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Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by argan3, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. lincsat

    lincsat Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    Are you serious, suggesting I am advertising a box and not selling it? That is probably the most ridiculous thing you have posted - and you have posted some whoppers!

    Like I said previously, I have had more support requests from people unable to flash their KV's than have had problems with the SV6. How can I get support requests if I don't sell them?

    The whole point here is your criticizing my comparison of 2 boxes that I have tested. You have not tested the SV6, so are not qualified to comment on it. You are very quick to condemn a box that you don't sell or advertise.

    You have proven time and time again that you don't know what you are talking about, well you have been caught out again. When you have tested the 2 boxes side to side, then you can compare them. For example, you can't criticize the SV6 for a problem in Ireland where the KV doesn't even work. You go on about SV not making a dongle for older boxes when KV didn't make one for their older box, the A700, only their current (at the time) A750. Even the KV HD box isn't supported.

    There is no doubt that the A750/A780 is popular, fueled by some mis-conception in many cases. It is an old design, has problems with widescreen switching and can be difficult for some people to load firmware. The SV6 is a newer design with more features and cheaper, it is easier to load firmware. Once the Firmwares are loaded, the KV is easier to connect to the server as the features do not need activating, unlike the SV that needs a few Key strokes of the remote. Both servers have had outages, both need a good internet connection and a properly configured home network. I believe that one ISP in Ireland did try blocking access to the SV server for a while and there has been criticism in the past about Starview not supporting old boxes when bringing out new ones. They both change channel quickly and both open the channels usually first time and neither suffer from glitching on a good connection - those are the facts. What the ongoing support or feature availability in the future will be like is pure speculation at this stage

    Many KV advertisers like e45 try to say that KV = good and SV = bad. Both are good, both work, users have had problems with both. The SV is cheaper, better featured and works in more places currently. If you want to buy a SV6 or a KV A780 whatever you prefer, despite what E45 claims, I do sell them both.
  2. dodgydell

    dodgydell Member

    Jun 12, 2010
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    This is my first post here, and i done what its said above and it worked first time for me, very good post and the instructions are perfect,am very happy with my purchase never had the...... starview so dont know the difference, but i would recommend this box not has a problem since got it, the odd glitch but sure the........ providers boxs di that to
  3. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    nice one mate glad you are happy with your box
  4. jammo2002

    jammo2002 Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    couple of questions about sv / and kv

    as things stand today wich box is the most reliable
    with the better working functions .

    is it true the sv only allows 12months b4 u have to buy
    another .

    is there any dif in the picture quality between the
    2 boxes .

    i see the kv is 160 pounds
    whats the price on the standard sv and the sv+hd
  5. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    check google for the prices

    starview have 12 mth viewing

    dont have either so you will have to judge that for your self or read back

    and Kv have a better supported box and team than Sv do
  6. lincsat

    lincsat Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    It is a rumour circulated by Kryptview sellers and advertisers that the Starview has 12 Months viewing. There is no expiry in the menu and nothing has been stated officially. I was told initially that KV was only 12 Months, it's only been stated unofficially that it lasts indefinitely, but it likely will as there is no expiry for that either. Both the SV and KV are the same like that.

    The support for both these boxes has been almost identical. Given the nature of the business, nobody is going to stand up and announce they are supporting either box.

    I can say that the Starview is cheaper and has more features, the Kryptview is an older design and is more established
  7. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    well best he buy the starview then and let him try you can buy it from lincsat you can take his word for it and if it goes in 12 mts im sure he will give you back your money see will he do that for ya and the rest of the people that want to buy the starview from him.

    Just make sure ya get it in writing of course
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  8. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    looks like he not willing to put his name an reputation on the line for this so so you have got your answer must be true as he is a supplier of these boxes

    here is the webpage if you want to order starview with his promise it wont go off after 12 mts as said if you are going to go his route make sure you get this in writing that it will still work after 12 mts if the server is still working and a new box is brought out or if the Sv6 is still on sale and yours is cut off

  9. jammo2002

    jammo2002 Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    im kinda hoping kv comes out with
    some kind of hd box kinda waiting
    on that - i no they had a hd box but
    i hear it dont work right now
    and as ive only been back on 5 tv channles
    3-4 days im kinda chewing over the info
    a bit b4 i get 1.
    best to read stuff first b4 jumping on
    a band waggon
  10. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    yep true im sure they will have another one but when is the question but for now the A780 is what i would recomend the 750 was a great box but you need an iconnect for that but the new A780 has a built in lan connection so no need for the iconnect but as you say do some reading im sure they be there when ya make your mind up for the time being you could always take out a min sub from your provider
  11. lincsat

    lincsat Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    Unfortunately unlike Starview, Kryptview have not supported their HD box, they will probably release a new one so you have to pay again.

    @ e45 I will not guarantee that anyone can break the law, I strongly advise everyone to not break the law. If you want to guarantee that people can break the law with your KV boxes, then go ahead - but expect PC Plod to come and visit you very soon.
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    e45, take the facebook & kryptview toolbar links out of your sig ASAP.
    1. Advertising via forum messages is strictly prohibited. If you need to advertise your products on our site, contact us via the feedback form and we will negotiate an advertising contract with you/your company.
    3. Providing affilate tagged links to products or services is not allowed.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  13. jammo2002

    jammo2002 Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    i would assume lincsat anyone can be caught
    with a kv or sv so there is an equal chance
    either way . so what if u support 1 box and he
    supports another - thats called choice.
    and everyone likes choice it gives them
    something to think about
  14. tuohy

    tuohy Member

    Oct 7, 2006
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    agree with you jammo2002,. nice sensible post after reading the last 2 pages
  15. jammo2002

    jammo2002 Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    thanks tuohy
    when a market is cornered by one box
    your limited to what u can do plus
    if we had only one box available they
    could in theory charge what they want.
    with 2 company's doing this it gives rivalry
    no1 company want to over charge to much and
    of course as time goes by there will probably
    be othe boxes joining the race - thats why im
    happy to not rush out just yet and buy.

    both box boxes have there good and bad points
    and of course no1 will give a cast iron guarantee
    it will last forever - this is a risk game -
    always has been. and even though i had a sv3 for 2yrs
    with no issues at all im still willing to spend a few
    weeks or months reading on box boxes sites to see whats

    bottom line is we all no why we are here, the risk isnt with
    selling the boxes - the risk lies with us to buy them.
    so no ammount of sales patter will change that.
  16. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    nobody is condoning breaking the law here what im saying is that after there purchase of that box once the 12 mth period has been reached they will need to buy another box if they want to contunue viewing.

    let people buy them and discover for themselves the truth and i will leave lt at that if im wrong i will stand corrected if im right it will be on your name
  17. lincsat

    lincsat Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    Well we will soon see, won't be too long now before the first SV6 used in Ireland reach the 12 Months, then you will be proved wrong again.

    It's going to be much longer before we know 100% that the Kryptview is going to last more than the 12 Months that I was told when I got my first batch of I-Connectors.
  18. wotsitfor

    wotsitfor Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    e 45 your a legend on this and have been very helpful to everyone so i wouldnt even take notice of this guy your reputation means people will listen and take your advice i have many times in the past and and always been 100% satisfied anyway i have the a750 im just looking for information on progress on a dublin fix any info would be great thanks
  19. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    no progress at the moment
  20. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    at the present time some parts of ireland are still in the process of changing over to N3 so it wont be long till its all gone it will only be a matter of time then before it will be sorted and not just in the dublin region but keep an eye on here and if you want you can always be friends on their facebook page

    google iconnect-krypt and add them as a friend ;)

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