Official Runescape thread

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by NeoLance, May 20, 2005.

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  1. motohelps

    motohelps Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    i was a millionaire in rs, until i got hacked from my white paht and full sara recently.
  2. Bloodust

    Bloodust Guest

    Moto how do u getr your money tewll me plz i need to know!

  3. zezima

    zezima Guest

    The reason I am not on is because I put my private chat to OFF because when I am on, people harrass me.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2005
  4. zezima

    zezima Guest

    If you would like, you may talk to my other lower lvl account

    Draco Ruler

    please dont harrass me.
  5. zezima

    zezima Guest

    And here are some tips to make money

    1. get a skill high lvl, (member) if slayer is lvl 85+ you can kill abbysal demins which drop abbysal whips (8-10 milion gp)

    2. merchent (buy for less, sell for more)

    3. Mine or Wood cut and sell ores or logs
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2005
  6. Bloodust

    Bloodust Guest

    Zezima are u really Zezima??????? like in runescape?
  7. joshk3

    joshk3 Guest

    hey zezima i know some people bug u but it doesnt meen that u have to block people who just want to be friends with u like me ive always just tried to be friends with u. ive been trying to talk to u for about a year everyday so plz add me so we can be friends. my user on runescape is josh k3 i promice i wont bug u i just wanna b friends
  8. BanMeFool

    BanMeFool Guest

    Lol, Josh what a noob.
  9. BanMeFool

    BanMeFool Guest

    Hey, guys. How do you get the flamethrower and ninja stars in runescape? I asked someone where and they told me to go to hell. Do you know how I can get to hell from Varrock? Thanks. Your help will be appreciated.
  10. BanMeFool

    BanMeFool Guest

    Hey, guys. How do you get the flamethrower and ninja stars in runescape? I asked someone where and they told me to go to hell. Do you know how I can get to hell from Varrock? Thanks. Your help will be appreciated.
  11. PhilT

    PhilT Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2005
  12. johnydude

    johnydude Guest

    hya guys just discovered this forum its nice to have ppl to talk i never had rune armour im lvl 58 my total is 520+ so how are u guys
  13. zezima

    zezima Guest

    ya its me... suprised to see me of of rs?
  14. jmoney113

    jmoney113 Guest

    i love runescape and i play almost everyday. I've been a member for like a month now and its really fun. I just want to know how do u do slayer because i want to kill aybbuss demon and sell the whips so i can make mills off it because im really poor. If any of you want to contact me on runescape my user name is jharper1.
  15. johnydude

    johnydude Guest

    well in runehq t says were to do it just go theyr ull find everything about it i think well good luck
  16. johnydude

    johnydude Guest

    btw can any1 tell me a good way to get my hps really high?????
  17. jmoney113

    jmoney113 Guest

    thanks johnydude but when i went there I really didnt see much about how to do it just missions u can go on. I really need to make some cash anybody got better ideas about how to make money besides mining.
  18. NeoLance

    NeoLance Regular member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    All i need is a rune full helm, and a rune plate body... but i have a rune pic, and a rune 2h that i use... the only problem is that my attack is raised to 40, but my defense isnt so i have to work on that... Just sell things to make money... idk what you can sell but... like some other guy said, buy for more, sell for less. Oh and anybody have something that i can train on that will raise my levels pretty fast? Im lever 39... i also want something that isnt gonna raise my hp real fast and make me have to go get food...
  19. dragoon0

    dragoon0 Guest

    i like runescape too
    mi username is dragoon0106
    im combat lvl 71
    total 847'
    i hav 1046k
    which is a little over 1mil
    i hav full rune and a dragon long
  20. jmoney113

    jmoney113 Guest

    hi dragoon0 i just want to know how did u get so much money on runescape and could u plz tell me. u dont have to reply and say it on this thread u can tell me threw runescape. My username is jharper1. Plz tell me how u made so much money i really need money too be because im really, really, realy poor. It would be a big help if u helped me out. Thank you.
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