Nero And XP Service Pack 2

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Alanj72, Aug 22, 2004.

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  1. ascii

    ascii Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I only offered a solution to the person that was not able to burn media whilst using nero 6 and sp2, i suggested to just use nero 5 instead, but i made the mistake of not quoting, so that anyone else reading would be able to see the post i replied to, instead of someone thinking that i was replying to the fact that sp had damaged the operating system.
  2. michigan

    michigan Guest

    That's better
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Glad we got that straightened out. Those little things often cause misunderstandings. It's nice to put names up to make clear who one is responding to. Also in a busy thread, it is nice to quote what you're referring to.

    BTW, that was some good thinking on your part getting the setup to work without a major restore. However the problem is still there and you can't use the upgraded version of Nero due to whatever happened. Don't know if that makes any difference to you. But for many, the upgrades in Nero 6 make it the program they want.

    We're all open for discussion and debate here on the forum. Not clarifying one's statements often leads to disagreements. Even when there are disagreements, there is no reason to get ugly or rude and use bad language.

    [bold]BTW, you may want to do a little more study before dealing with technical aspects of computers and software.[/bold]

    Regards and have a good evening.


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2004
  4. ascii

    ascii Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Did i use bad language like?
  5. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Not just what was said, but the context. I didn't pay attention to what was taken out in your edits. No one was talking down to you except yourself.
    Enjoy the forum and ease up a bit. No one is after you or trying to put you down.


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2004
  6. ascii

    ascii Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I took out only typos in my edits.

    And In any context "who the hell" is not bad language.

    And it is you who needs to do the studying, or at least finish your SATS first before telling me to do some studying.

    For someone that supposedly beta tested dvd shrink, you know nothing about it, otherwise you would not have said that you cannot use nero 5 and use the automated burn process, as i can use the automated process to burn the dvd using nero 5, in particular nero Nero551056.

    Now that may be different if you are using a hacked version of nero then it might not work.
    But then again i own a legal version.

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2004
  7. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Easy there big shot.

    Shrink 3.2 is designed to run with Nero 6 not any of the previous versions. This is a fact. If your version 5 works great for you but I will always suggest Nero 6,
    1st that is what Shrink is designed to work with.
    2nd it is a better more stable version with several bugs fixed.

    Telling someone who has been around here for quite a while (as a senior member he has over 500 posts and they are always infomative and helpfull) that they don't know what they are doing borders on idiocy.

    Telling someone that Beta tested the product they don't know anything about it after YOU came looking for help is just plain stupid.

    I do own a 100% legal version of Nero ultra 6.

    [bold]And In any context "who the hell" is not bad language.[/bold]

    Where are you from? I have two kids one 10 and one 5 and if they were to say that and I heard them, there would be "hell" to pay. Every once and a while we get some "kids" in here and the foul language is not needed.

    I have been around here for quite some time and come back to try and help out others I enjoy helping others get on the right track and fix the problems they have. I try to play peace-maker when things get a little heated and give people the benefit of the doubt. I have never been pissed off enough with someone to tell them this.

    [bold]If you are here to learn and contribute welcome, but you will not recieve any more help from me. I will, from now on ignore you. Good day.[/bold]

    Edited for spelling and unneeded pissed off comments
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]emachines T1862, 1.8ghz, 762 ram, 60gig hdd, 10gig hdd, lite-on multiformat dvd, 1394 IEEE
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2004
  8. ascii

    ascii Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I did not come here to get help i do not need any,I came here to offer it with regards to nero 6 and sp2, and the fact that on 4 other computers nero5 does not have the issue of giving bad burns whilst using service pack 2.
    It does not matter how many posts someone has, if the information of the posts are wrong and inaccurate, "saying the latest version of dvd shrink will only work with nero 6 is the wrong information, saying it will not work with nero 5", is inaccurate also. Whether it was designed to only work with 6 or not, the fact that it does work and someone says it does not work is the wrong info, and not fact. So therefore it should be pointed out that it does indeed work with the latest version of nero 5.

    And hell is no swear word.

  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I believe I clarified what I said quite clearly.

