i'd tell them to kiss my rosey red ass! a few years ago direcTV sent out tons of these letters saying all kinds of garbage about how they were going to sue all these people for stealing their service. they got their names from a website in canada that got shut down and had to give up their records of people that bought certain equipment. these letters they sent were more or less mild versions of extortion and they had no proof whatsoever that anyone was stealing anything. a few people i work with got them because they bought card programmers from the candian website. well just because they bought the programmers it doesn't mean they were stealing direcTV. these guys are electronics engineers, they tinker with gadgets all the time. but thats not really the point, there's no way at all direcTV could prove these guys didn't buy the programmers simply because they thought they looked good sitting on a shelf! hell i could buy programmers and use them as xmas ornaments if i wanted too! they probably got your IP from a torrent or something and are just hoping you'll cave in and send them money. just say you had your AIM or yahoo messenger set to auto accept from everyone and someone was sending it to you without you knowing about it and once you saw it you cancelled and deleted whatever it was. they have to actually prove you willfully sought out and downloaded something and that takes a hell of alot more work than i bet they are wanting to put into it. i'd email them and simply say "prove it!"
I would contact EFF.org and see what they say. Electronic Frontier Foundation 454 Shotwell Street San Francisco CA 94110-1914 USA Phone: +1 415 436 9333 Fax: +1 415 436 9993 Email Addresses: membership@eff.org For membership, donation, corporate giving or matching gifts information press@eff.org For media inquiries webmaster@eff.org For website problems or suggestions information@eff.org For questions, requests, or misc. queries