a reformat, the only thing I do know is the reformat I do puts my computer back exactly to the way it was when I bought it and got it out of the box. I am now using my Comcast mail through Outlook express, seems to be working very well everything works the way it's suppose to work, I can actually write email now :) I got Comcast very stumped on the matter of not being able to write text through the actual Comcast site email on my account, they told me they are going to take it a level further and contact someone who would know what the problem could be and how to fix it, they took my number and are going to get back with me. I will have to wait and see. Everyone I have talked to about this problem is very stumped , I even asked our HP Person who works through my Company at Verzion, this dude works on all our servers and stuff like that, he knows his stuff with Computers very well, he couldn't figure it out either or what it could be. Another HP Personal told me to check my mouse, to make sure the pointer thingy is working properly, I checked that out also, says my mouse is working fine..Well Obviously it isn't my mouse because I can write through Yahoo and Outlook.
  11. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I don't think this is a debate on the definition of reformat or formating.

    JSRife, you said two things that grabed my attention, tell me if I am wrong:
    1. you use Outlook for e-mail
    2. your ISP service provided just did an update.

    What this tells me is that the crap encription of outlook is now not supported by your updated ISP service. You should use Netscape or an other program for your e-mail. Netscape allows for 128bit codes (Preator I am not defining this correctly I don't really know what this means so some one else please define this). But last I knew this is not suported in Outlook. So if your ISP did upgrade, I would switch to a better mail browser software. This might be the problem.
  12. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I think you are referring to 128bit outgoing RSA encryption

    1. Ask the people at Verizon -- they're an ISP -- somebody there should know.
    2. A couple links of interest:;en-us;262003;en-us;307295;en-us;261328
  13. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Thanks Preator, that is exactly what I was trying to talk about. I know the system I have here at work is above 128 and we can't us Outlook as it will not know how to handle it. Also I wouldn't use Outlook at all, most virus are target for it. There are a lot of free Nescape (Mozila) e-mail programs that I would use if I were you.

    Try this and let us know. If you need help with configuation just ask. Hope this solves the issue.
  14. JSRife

    JSRife Guest

    My Comcast email wasn't working properly way before I even used Outlook express.. That's the thing of it.

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