    Don't be suckered into a flaming session. I agreed with you that Nero is a good choice. I belive we explained our point of view and don't need to get things confused any further. This incident has been reported to the mods. Possibly now everyone will cool off and if anyone has anything pertinent to say, go ahead. The thread needs to get back on topic.


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2004
  10. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Your right brobear,

    My appoligies to everyone
  11. Gringle

    Gringle Guest

    Yo Brobear, 'tis a funny ol' thread this one; lots of in'fo fer us proles, tho detached, almost, 'but nere quite'outside the level of "who can piss the farthest"

    Lots of good points made a apiece, and it has been very informative.

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]give instuction to a wise man. Then he will become wiser, give instruction to a fool. Then he will become wiser. It's all about time.. [thet slanty-eyed bloke I used to read][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2004
  12. brobear

    brobear Guest

    One needs to learn how to disagree without getting personal. Raking things and commenting on flamers does no good either. Didn't realize I was getting involved in one of those situations and stopped it as soon as I came back on this evening and saw what was happening. Everyone has a right on the forum, but no one has the right to attack another.

    Unless this thread can get back on topic, it needs to close.


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2004
  13. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I see nothing wrong with the word. I would rather say what the hell? then WTF?

    C'mon now ... most of us are adults here, and the few how young ones who find afterdawn can handle the word "hell"

    Now as far as Shrink and Nero 5 ... ddlooping said he's heard it works and with some it doesn't. So it's good to know Nero 5 can work with Shrink.

    Back on topic .... I installed SP2 on my pc yesterday. Everything works fine. Have tested burining with Nero 6(newest version), CloneDVD2 & XCopy Platinum (advanced mode). Have yet to test with DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink or DVD Rebuilder ... but I don't think I'll have any problems.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Dell 8250, Pentium 4 2.80GHz
    1.5 GB RDRAM, 700GB HD
    NEC 2510A, Sony DDU-1612 DVD-ROM
    XP Pro SP2, ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2004
  14. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I have a review by an IT Engineer. This will give a good picture of what SP2 is all about; so the confusion about what the program does can be dispelled. No problems with recording programs occurred. This is not to say it won't mess with a sytem because it has. That comes from other qualified people. If it was ready for prime time, it would be a Windows Update.

    Here is the SP2 review:
    A good security app, but it can mess up a system. The warning is to backup your system if you choose to try it.


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2004
  15. ascii

    ascii Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    SP2 is already available using Windows Update.

    unless that's not what you mean.

    [Edit] Or rather what the sp2 reviewer means
    [Edit] And if it's available that means it's ready, Well in microsoft speak only.
    So come back to it in 6 months time, you should be safe then.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2004
  16. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I hadn't noticed the recent placement of SP2 in Windows Update. It was being downloaded from other parts of the Microsoft sytem for a while. That's where most people were getting it. More recently they've added it to updates I see now. I hadn't checked the site recently. Glad you pointed it out for those wanting to check it out. I was under the impression they were going to deliver it in segments as needed. As is, it is the one complete download. Guess they figured everyone should have it all. Check this site before downloading and installing. It will supply the info you need before installation.

    As everyone has said, including yourself, one needs to do a good system backup if they are going to load it. As for myself, I have 3rd party programs for security and don't need this download. In fact, with my system, I will probably never download it. The 3rd party programs for me are easier to deal with than a add-on that is both troublesome and sometimes dangerous to some OSs. I built my system the way I want it and I'm not going to tamper with it just because there's something new. I appreciate the people who have tried it out and reported on it. If I was working with a clean format, I might reconsider.

    Ascii, with your superior knowledge of these things, I'm glad you agree on the points of good backup and not jumping into SP2 before knowledgable sources give it better approval. For me, I'll probably wait on Longhorn or something else.

    Also, glad you realize it's an imperfect world.
    As we all know, sometimes it takes even longer and a new product to be rid of the problems. Then we get more problems. The older OSs had their problems and along came XP. The service packs were pretty much plugs to get the system functional with demands being placed on the system. Wonder why I referred to Longhorn? The replacement for XP has been in the works for a long time. Will it have problems? Yes, look for more service packs.

