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Nintendo DS vs. Sony PSP

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by NeoLance, Dec 30, 2004.

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  1. nikky

    nikky Member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    Well For me I like both systems. Ill probably get the DS though. Cause its much cheaper then the PSP. (Im 19 btw) My older sis on the other hand is drooling over the PSP.

    Anyways heres a list of pros and cons of both handhelds:

    PSP PROS: Beautiful drool worthy screen, nice design, an all in one entertainment device (plays dvds and mp3s and displays picts), online capabilities, anolog stick, Powerful graphics, displays millions of colours, will have some great games (100 games are in development) Might be able to brows the web shortly.

    PSP CONS: Fragile device, easy to break, gets easily smudged by finger prints, The problem with dead pixels (reports of disks popping out). Anolog stick has been labeled as not that great and uncomfortable after long periods of play. Sony has a reputation for producing faulty products. Screen is not protected like the DS, Have to pay more for a memory stick and UMDs which is a nuisance as the handheld is expensive enough, games are pricey, long loading times, sound not great accept when using headphones. Battery life not great (3 to 4 hours)

    DS PROS: Nintendo known for durable products, Screen is protected, dont have to worry as much if you drop the DS, short loading times, will have some great games (games from square enix as well as zelda, mario, mario cart etc) over 100 games in development. Games a bit cheaper then PSP, long battery life (around 10 hours). Great sound, touch screen (can be seen as a gimmic), 2 screens (great for RPGs), Pictochat, has an alarm clock. Palm abilities may come out in the future. Online capababilities which are said to be free (dont know if PSPs will be free, they probably will).

    DS CONS: Not on par graphic wise with the PSP, some see two screens not as great as one. Slow trickle of games out right now, Seen as bulky and not as pretty as PSP, No anolog stick (though touch screen is "supposed" to make up for this). Doesnt have all in one media functions like video or Mp3's -you can buy an add on but itl be more pricey and still wont be on par graphic wise with the PSP. Might not be comfortable to hold for long periods of time (aka: using the touchscreen with one hand and holding it with the other).

    And that is my analysis of both handhelds. Neither are perfect. And there is the fact that the Game Boy Evolution is supposed to come out sometime soon. This makes some DS owners worry. This new handheld may beat the PSP if it comes out, or maybe not. That is still left to be seen. I guess till E3 in May when we get to see the handhelds in a more indepth way.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2005
  2. davidleal

    davidleal Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    i think you covered everything in ur analysis nikki i used to think that the psp was etter but with all of the cons that you listed i'm starting to think that the prce point of the PSP is a little too much for the little that you recieve for your money. I know alot of people may see nintendo as being a company that goes for the younger consumers but i do think that they have finally came out with a good product. I used to think that all of nintendo's products were garbage and i never thought once about buying the gamecube or anything else that they came out with but i do think that they have hit the jackpot with the DS if they can come out with add ons that will give much more freedom and a more enjoyable experience then you would with the PSP i think that right now it is almost impossible to figure out which one is better, the only way to tell is in the near future when the DS comes out with more games that hopefully reach out to a older audience and cme out with better add ons and things like that. The PSP does have better graphics and all that but i have found out recently that even though the DS's games are for a smaller audience they are more enjoytable to play and you can have more fun with thm even without having amazing graphics. I dunno but that's my opinion.
  3. doubledee

    doubledee Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    I agree with you Davidleel. Even now they are coming out with more adult games like Dynasty warroriors. Ant they are going to come out with Grend Theft Auto. They have to because they came out with one for the Game Boy Advance. Graphics arent everything. When the game system is good in everything else than it is better. I have a couple games for my ds and mario 64 ds and Asfault Urban gt both have really good graphics. Basicly the psp is an overpriced PS2. PLus who would want to watch a DVD on a 4 inch screen, sorry but that doesnt work for me, i am sticking to DVD players. Plus i travel a lot so i like good battery life.

    This is just my opinion
  4. doubledee

    doubledee Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    I am 14 btw and I love the DS
  5. dsrocks

    dsrocks Member

    Jan 28, 2005
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    nice comment from both from the three of you. the PSP thinks they already rule the handheld wars but the truth is nintendo ds sold plentier than the PSP. th games of the DS are for all ages even for ages of 5. they'll be releasing final fantasy and dynasty warriors as you said. and i think it'll be a great feature especially with the touch screen, ^_^. i just love it how the stylus interacts with the touch screen, it's so cool. while for the PSP, sony just added a DVD player and a mp3 player just because they're already goos at those stuff. but apple(creators of the ipod) already beat them on that so now they're relying on the PSP which i'm sure will not be as hit as the DS. Ü rock on!
  6. jimtsp

    jimtsp Member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    I was playing my PSP and found out that you can shut it off while playing a game and go do something, and when you come back and turn it on it will start up where you left off which kicks arse. There is also a program out already that lets you shrink DVD's down so you can put them on a memory stick and play them on your PSP. One of my friends have already done this with some DVD's.

