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Need Help with slow PC??!!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by howlling, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Xenokai

    Xenokai Regular member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    if it ran like this when you got it its all prob normal O>o deleteing programs might speed it up but not to much i use that EZ anti virys program it works so its not that hmm i donno lol what exactly do you mean a bit slow? whats it doin? i have a athlon xp3000 and it runs great <sep for the memory error i think caused by sp2!>
  2. howlling

    howlling Guest

    well what I can tell you is that it runs slower than my old pc.Which was an Athlon 800mhz system with less memory. You know programs are slow to load, running more that one aplication causes things to slow down more. Is seems like I could do more with my old system.

    Now just for comparison sake.... my buddy has a P4 2.5ghz, with 512mhz and his runs so much smoother than mine?

    Is there anyway to test the speed of your system? I can try to test mine a compare it to my freinds system and maybe narrow down my options....
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    check your msconfig/startup to see what can be disabled as that can slow down a pc
  4. howlling

    howlling Guest

    I tthink I nix the slow PC issue... Beleive it or not my DVD-ROM was acting up so I replaced it. Once I did that the systems seems to run alot better.

    But I have one more question for you guys... Sometimes when I power on my computer it just hangs before anything boots. I can here the fan kick in but it just sits there. I usually have to disconnect the power cable from the power supply and wait a few seconds, reconnect and then I am fine. I have 250wt (Compaq part# 5187-1098,14A @ 12V) power supply which came with the system. Could it be my problem?

    I checked the watts needed on one of those configurator websites and it says that I need 270wt minimum(add 30wts = 300wts).

    Do you feel this is a serious issue?
  5. gopensgo

    gopensgo Guest


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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2005
  6. howlling

    howlling Guest

    What the heck is this supposed to mean? Hey if there is a MOD out there check the prior post?

    I need real help so anyone with knoledge on power supplies please jump in!!
  7. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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  8. howlling

    howlling Guest

    I kinda figure that. The thing is the computer is in a Micro ATX case, which only Micro ATX power supplies fit into. All the MATX power supplies I have seen don't go any higher than 350 wt.

    I am leaning towards buying a new case (ATX) but I have never really swaped an entire system before...

    Would any one know of any ATX power supplies that are small enough to fit in a MATX??

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