    I'm fairly fluent, if you have a direct question, I usually do a good job with those. I'm glad with your superior wisdom that you decided to come to AD to help us out. You should prove to be a great asset to AD. Now that you've gotten this thread straightened out, you may want to go on an tell the other members where they are going wrong.

    I thought that was what you said; you don't need any help and only came to help us. Curious, are all 5 your computers with SP2 and Nero5?

    Ascii, appreciate your straightening us out. Glad you're here and the rest of us can take a rest now. Glad to have you aboard and have a nice day, stay, and enjoy the forum.


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2004
  17. Ashington

    Ashington Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I notice this thread refers to Nero and XP SP2, Seems a lot of other things are discussed here (and has been interesting reading lol)...

    I've been running SP2 (final) for about 5 weeks now, the most stable GUI OS I've ever seen from Microsoft, it is clear that a complete rewrite of many core components has been undertaken. Max I ever got out of XP was 5 weeks, but this time altho it's only 5 weeks so far, it's going so smooth. And yeah, whoever mentioned the popup blocker, it works REALLY well, and it works in the best way I've ever seen a popup running, good notification, and a key to bypass (ctrl or alt... can't remember which!!!) As for the firewall, Well done m$, a firewall that works, is usable, configurable, yet still with little options that it doesn't put the end user off from using. I also use a hardware modem, but have tested the firewall thoroughly and it works very well.
    I have found information to the effect that some people are having problems with 'download accelerator) type software, be it http or ftp clients, SP1 would allow the software to open as many incoming ports as the software wanted (causing big problems security wise), SP2 has this limited, if you're affected, again ask your software vendor for an update. As for wait 6 months, it has been, SP2 has been out there a while, okay not final, but it was there. SP1 has been out longer, and the flaws and security problems in there make it an OS I would NOT run anymore it's simply to unsafe/unstable. Read up on the fixes to the code in SP2 (there's detailed info if you search), Some of the holes in SP1 are simply huge!

    Ahead software released a compatible version of Nero also 5 weeks ago, so anyone having problems, simply update Nero (or is your dodgy key blacklisted?) It would seem that some of you with 'dodgy serials' can't run your keygens anymore, I wonder why? Did you know SP2 also has code to stop malicous programs running in protected areas of memory? So do the latest processors ;)

    I can't believe that the people with problems didn't think to install Nero5 as a temporary measure, some of you come out with constructive comments, the most constructive I saw on here was a simple on liner a few pages back 'Use Nero 5', okay that doesn't fix Nero 6, but it works until you can buy version 6.

    Indeed before attempting any major update to an OS, or major shift of software elements, it would be wise to perform a backup of the drive, an binary image of the drive is the wisest course of action, Personally, the same as Ascii, I use Norton/Symantec Ghost. it would seem that some on here aren't too up on what this is (tho seem to have their own comments! lol) Basically, it performs a binary write of the raw data on the drive, thus your drive can be returned to it's EXACT binary state, overwriting ALL files, including dodgy config files, or a broken registry.

    I have one client who DOES have problems with Nero 6, The damage seems to have been caused by a System Restore' being performed, really the system needs to now be reinstalled as the OS seems to be running a mix of SP1 and SP2 files, Nero5 however runs flawlessly, as does Shrink (USING NERO 5), DVD decrypter, DVDxpress. As previously mentioned, Ahead HAS an update to Nero 6 that DOES work with SP2, was simply a problem with the flawed 'system restore' of windows in the case I mention here. System restore is a quick/temporary/dirty fix, Ghost is a long term clean fix :D

    Okay, that's My little bit there, Hope I don't get flamed for mentioning that I used Nero 5 on a clients machine, or that I slated system restore, lol

    Did I mention I hate m$ for making such an unstable OS in the first place? SP2 is the most stable thing they've come out with since MSDOS, they didn't write MSDOS, they bought it, wonder who has coded SP2 here... hmmmmmmm


  18. Ashington

    Ashington Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Bah, I can't edit My posts, or can I?

