Official PS3 vs. Xbox 360 vs. N. Revolution

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by solargame, May 12, 2005.

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  1. Grunt14

    Grunt14 Member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Bout the bluetooth issue,

    Lets think a bit more logically bout this, why in hell would ps3 spend so much money on technology that won't work properly jus to fool a couple of newbie's into buying it. Don't you think that makes no sense? Don't you think they might have tested it?

    As for Zinn, If you knew what you were talking bout you would stick to your original story and not change it all the time or paste hear-say and quote as your own, only to change it when you find out otherwise.

    Thats what i think anyway( anyone no how to copy dvd's?)
  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    There are plenty of good guides to get you started.
  3. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    X360 ROX...PS3 and N revolution are LAME!!!

  4. WVengence

    WVengence Member

    May 21, 2005
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    Just so I'm clear, here, velascoj2... Your saying that the Killzone video looked better than the Gears of War Demo???? Of course it did. It's a video... Final Fantasy: Spirits Within looked better too and hey, that's several years old.

    The RSX chip probably has 8 vertex shaders. The G70 chip it is based on has 16 standard pipes and 8 Vertex.

    As for the Doom3 engine... I thought everyone in the development community believes the Unreal 3 engine to be the best engine around.
  5. velascoj2

    velascoj2 Member

    May 22, 2005
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    True that engine its the best at the moment, but based on current PC technology video cards. There are probably developers that are developing games optimized to show the new hardware capabilities of the new up and coming video cards that on the Xbox 360 and PS3 are based on. That’s why the new evolving engines will most likely surface on the new xbox and ps3 as well. However due to the late shipment of development kits and the amount of time that takes to create new libraries to optimizes a game engine, using the engines at the moment is a good move for new systems since those engines a far more evolved than current Xbox a ps2, gamecube. It true that pipelines are very important but will not decide the ultimately deciding the finish graphical achievement on a game. Every system has some kind of short coming that rival competitor has an advantage and vice versa. But depending on the artistry of the development teams on their particular software they can find ways to go around bottleneck problems from a standard way of programming.

    I personally believe that killzone could be handled by both the 360 and the ps3. Gears of war realistically speaking its not that far behind than kill zone regardless of fan boys trying to defend their systems saying” that Killzone destroys Gears of war( graphically), well not so, they rather very close.( I was always more of a Sega fan but oh well). True that killzone was made as a cgi, and in real game mechanics most likely the camera will not behave as the demo shown. However that's not the issue. Sony is aware that when people see that demo, that’s what the consumer expects to see in a real game environment. That leading Sony to reveal the audience all the specifications of the system to re assured them that the console has the ability to handle what has been shown. They are also aware that savvy people are dissecting all the info given in order to use the knowledge to prove or disprove their information. The must be aware that if the system can not deliver such performance when released, will create huge scrutiny to them, and now even more since the xbox is starting gather momentum and increasing more market share in the US at least. Ultimately leading me to think that although it was indeed a cgi movie, the graphical shown on the demos could be handle by the ps3 and probably the xbox 360 as well. As far pricing goes, my guess is that Sony can not afford to loose money for the hardware due to financial situations( But I'm not as familiar with their financial difficulties). However Microsoft can handle the loss for each system due to the higher capital than Sony, as far I know

    Other 2 cents
  6. WVengence

    WVengence Member

    May 21, 2005
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    "They are also aware that savvy people are dissecting all the info given in order to use the knowledge to prove or disprove their information... Ultimately leading me to think that although it was indeed a cgi movie, the graphical shown on the demos could be handle by the ps3"

    You do realize that Sony did EXACTLY that for the PS2, don't you? Making claims like "the PS2 will be the hub of your media center" or "capable of Toy Story like graphics"... Don't know about you, but the only Toy Story graphics I saw on the PS2 was when I watched the movie...
  7. velascoj2

    velascoj2 Member

    May 22, 2005
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    That’s very funny actually. I'm not a playstation fan at all however I do like hardware and the evolution of technology. Most of my comments come from carefully viewing the difference in ratio from the current hardware capabilities and the next top end hardware theory ( since we have not tested the new platforms). Also all based on natural evolution on graphical benchmarks. Yes I’m aware of the stats of ps2 they fucked on their system video ram even when compared to Dreamcast which had more video ram that making the texture look cleaner ( but that was just one of the issues). But not to get side track, based on specs though there is a difference from the ps2 and ps3 when it comes to evolution from ps1 to ps2. Granted whether it can handle the level of the cgi remains to be seen, Both Xbox 360 and ps3 should be close with proper and smart programming achieve same or at least close to it ( but we can tell until we see in real game demos what the very best will be) Its to early to approve or disprove anything because We are not that familiar with the techno improvements made by ATI and nvidia. Nvidia slightly looses to the 850 game wise but ATI looses miserably on workstation cad operation of the Quadros. Both Card manufactures have a lot at stake because with such deals with Sony and Microsoft their revenue is an attractive thing. Not to mention dominance on graphical prowess awareness that can help sell the home pc card versions and their follow updates. On a Killzone note, I have to admit the sheer amount of polygons used puts in a question mark for the system or any system to handle. At this point all we can do is theorize based on current tech and making comparisons . Last thought Xbox graphical evolution has been outstanding vs. the original releases, first halo, not to offend anyone but it the textures looked rather low with horrid frame drops ( specially when at the time gamecube released Starwars rouge squadron boasting more constant frame rate and better texture for a marginally lower spec system). And now more titles with constant frame rate and better use of the real power of the system. We shall see the true power of this next gen system after the first or second cycle once they are released

    Here is 15 cents
  8. Zinn

    Zinn Guest

    I'm sayimg xbox wins because it does and my aunt works for microsoft.
    she's been working for them for 15 years, she's 45.

