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Philips dvp642 dvd and divX player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by slovak, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. goshob

    goshob Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I have purchased DVP642K/69 and upgraded the firmware. Current upgrade available is version 0531. Everything else is working perfectly ok, except the subtitles. As per Philips statement this player supports Cyrillic alphabet according to ISO 8859-5. Unfortunately all my Cyrillic subtitles are as per Windows Cyrillic Code page 1251. Is there anybody who can give an advice for recoding?
  2. roach13

    roach13 Guest

    Hey, Gosho, I spoke online with Philips Customer Support representative regarding the Cyrillic encoding and tried to convince them that they should include Windows 1251 in their next firmware update...First of all they wanted too much personal info to even bother speaking with me, so I didn't have much time to spend on this...but the guy mentioned that he will take a note in regard of the issue...I doubt they're going to include it in the new update, if any at all...It would be really awesome, since I have more than a thousand DivXs with cyr. subs...But until than, what worked for me is a small text converter, Cyrcon, I think was the name but not 100% sure...there are many, anyway...so you just convert it from ISO 8859-5 to 1251 burn it and it works!
  3. goshob

    goshob Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    10x roach13,
    It sounds great and I was thinking of such option also. The problem is the converter. It will be great if you can help me with that a bit.
    Nicest way is to include another character table in the ram files, but I am too much in doubt that Philips will do. I am wondering why they have chosen a set that is not so popular, but this is their business...
  4. roach13

    roach13 Guest

    Gosho, here is the link where you can download the program I'm using:
    It's pretty simple, also free and I'm sure it is not the best, you cannot do batch converting, for instance, but for me it's working. Under Options you will choose what type of conversion you need to make, from 8859-5 to 1259 in that case, than under Convert you pick Convert All Text and Save... Burn a copy and give it a try... I'm not going to re-burn all my CDs and DVDs but at least, when my Bulgarian mother-in-law comes to take care of my baby I will redo 6 movies by her choice, burn on a DVD-R so she will be able to understand what the movie is all about...and so on...:) Good luck! And if you have other questions don't hesitate to ask...
  5. roach13

    roach13 Guest

    Actually, you may also be able to do batch converting, from what I just read when I scrolled down...but I think I got lazy trying to figure it out...You may wanna check this too...
  6. hay131

    hay131 Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    Just bout one @ Walmart and the model was a DVP642-37. It was advertised on the box as simply a DVP642. Anyway, is there any way to fast forward, either in a divx movie or a DVD movie? I find it hard to believe that this isn't an option, or is it hidden like the eject on the remote?
  7. tdu

    tdu Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    I have been using mine for a couple of weeks. Overall it's kinda a crappy DVD player, but the fact that it plays divX makes it invaluable. This is what I have found with my model:

    -Only fastfowards at 8x with ANY type of file or with DVD's
    -if I fastforward for too long, the player just shuts down! Which is obviously a pain in the ass with file with no chapters.
    -it will shut down for no reason during long divx movies
    -takes forever to load any type of media

    Overall my $40 Norcent player from Walmart kicks it's ass. But again, the Philips plays divx.
  8. dponce80

    dponce80 Member

    Aug 15, 2004
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    Hey, tdu, I dunno what you think is so crappy about this player. the ONLY problem it has, it the stupid 8X FF. If yours shuts down after a while, then get it checked, cause mine sure doesn't, even with a 3 hour movie. or FF across a 2 hour movie. Aside from the FF issue, it does EVERYTHING. sure, you have to RTFM, but hey... that's not the player's problem. ;)
  9. tdu

    tdu Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    There are actually a few other posts within this thread about the player shutting down at odd times. So it's not just my player. This thread is full of strange problems people have with the player in fact. It's only after using it for a couple of weeks that I start to see what people are talking about.

    All I am saying is, overall my $40 Norcent works a lot better than this player. Even with the Philips shortcomings though, I still love it just because of the amount of file types is supports.
  10. JSteven75

    JSteven75 Member

    Sep 30, 2004
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    I would like to burn multiple AVI/Divx files to a DVD and play them on this player. (the Philips). I have tried numerous times, and usually get a error with Nero 6. I can burn one file, but not multiple on one disk. How do I do this so that I can play the files without reencoding them.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

  11. timekills

    timekills Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    In Nero you simply choose to make a Data DVD and drag and/or select the .AVI/.MPG/.DAT etc files you want recorded over to the left half (the compilation window.)

    Of course, this is assuming you are not using the wizard in Nero SmartStart. Personally, I never use the wizard; I just open the actual Nero executable and create my own Data disc.
  12. mwahal

    mwahal Member

    Sep 26, 2004
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    Is 8x FF real bothersome when watching DivX etc ?
    As there are no chapters in DivX, the FF seems to be to slow. I've packed my DVD player and its ready to be returned back to Frys.

