Easy guys, ok id like a little more help please in getting my box to boot a hacked ms dash (simular to origanal) i have a number of hacked dashboards but aint to sure if i can just ftp them over to the ini file on box any ideas???
You dont ftp over to the .ini file. You should probobly dl AID 3.0 and have it install everything for you.
well i have tried with AID but i cant get any other dash to boot other then adonx, XBMC, or evox. i downloaded a few more ms dash skins from AllXBoxSkins.com and burnt them on to a disk along with AID but im lost for how to use them. Gotta say a big thanks to all who have helped me so far cos this box has been hard work, thanks to u also thekingo7. I hope i can use these dashboards.
well if you want the other dashboards to boot as the default you will need to ftp and make one the default dash,that means switch say Evox-to UnleashX you will need to go to E/and delete your evoxdash.xbe and all other files that have to do with evox and then ftp unleashx and all its files to the Same Directory in the xbox,but make sure you do this at once remove Evox and then ftp your otherdashboard directly to the xbox without restarting it...because if you remove your old Dash and restart it you will be hit with a error code 21 probably.
Right this is what iv got for using my hacked dashboards but it dont make much sense to me can you decipher this cos im still confused. the xbx Insert 2 default.xip: Game_hilite01.xbx HALO.xbx <---i use it to test the cube rotation(optional) xboxbg2.xbx xboxbg3.xbx xboxbg3.xbx xboxbg5.xbx xboxbg.xbx insert 2 mainmenu5.xip: xbox4.xbx overwrite outline.xbx on: music2.xip setting3.xip Music_PlayEdit2.xip settings_language.xip settings_timezone.xip insert the xap!!! laymens terms may help. lol.
Glad im not the only one! But i aint gonna use em till i know how to do it the right way. thanks anyway. :->