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Nintendo DS vs. Sony PSP

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by NeoLance, Dec 30, 2004.

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  1. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Im not even going to bother.

  2. dualux

    dualux Guest

    lol, good call Del
  3. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I'm 32 and play games every day. Is there something wrong with that?

    Actually it's parents, high schoolers and adults that buy the majority of games.

    By who's definition?

    That's a bit harsh don't you think? So what if they trade theirs in? It's their decision isn't it?

    I'm not trying to pick on you personally it's just that things aren't always so simple or one sided ;)
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2005
  4. dsrocks

    dsrocks Member

    Jan 28, 2005
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    nice one Nephilim, i guess nitnendo's objective is for all ages to enjoy gaming. i truly enjoy nuintendo games, and i personally think the gamecube is just as good as the x-box. seems like, some other stupid people don't get that. i think sony just wants the money since they already know they rule with the PS2 but handhelds will always be nintendo's lead. and making the PSP's games is no challenge, no wonder most game developers want to create games for the DS. :p there will be more upcoming games for the DS like final fantasy and dynasty warriors which i'm sure will be a big hit. DSs games are simply better ;)

  5. Gnomey

    Gnomey Member

    Feb 20, 2005
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    Alright I don't have time to read the entire thread so I don't know if this was said before... BUT anyway here it goes.

    All of you DS fans said something about a touch screen... What's the point of a touch screen? I mean... what's so great about it? Yeah it's cool you can touch it and see a little wobbly blip thing when you poke at it but this could only amuse me for so long. Programmers will get lazy and just make it for something stupid like a menu or a map or something (this part has been said).

    The touch screen is just a gimmick from Nintendo to get you to buy it... and it seems to be working. Honestly how many of you just bought the DS because you wanted to poke the screen?

    This is just my opinion but I think I got a point here. Flame me if you want I don't care.
  6. Alik4041

    Alik4041 Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    If anyone wants a psp for free just go here
    All you have to do is join, complete an online offer, and refer 5 friends to do the same.
    Thats how i got my ipod and DS. I wanna try the psp
    to see if its better than the DS.
  7. Alik4041

    Alik4041 Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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  8. malcdogg

    malcdogg Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Here's my thoughts. Although at the time of their release i was a bigger fan of Playstation then N64, i think i'd rather have a DS. My reason being that i don't ever really play handheld games and when i do it's not for long. So i'd prefer simpler games that aren't as indepth such as Nintendo titles.
  9. dualux

    dualux Guest

    "Alright I don't have time to read the entire thread so I don't know if this was said before... BUT anyway here it goes.

    All of you DS fans said something about a touch screen... What's the point of a touch screen? I mean... what's so great about it? Yeah it's cool you can touch it and see a little wobbly blip thing when you poke at it but this could only amuse me for so long. Programmers will get lazy and just make it for something stupid like a menu or a map or something (this part has been said).

    The touch screen is just a gimmick from Nintendo to get you to buy it... and it seems to be working. Honestly how many of you just bought the DS because you wanted to poke the screen?

    This is just my opinion but I think I got a point here. Flame me if you want I don't care."


    Well, have you tried to use the screen? I admit it does seem gimmicky at first. but once you try it and you get use to using, you can't imagine playing with out it. It is way more precise than an analogue stick, allows for faster turn around, and allows the game maker to set up the screen with more buttons if needed (Metroid has quick access buttons on the screen to choose weapons and morph ball). It also is going to open the system up for a whole new realm of games that would be impossible (or annoying) to play with a stick or the d-pad.

    I didn't buy it for the two screens or one touch screen, I bought it because it is nintendo and nintendo is the only company I really respect in this war.

    --not flaming just enlightening.
  10. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

    I agree with all the ds fans i have one with super mario 64 ds it is heaps cool its like super mario 64 only better. In the mini games you always use the touch screen so dont say its just for maps and menus coz it aint.
  11. Gnomey

