Have you checked to make sure NMBgMonitor is actually disabled? It's pretty easy to accidentally re-enable the darn thing. Otherwise other than uninstalling Nero Essentials I don't have any more suggestions.
Just wanted to say thank you, this worked a treat, just so you know I joined these forums just to say thank you
You're very welcome, primefalc. Welcome to Afterdawn. There's lots of good information and expertise available in the forums so stick around and explore.
Just skimming thru topics.. i have a question about NBGMonitor what is it? background monitor? Whats the point? Besides using up visions memory? at least on my pc .. i always have to close it from task manager, that and Neroindexing services, and some other nero indexing store or somthing
I do not know what nbgmonitor's exact purpose is or what it monitors. Nero Scout is an indexer/database so if you have that running, you'll see more indexing processes than otherwise. Nero is bloaty and gets worse all the time imho.
I too joined the website/forum to say a big Thank You Laddyboy! The fix worked like a charm. Have a great day!