    I notice someone having problems with 'trusted zones' in the windows firewall.. click on the firewall tab, and you'll see all your network adapters (including modem) listed, simply take the tick out of the box for the zone/network device to be trusted (i.e tick is firewall on, no tick firewall off):D
  19. ascii

    ascii Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I should have been a little more specific with what i typed, I have installed sp2 into a computer i own, that has a version of nero 6 on it.

    The installation of sp2 into this computer, was not done as i would normally do this, i just wanted to get a quick idea of what sp2 had to offer.
    So i ran the exe and updated the computer, the version of nero 6 That was installed on this computer, was one of the earlier versions of nero 6.

    I Installed this version of nero 6 sometime ago before updating to SP2, just to see what it was like.

    I soon realised that i did not like it that much, and in particular it could not burn dreamcast backups, it came back with an error telling me that my cd writer did not support that kind of multisession writing, this i knew not to be true. As it was the same cd writer that i used all the time to burn dreamcast game backups.
    Thinking drive my be faulty, i swapped it for another brand new one, nero 6 came back with the same error.
    So i powered up another one of my many computers, this also had a plextor cd writer in it, and opened nero 5 and burnt the dreamcast game with no problems.

    So i uninstalled nero 5 installed nero 6 then tried again.
    As sone as it tried to write the second track in the multi session, it gave the same error, your writer does not support this type of writing.
    So i unistalled nero 6, put nero 5 back in and nero 5 wrote disc as it had done before again with no problems.

    Anyway back to sp2 and nero 6, there is only one of my computers that i have had nero 6 in and sp2, as soon as i knew nero6 and sp2 was a no go, and because i had not at this time slipstreamed sp2 into my xp pro, i just decided to reinstall nero5.
    So when i do get round to installing my xp cd with sp2, i will not be putting nero 6 in, i will still use nero 5 as i have never had an error in nero 5, in over 4,000 burns, with the exception of a power calibration error, which had nothing to do with nero 5.

    All of my computers, have multi booting partitions, and SATA drives in em, so i can store upto 5 seperate operating systems, like 3 version of xp, 2 version of me, or any combination i choose, each one not visible to the operating system in operation, apart for the XP install on one of the sata drives, as that is visible to the operating system, as a local drive(SATA XP) and not hidden.
    So updating reinstalling upto 6*6 operating systems is very time consuming, and as i am expecting another one in november, I may also have to get a bigger house.

    Hope that clears up, how many computers i am running with the combination of nero 6 and SP2.

    [EDIT] Or rather how many computers i own that were running nero 6 and SP2, The other 4 computers are not mine they are "friends", who also just use nero 5 and sp2."i could install nero 6 sp2 to customers computers, as then i would get more money, when they need updating, but i aint like that, so i install nero 5 that came bundled with their writers or with the writer i had built their system up with. None of which have had any problems with this combination.

    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004
  20. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Hmmm.... We love those love / hate relationships, sort of keeps things interesting. Afterall, SP2 is just an update and security patch for XP. Hate the program but love the patch to fix the program I hate. Good one.

    Steve, glad you joined us and added to the thread. LOL

    Nope, no flaming. As long as one presents a point of view there is nothing wrong with that. We all have them. Sometimes through the course of discussing things, we come up with some logical conclusions. One is that you have a misconception about what was being said. Most of us here whole-heartedly agree with what ascii was saying about using Ghost and backing up. Ghost, which is an excellent program in my book, or a similar product is a very good choice for backing up one's drive. Good point made by ascii there. Though you call System Restore a nasty fix, most of the people who have it use it. In fact, most of the people I've heard from say the first thing tech assistance asks when they call in is, "Have you used System Restore?". Me, I'm a proponent of using Ghost, as suggested by ascii, and also using the 'dirty' System Restore when one needs a simple fix that it can do. I'm sure you and ascii don't mind the rest of us that use it, otherwise we would be wasting a lot of time.