    Gnomey Member

    Feb 20, 2005
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    Point taken. I have tried the screen and it seemed pretty worthless. Then again all I used it for was a Super Mario game for DS I don't remember exactly what it was called. Anyways I just got my PSP and I love it. DS Is next when I save up some money.
  12. dualux

    dualux Guest

    cool, I still haven't had the chance to play around with the psp, but the graphics look good.
  13. doubledee

    doubledee Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    I have a ds and i have no complaints. I have had it for a couple of months now and it is great. The only thing that i dont like is that there are not that many games for it now. But soon there will be bundles of games for it. It is a lot cheaper than the psp and there isnt any ad-ons. The psp also has bad battery life because it does so many things at once. I read a erview on it and it said since it is a disk it takes up a lot of battery life and it takes a while for games to load. DS takes no time to load and you get good battery life. The touch screen is great for talking to people through wireless chatrooms (which psp doesnt have). Overall I think that the ds is better. The psp cost too much money and all it is is a ps2 with over priced game that are smaller. BUY THE DS!!
  14. doubledee

    doubledee Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    The touch screen is also great for som egames like mario 64 ds because if you have to sneak around something u can easily and you can run really fast. It is not gimmicky at all just fun.
  15. nkatong

    nkatong Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    In my opinion PSP is much cooler than DS. Better Looking and Even Better Games. Can You Play MP3 in Your DS? Or Even Watch Movies. No You Can't! DS is out for a While now and there's only a lil bit of games that you can choose to play with.
  16. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

    Sony trys to take your money more than nintendo sony only put a dvd plyer in the psp so they can make more money from you by buying dvds. Buy a portable dvd player watch the movies you already have and listen to music then buy a ds.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2005
  17. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    NKATONG, I am a PSP supporter but you should know that there are plans to have the DS play videos. I do not know if it will be stored on memory or media. However the frame rate will be about 15FPS slower than PSP and a lower Khz for the sound. The image will also be less since the number of colors is lower and res is lower. I have yet to see any plans to make DS play MP3 but it could happen. Just a little FYI.

  18. jwill247

    jwill247 Guest

    I see what your saying people that go with DS.. I like the DS myself, but I got a PSP ever since the first day.. anyways yeah it is $100 more than the DS, if u look at it in a good way u see that there is better graphics, UMD movies to watch (good quality as a DVD player) Wireless playing is a long distance (DS: 15-30ft. PSP: about 150 ft) and you can get online with a PSP if you get the USB cable for it (Required Computer and Hi speed internet i think). Another thing, Im gettin a little tired of ppl saying that u have to buy the bundle packages which the highest is about $500 all together. I didnt get a package, I just baught a PSP for $250 and a couple games and I was satisfied cuz it came with what I needed (headphones, Cover, cloth, Spiderman 2, and a Memory stick, battery and charger) Battery life (DS: 6 or 6.5 hours (not sure), but PSP: 4 1/2 hours) so what. Since when do you play a game for 4 1/2 hours straight up. When I play for about 3 hours I hook up the charger cuz im not moving. DS is about to come out with a bundle of games which is good, but PSP has got about 10 games out already and still makin more awesome ones. Yes I played a DS before and it has 2 screens and one is a touch screen. The only problem is that most people find it hard to use the touch screen while playin and PSP has a bigger screen. Im not dissin the DS or anything, Im jus sayin that I honestlly think that the PSP would make a better system with more reasons than a DS. I played DS and it was fun, but I still think PSP is better.
  19. dualux

    dualux Guest

    "Wireless playing is a long distance (DS: 15-30ft. PSP: about 150 ft)"
    -- DS range is 30-100ft ( I have tested this) PSP is said to max out at about 110 ft. So not that much difference...
    PSP: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A48974-2005Mar19.html?nav=rss_technology (paragraph 9)

    " and you can get online with a PSP."
    -- This will be available for DS soon, it was actually announced in May 2004.
    http://www.nintendo.com/newsarticle?articleid=06322b83-7618-4535-8f52-d880497e5942 (paragraph 3)

    "I have yet to see any plans to make DS play MP3 but it could happen."
    -- There is already an option for mp3 playback, it actually came out a while back for the GBA, play mp3's off of a SD card.

    "you should know that there are plans to have the DS play video"
    --Video should be a sure thing, they did have video also for gameboy advance, unfortunately it took the form of saturday morning cartoons, but like I have said before, I didn't buy a video game console for watching movies.

    I need to get my hands on a PSP so I can give it a go, but they don't seem to be putting demos out in stores, which is strange.
  20. RIZZOMI6

    RIZZOMI6 Guest

    Hi guys
    The ds is only for kids 10-teens or mayb on if u like it and the psp is teens to adults i would go on 4 the psp because the games on the ds are for young people and the games for the psp are more fun

    lol [bold]MY OPPINION[/bold]
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2005
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