    Do you guys think future firmware my increase the FF to 20x or something ?


  13. imrllybad

    imrllybad Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    I have had my DVP642 for a few months now and am loving it. I especially like being able to throw 3-5 full length Divx movies on one DVD. I went ahead and bought two more! This player performs flawless on all movies that I encode. However, there are some movies that I have downloaded that seems to pixelate horribly on the DVP even though the movie plays fine on the computer. This is like what Tdu was experiencing with his movies. I found re-encoding those titles fixes the problem, but yes the easier way is turning on the menu and then exiting it. This works only 50% of the time on my units. I found that if I go into the Video menu and select the other 4:3 option and then exit the menu, the pixelation clears up. Funny thing is it doesn't matter which of the 4:3 option was set first; just changing it clears the problem.

    Now the software on the DVP642 comes from the APEX line; notice the similarities in the graphics and menu system. Unlike other DVD players, it's ashame that this awesome unit lacks the "restart from last.." feature when pressing stop only one time. We now fine ourselves doing the 8x FF to get to where we left off. BTW, my 3 DVP642s does not shutdown even if I FF passed 2 hours of video. If yours is shutting down, you may either have a defective unit or your movie may have encoding anomallies that is causing the failures. Well, on the bright side, the DVD642 does have a "Go To" function like the APEX although there is no button for it on the remote. You have to press the Display button and then type in the time that you'd like the unit to skip to; so before you press the stop button, make note of the time from the LCD display.

    I agree there are some strange problems that is happening with this player and it is not consistent with every unit. I believe you when you say that your unit is shutting down after long FFs, but I can't be sure that the problem lies with the DVP. On the other hand, the Go To function only works on 2 of my players. The third player gives me a stop hand when I try to type in a time; so on this player I would have to resort to 8x FF. So if the Go To function works for you then hauling through 8x FF would be a moot point.

  14. tdu

    tdu Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    I am going to try that Go To function. That brings up another thing that is a pain though. I have usually been using the unit to watch DVD's with 4 movies in divx format on them. I find the discs take forever to load. Is this common? So when it shuts down, I have to wait for the discs to load again.
  15. timekills

    timekills Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    Regarding your player giving you the hand (heh) when you are trying to "go-to" ->

    I've noticed mine does that on occasion with certain DIVX movies - most notably those encoded in XVID. It will even happen when trying to FF/RW - i'll get the finger...errr....hand from the amchine. If I eject the CD/DVD and reload, it has always cleared up the problem.

    I say always - it has only happened three times Ic an think of in > three months and probably 200+ movies, so it is a RARE occurrence. But I assume you tried the go-to feature on the one player of your three that doesn't work on more than one DVD.
  16. dlocke

    dlocke Regular member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Don't know if this has been answered, but does it play windows media video (wmv) or quicktime files at all?
  17. tdu

    tdu Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    I haven't been able to get it to play .mov files and it doesn't say it does. I have been able to get it to play some .wmv files though. I didn't think it would, but it seems to play some.
  18. nicod3mus

    nicod3mus Guest

    I was wondering can dvp642k this model is able to play my animes which all of them are in avi format and i burned them into a normal blank CD? Please help!
  19. greenbox

    greenbox Member

    Jun 7, 2004
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    I have a movie that doesn't seem to want to play on the DVP642. All it does is say "play" on a black screen and i have to manually power off and press eject button on the philips to get the cd out. Is it because there is no "Index Chunk" as reported by avicheck? Ive compared all my other movies and they have a "yes" beside index chunk.

    File: C:\Documents and Settings\AMD.ATHLON\Desktop\Downloads\Office Space.avi
    Total Streams: 2
    Running Time: 1:25:38
    Index Chunk: No
    Interleaved: Yes
    Max Bytes Per Sec: 0
    AUDIO: 0 - MP3 (0x55)
    Average Bitrate Per Sec: 162 kb/s
    Samples Rate: 48000 Hz
    Channels: 2
    Bits Per Sample: 0
    SuggestedBufferSize: 65536
    Sample Size: 0
    Variable Bitrate: Yes (32, 128, 320)
    B-VOP: No
    S(GMC)-VOP: No
    QuarterPixel: No
    Frame Size: 592 x 320
    Frames Rate: 25.000
    Color Depth: 24
    Total Frames: 128473
    SuggestedBufferSize: 139690

    Elapsed Time 00:00
  20. castaban

    castaban Member

    Sep 24, 2004
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    For xvid moview which does not play at all get MPEG4Modifier (from http www.moitah.net) and check whether Pixel Aspect Ratio is square, if not change it using the utility (takes a few minutes) and try again. I had quite a bit problems with xvid, after I started using this util everything works for me after that

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