Nero Vision won't show video as it's transcoding anymore

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by arridian, Sep 6, 2022.

  1. arridian

    arridian Member

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    Sorry for the misunderstanding. Here is the link for the video:

    I set a restore point and installed Nero overtop of the other installation and restarted. No change.
  2. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    Thanks. I got it and will look at it later.

    Did you happen to see which version of C++ it loaded? Is the contents of the Nero 11 folder the same as before?

    I said I was rusty and I now remember where to check your serial number-

    run regedit

    go here- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Nero\Shared\NL11

    You should see your serial number- what are the first 4 characters?
  3. arridian

    arridian Member

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    No, it didn't say which C++ loaded. Contents of folder are the same.

    First 4 characters are 9004
  4. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    That's for v11. I just don't understand why you're not getting the basics such as the Welcome Application and the Nero Control Center. I would guess that even an OEM version would have those.

    I tried the video and it works during transcoding. I have v11 Platinum. Is this the only mp4 that does this?

    Most of the Nero programs prior to v2016 that process video require DirectX 9. I think Win 10 has DirectX 12. I wonder if you would go here-

    Follow the instructions for how to install it in Win 11, 10, etc. To install the .sdk make sure you right click on it and select "run as administrator." Reboot when done.

    Does the transcoding work?

    If not, other than perhaps looking at .net framework, I'm not competent enough to understand the incompatibilities between v11 and Win 10. As far as I know, Nero is no longer supporting these older versions and haven't ever supported OEM versions.
  5. arridian

    arridian Member

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    Nero keeps doing the same thing no matter which mp4 I use.
    Installed the DirectX. No change.
  6. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    Not trying to avoid pursuing a technical cause of your problem but, the problem may be that Nero has to pay a licensing fee for each copy of Nero software it sells that handles mpg-4. I'm don't know for fact but it may be because most mpg-4 uses the AVC codec, which requires licensing. That is passed onto the customer who pays for the software as part of the price. The file you gave me uses AVC for the video. If you have an OEM version, the OEM may have opted out of allowing the use of that codec since the software is free. It may also be that you have a trial version for which the license time is limited. Due to my rusty memory, I can't remember if the use of mpg-4 is even allowed in any of the latter two situations. It's confusing because your version is allowing your to import mpg-4.

    Open Make Movie or Slide Show. Import a mp4 and add it to the timeline. At the bottom of the page, click on Export. When it asks if you want to save your project, say no. When it gets to the export screen, make sure Export to File is selected. In the lower right on the screen, click on the down arrow next to Format. Is MP4, AVC, or AVCHD formats allowed?

    Does this problem occur when using .wmv?

    Also, would you look at Programs and Features and report which versions of Microsoft .net framework are installed?
  7. arridian

    arridian Member

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    When I went to make movie or slide show, (I tried a different mp4) I could see the video and could play it without a problem. I looked in allowable formats, and mp4, avc and avchd formats were all allowed. while exporting to wmv, I couldn't see any video at all, just the same as if I was transcoding to DVD. I played the resulting .wmv and it played fine.

    The following Microsoft .net frameworks are installed: v2.0.050727, v3.0 and v4.0.30319
  8. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    Nice job. What I wanted you to do is to import a .wmv and burn it as DVD-Video, the same as with a mpg-4, to see if anything showed up during the transcoding.
  9. arridian

    arridian Member

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    Oh. Whoops! Sorry about that lol
    I just tried a wmv file and still no change.
  10. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    Would you try a project without a menu? You can select "do not create a menu" in the Menus to use section of the Menu editing screen. Also, when you leave the Menu editing screen, does the video play correctly in the next screen?

    Also, open the Nero Vision folder in File Explorer and provide a screen shot of it's contents.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
  11. arridian

    arridian Member

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    After the menu editing screen, all I hear is the audio, no picture. I attempted to transcode w/o a menu and got the same problem.

    Here is the Nero Vision folder. There's a lot in it, so let me know if you want the rest of it screencapped. nerofolder1.
  12. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    I don't know if we'll solve the problem but, I have to say, you're a joy to work with and it's much appreciated. So many times myself or others would ask the person with a problem to do something and end up with no response and an unfinished thread, not knowing if the problem was solved.