    That's why i'm playing the 360 in august.

    She tells me some things except the things she's not allowed to say.

    And sony does lie, maybe not as much as people say they do, but they lie a lot.

    We'll just see when they both come out, i'm not saying that sony sucks, when they make a console, it's great. I'm just tryin' to say for all of you ps lovers, you should give the 360 a benefit of a doubt.

    I've seen the press conferences of both of them, and sony really only discussed graphics. They didn't say anything about the gameplay.
    all they said about their online play was that they use the ethernet and they will have video chat.

    People like the ps consoles not because they're good, but because they've been around for so long... think about it, you know why the ps was taking over before? Because there weren't many game systems to match it. But hey, who am I right?

    I just know more about the 360 than most people

    it will be $400

  9. philipman

    philipman Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    Thats cool one of my cousins works for microsoft, I will have to ask him if he can hook me up... I don't think that he will.
  10. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Microsoft employees only get discounts on software and games. Not hardware. I've already asked :)

    Kinda pisses you off. They charge us $299 for XP Professional and they (MS employees) get it for $35.
  11. Zinn

    Zinn Guest

    Grunt14, that's why you don't know how to burn dvd,s ( you can do it on the pc, just look it up at google or something) and g14, the reason ps3 is just selling the ps3 is because it's not about satisfying the gamers in this world.. reality check in this world, all that matters is money, sony doesn't care how well their system works, as long as it does something right that will be good enough for them. sony has to many fans, that's why we're having this discussing this right now. Even microsoft only wants money. They just keep the promises they make. that's the only difference. and if you buy both of them, you're just making it worse, we should try to put sony out of business by buying the xbox 360..

    how many people are tired of being screwed over? I know I am....
  12. philipman

    philipman Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    I got it for that much, I paid him to get it for me.
  13. Zinn

    Zinn Guest

    You dorks, If an employee helps make a game system, about almost everyone will get that game system, everyone who helped make the playstation has a playstation...FOR FREE!!!!!

  14. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I also get it for $35, only cause you and I know someone who works for Microsoft.

    For those who don't they have to pay full price. And as far as games MS employees only get discounts on game that are made by Microsoft.
  15. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I've warned everybody twice to be nice.
  16. philipman

    philipman Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    Thats the only thing that I have got from him. He knew some people that got fired because they leaked halo 2. yeah if you are going to post be nice! You do not have to fight!
    Last edited: May 22, 2005
  17. Grunt14

    Grunt14 Member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Zinn, why don't you try thinking b4 you speak? sony, ms and all the rest make the money by making games for the masses. By doing so listen to what people want in games. Think, the only way to make the money is to give their followers what they want, and that my friend is good games.

    If anything we should be happy there are these two giants going at it, so the standard is kept up and neither side gets lazy.
  18. philipman

    philipman Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    I like both of them, they both have great games.
  19. velascoj2

    velascoj2 Member

    May 22, 2005
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    well Zinn thats cool you aunt works for microsoft. However this whole issue its slightly more complex as simply a better machine which is ultimately relative. I’ll elaborate. I bit of history here, back on the area of the 16 bit sega gained the lead over the reign of the 8 bit Nintendo. However after a while sega started to loose ground on genesis and started to develop the 32x and Saturn. Both machines where supposed to be 32 bits( won’t go on details here) Genesis lifespan was reaching an end and was ready for new system. What neither Sega nor Nintendo knew was that Sony finally was going to released the system that have been wanting to launch for many years back with Nintendo but that big n F#$@ up. That system had unmatchable hardware that neither Sega had expected. Developers all over wanted to develop for the system and that creating a huge buzz. Sega answer to match Paystation spec prowess was to add an extra Hitachi sh-2 chip in order to enhance the graphical capabilities of the harware. But unfortunate the system was not internally design for 3d efficiency but more of a 2d machine monster (even better than playstation) Gaming was changing and 3d graphics where in fashion. Playstation delivered what they had promised. Gaining and surpassing Sega on that regards. Nintendo made the project Reality ( N64) which promised fantastic graphics and delivered less than amazing hardware at the end. Sony gain hardcore gamer and it factor which is something to also considered. Sega started developing Dreamcast . There were realy no short comings on the system on a technological aspect. The machine was indeed a great system but play station 2 came along and continued dominating the market share. Dreamcast didn’t die because its vastly inferior ( “code veronica “ and many games made for both system looked better on dream cast due to better textures and output) but because Sega had lost the faith of many consumers around the world as well as the developer than leading them to be in financial difficulties. They where always known for making innovative games like Nintendo and decided to pull the plug.

    What’s the moral of the story? Sony has a very large developers based and has something Microsoft doesn’t which is the market of Japan. Arguably the best developers are there but that is all depending on the type of games you which to play. Xbox is growing on developers and that’s good. But unless Xbox breaks in Japan it most like( to me ) still on a second behind to Ps. Sony had lied but so had Microsoft by replying to the specs of ps3 as : “360 is several times more powerful than ps3”. There is no piece of technical evidence to support that claim. And no one with understating of tech will take it seriously. Both systems are great from what they have shown, But You are seriously kidding yourself to think that Xbox 360 it’s a much better piece of machinery than Sony. And your aunt cannot change that, not even Bill Gates. And of it is you will not notice it.

    Here is 8 cents
  20. philipman

    philipman Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    yeah sony does have japan.
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