    RIZZOMI6 Guest



  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    @ RIZZOMI6

    Let's lay off the all caps shall we?
  9. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    LOL!!! That's not the only thing about that caps comment Neph!!

  10. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I noticed it too. If PSP's do that I'd be careful where you point it.
  11. davidleal

    davidleal Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    nice point by doubledee, and i dont want to sound like i am all for the DS cause im still undecide but i dont think that i would want to waste 20 or 50 (not sure what they price the movies at) dollars on a movie that i am only going to be able to wacth on a small screen and that can only be played on the small screen i was thinkning about something the other day how everyone was saying that the DS's touch screen was a gimmick at first i thought t was because i didn't give the DS enough time to prove that it was useful but now i am starting to think that the DVD's that can be played on the psp are starting to become just anotherr stupid thing that they added on there to get more people to get their product unless you put rip them from a ares or kazaa and oput them on a memory stck but there;s another problem the memry stick that they give you is only a 32mb stick my friend used it and he only got 7 songs and 1 picture onto that thing, which means if you really want to use it for listening to music without having to keep switching the songs that you have on there every toher day your going to have to spend another $50 to buy a bigger memory stick, all in all im starting to think that the PSP is too much money altogether it will probably cost tghe consumer $500 (canadien lol) to buy everything that you need on the other hand with the DS lower start price and you can buy add ons with the features that the psp has right now but at a cheaper price AND because of the low start price if you really wanted to you could stock up on games instead of wasting money on a larger stick and all of the other stuff that you need for the DS once again that's just my opinion.
  12. davidleal

    davidleal Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    oh eyh and just one more thing with the battery life set at only around 3 hours if you watch a movie you wont be able to play one of your games for that long without having to charge it up again. lol sry for talking so much but i just want to et my two cents in on this topic :D
  13. l34merik

    l34merik Regular member

    Jul 27, 2004
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    Well, I like both of them. The PSP looks great and has good graphics but it still can't match the PS2. PS2 is easier with multiplayer because you only need a controller per person. PS2 games cost the same as the PSP games. It doesn't matter if the PSP can have good graphics if the games that are made for it doesn't have good graphics. PS2 can support DVDs around 8.5gb while the PSP can only have that other disc that are only 1.8. If the games on PSP have good graphics then you could expect it to be short. Well just my two cents
  14. jwill247

    jwill247 Guest

    Now the DS is good but it isnt great.. (BTW PSP came out in US, speakin to UK's)I mean yeah the games are cheaper but not much and the touch screen is hard to use.. Who ever said the dead pixel thing, I dont get what ur saying and the disc never pop out cuz Ive had mine since the first day it came. And I think the sound quality is good on whoever said that it wasnt.. Yeah It kinda stinks about the whole memory stick, but honestlly who is gonna by 50 games to take up a whole 32 MB memory stick.Yeah I appreciate the UMD movies, and I have no problem with it cuz I dont think the screen is too small and I like the fact that it is a widescreen. Yeah its a fragile but ive dropped mine a couple times and it hasnt broken. But ne ways back to the DVD,I think sony made to where UMD's could play movies so people wouldnt have to go out and buy a decent Portable DVD player for at least $300 - $400.. BTW some of these games you would consider "adult" arent adult, their rated Teen except for GTA.. Ive had my PSP w/ no complaints and I love playing it. Graphics are great, games are fun, still making lots of games.. Well I only have one complaint to be honest, and you guys havnt said this yet, and that is The games load on PSP, and the only game I have that takes a lil while to load is NFL Street 2, besides that I dont have any problems.. If I save up some money I'll buy myself a DS so I can have both!:] BTW, If your a person who is in love with the DS and is dissin the PSP, I wanna ask just to try a PSP and come back a say stuff bout it
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2005
  15. jwill247

    jwill247 Guest

    LoL.. Guess what I did.. The first day I got my PSP, I had a friend over who cant stand PS stuff or sony because he is a strong Nintendo person, and he was a lil angry I got a PSP. He plays a couple game for my PSP and he falls in love with it. And he really thought the Spider Man 2 movie had some really good quality. He wants to save up his money so much so he can get one. He says he is gonna sell his GC and all of his games to EB games to get one. It's gonna be so awesome because were goin to the Bahamas and on the way all we are doin is playin wireless against each other with our PSP's!!!
  16. jwill247

    jwill247 Guest

    O yeah, the battery life is actually 4 1/2 hours for the PSP, srry man...BTW if you have trouble with it, then why dont u charge while ur playin??
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2005
  17. davidleal

    davidleal Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    tru sry but what does BTW mean??
  18. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    BTW=By the way

  19. davidleal

    davidleal Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    thanks 'ppreciate it
  20. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    No problem...!

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