    Also, if ascii had mentioned that he was using Nero 5 as a work around for his system with SP2 , instead of just making that quick statement "Use Nero 5", there wouldn't have been the confusion that occurred. The people who use Nero along with DVD Shrink and those who tested it know that Nero 5 was a hit or miss proposition with the program. Note the Mod Flip's comment:
    In case you don't know who ddlooping is, check out DD is one of our foremost experts on Shrink and was instrumental in the last beta testing program that lead to Shrink 3.2. In fact, he hosted the downloads of the beta programs. So, when he says something about Shrink and Nero, you can pretty much bank on it.

    There was a very good point made about availability as well. [bold]Nero 5 is no longer downloaded as a trial from Ahead. Versions of Nero 5 are not readily available for purchase on the retail market.[/bold] You had a copy, but millions of users don't. So, a lot of people would have a problem getting a copy for the 'work around'. But, the workaround with Nero 5 still doesn't solve the problem of getting Nero 6 to work.
    Thanks for putting that info in there. I'm sure the people who don't upgrade their Nero on a regular basis will appreciate the information. My firewall program has an excellent memory and it lets Nero 'call home' to check on availability of upgrades. Nice part of a good firewall and Nero being such a good app.

    Might want to study up on keygens and 'dodgy serials', most people in the security business realize 'dodgy serials' don't run keygens; keygens generate 'dodgy serials' or alter the registry (keygen as in generate key).
    [bold]BTW Steve, someone should have told you, as you didn't learn on your own, people don't have to have those 'dodgy cracks' or bad little keygens with Nero. Nero doesn't have to be pirated.[/bold]
    Anyone can download and use the Nero 6 Free Trial for a 30 day period. The trial expires, but there is no limit on the number of times the trial can be used. A person only needs to download the program again to use it more. Seems Ahead is sure enough of their program, they make it available and then leave it up to people to buy it, millions have. Shrink is free, and Nero can be used for free, so insinuations of piracy are not necessary or part of any problems with Nero (or shouldn't be if we have any pirates reading this). [bold]Don't guess anybody needs to tell you now.[/bold]

    Steve, I'm sorry to see you and ascii disagree so much over the SP2 'plug' for the XP operating system. ascii and others have claimed to have problems with this service pack, so I believe them when they say there is a problem. Are you saying they don't know what they're doing? As an IT expert, you should know that not all systems behave the same; especially ones that are loaded with 3rd party software.

    Me, I'm looking at statements from both sides. There is one group saying they have no problems and another saying their systems messed up following the installation of the new service pack. I believe both sides. I agree with ascii on this one; the SP2 is not the complete fix for XP and it may be a while before all the compatibility problems are worked out. Afterall, the previous Operating Systems have supposedly been an improvement over their predecessors. SP1 was hailed as a panacea, now SP2 is the same. If they don't get the new OS on the market soon, there will be a SP3 for XP.

    If SP2 for XP was the ultimate stable platform, what would be the need for a new OS? (rhetorical question) In the end, my opinion hasn't been swayed. I like my XP Pro, but I like it with the 3rd party software support and security that I put together. Until I see something better, I'm sticking with what I have.

    It's a free world and nobody should jump on anyone for going either way or try to flame them or call them dumb. aascii, several others, and I think it would be a good idea to wait. Steve says SP2 is the most stable patch for XP yet (same OS, another plug). Just from that you can see, there is still a lot of confusion over compatibility issues.

    Most people wondering onto this thread have had the SP2 problems or came to see if they can help. Me, I gave my opinion and tried to help with as much info as I could put in on Nero 6 and Shrink. As I have no direct knowledge of the SP2, I'm afraid I can be of no further help. Steve on the other hand is an IT expert with some experience and obviously has the SP2 situation under control. I hope Ashington stays and answers the questions and helps those having problems with SP2 compatibility. It will be nice having someone knowledgable helping out.

    Welcome to the thread Steve and I hope you see fit to stay and help out. We need someone who can help out and get the members with problems going. I'm sure they would like to get in on that stability you love so much. BTW, nice post you did and very informative. LOL

    Me I'll leave things in your capable hands as I only have my 3rd party software. Guess it's time to move on as I don't have the SP2... LOL


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2004
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