Don't forget it's not necessary to install all of the nero software it allows you to deselect quite a few bits of it's makeup. @ Quickdraw You may be interested at having a look at this,it's called erunt,it works by creating a registry backup on restart the diff is you've come across the chooze another rest point crap that syst restore throws up,this proggy will make the change regardless,the downside is you have to manually remove it's created backup folders to clear hdd space,however you can burn them to rom][/url]
Oh, I have the Dimension ElCheapo 2400. Just 256mb RAM (recently upgraded to 1.2gb) 80G HDD. And ONE lowly CD Drive. Honest.
I am not going to read the whole thread, however the log shows she has a DVD RW and also shes burning (what I consider to be poor quality discs ) at 16X