    Now we know that the problem isn't the menu and it exists before getting to the transcoding operation. Of course, we have to chase a little further. When you select DVD-Video in the Nero Video opening screen, the next screen is called the Content screen. Import the emustation video into the Content screen. Does it play correctly there? If so, go to the Menu Editing screen and use whatever menu template that comes up. Click on Customize. In the top left of the options shown, select Advanced. Select Disk/Project. Select Check Project. Does it say everything is okay?

    Also, would you make screenshot (s) of the Nero Vision folder that provide all the rest of the files in that folder and attach them here? It might be helpful to select View, List in File Explorer.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
  13. arridian

    arridian Member

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    On the content screen, when I click play, it just plays the audio, no video. Also here are the screen shots of the Nero Vision folder:

    Thanks again for your patience.
    nerofolder1. nerofolder2. nerofolder3.
  14. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    Ok. What about on the Timeline in the editing screen?

    Did you ever install the QuickTime Player?

    Do the DVD's you burn from Nero Video play correctly?

    I'll look at the files later. I've got several jobs to do around the house and started one yesterday. Hope to almost finish it today. ;)
  15. arridian

    arridian Member

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    When I go to make a DVD, there is a thumbnail in the upper right-hand corner. I will enclose a screen shot. No, I didn't get a chance to install QuickTime. Will do it today.

    Yes, every DVD I create works. Just doesn't display video while transcoding.
  16. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    Simply click on the icon and it will open in the screen. It should play (let me know). If you imported more than one video, you would click on the icon for one or the other. You can select both of them using standard windows procedures and then click on the Join. If joined, they are one title. If you don't join them, they're separate titles. There is a limit of 99 titles on a DVD-Video disc. I'm still really rusty from not routinely using the software on a daily basis when the forums and community were open.

    I haven't looked at the files yet because I spent so much time on that project I mentioned (and didn't finish, although the hard part is over) and another little one. I got maybe 20 minutes left tonight and might start looking.
  17. arridian

    arridian Member

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    Hi, thanks for keeping up with me. I double clicked the thumbnail (same as the last screenshot) and heard the audio, but no sign of the video.
  18. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    I assume you had installed the Quicktime Player before trying that. Open QP and don't associate all the files it's capable of with it. Click on File\Open and open the emustration file. Does it play correctly?

    Open the Control Panel and select Default Programs. In Set Default Programs, check for Nero Vision. If present, click on it. In the next screen, choose "Set this programs as default." When it is finished, close and then reboot. Try playing the emustration file in the Content screen.

    In looking at your file, I notice there is one folder and another file missing. These are used to register your installation online and to keep track of that and other things. I'm guessing that your copy may be a hacked version. If so, it may also have a pirated serial number. You might ask the person that you bought the system from how/where he got this version. Would be interesting to know.

    In the Nero Vision folder, open the PTT folder. Please provide a screenshot. Also, open the "plugins" folder within that PTT folder and provide a screenshot of that.
  19. arridian

    arridian Member

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    I tried that video in Quicktime unassociated and it played without a problem.
    I looked in Set Default Programs, and Nero wasn't listed anywhere.
    Hmm, I'd have to look on Facebook to see if I still have his contact info. I hope it's not pirated as that would indeed suck. Here is the shot of the PTT folder: upload_2022-9-19_21-46-25.
  20. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

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    Right click on NeroVision.exe in the Nero Vision folder and select Send to............. Send it to your desktop. Go back to the default programs to see if it is now shown. Note that in the screen, there is a button above the word Programs which allows you to see more programs.

    If the above doesn't work, go to Default Programs and select "Associate a file type......................"
    Scroll down to .mp4 and click on it. If it's not associated with Nero, click on "Change program." If Nero Vision isn't in the suggested programs, look in Other Programs. Hopefully, it will be there and you can select it. If it's still not there, browse to the NeroVision.exe in the Nero Vision folder and add it to associate it with the .mp4. Do the same thing with mpeg. Then try the file in the Content screen.

    I have to go cut the grass so I'll comment on the pirated thing later.

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