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Philips dvp642 dvd and divX player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by slovak, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I know all you 642 junkies out there won't like this-but the LDA-511 upconverting player (which does a much, much better job with xvid/divx than the 642 ever could) has hacks which can disable HDCP and macrovision AND Region. Plus it has the best xvid/divx at 1080I.
  2. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    LDA-511 Except the LDA-511 has a tendancy of not wanting to accept or extract DVD's with a printed surface.Sometimes a little nudge would load,but eject was the problem..THEY like to slip & slide..If it had a tray loader it probably be the best Player on the market for the $150 bucks U pay..I had to take mine back twice..I had a helluva time getting a DVDout of it..had to end up turning it on end & shake the hell out of it while ejecting [Printed surface TY's & Ritek]
  3. NoidZ

    NoidZ Guest

    I don't actualy own one but there was somebody saying it didn't play KVCD in color... Try to hold a button (probably "next") turn it off and on while holding the button.

    This is often used to switch from NTSC to PAL to AUTO

    Worked for my DVD player (and 6 others)

    Hope it helps!
  4. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    Yeah-I know all about the slot loader having problems with "flipper" discs and some printable media, I did my homework before I bought mine, I have a 418 for those "difficult" discs. I also have a DVD-HD850 and a few other players in my collection. I gave my 642 the boot about 9 months ago-I was just tired of how picky it was with xvid/divx playback.
  5. lilricky

    lilricky Member

    Oct 30, 2004
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    "I know all you 642 junkies out there won't like this..." Why wouldnt we like a better player? I liked the 642, I still think its a good player, not the best anymore, but thats what happens. People create better things as time goes by. I dont really understand your statement, unless you're a troll and just trying to start a flame. If so, dont even try, its not very impressive.
  6. mrchub

    mrchub Regular member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Easy, lilricky, I don't think zrdb was trying to tick anyone off...
  7. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I'm not trying to piss off anybody-just point out the fact that there are alternatives to the 642 out there, I did have one and I thought it was the greatest thing since prepacked salads but after 6 months of having to reencode or other wise modifying my xvid/divx downloads I started looking and found a better alternative. If you like your 642-more power to you!!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2006
  8. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    zrdb..Give us a little input on what U bought & how long you've had..Maybe some of the Pros & Cons of the units..This helps tremendously..I know it takes xtra time,but that is what these forums are all about [helping others] in finding what works best....Their are more & more Divvx players hitting the open market every day.Not just on line,& some have excellence with moderate price,others have price but no excellence
    Hope they come out with player for H264 SOON,I'm impressed with the quality & size.Most Xvid are about 350megs for 40min..H264 is half that
  9. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I have an LDA-511-slot loading and all-it's very good with xvid/divx, you can hack it to remove the HDCP and macrovision, it has very little overscan with avi, an LGDVB418-again very good with xvid/divx, has more overscanning than the 511, a DVD-HD850-can be hacked to remove the HDCP, pretty good quality picture-no avi playback, a Sony DVD-NS50P-very good at playing almost anything, excells at avi to dvd conversion files, a Jaton PSD7611K-has x and y axis correction, very good for reducing overscan-out of production, a Panasonic DVD-F87-very good 5 disc carasol player. Hope that's enough.
  10. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    zrdb..Thank U very much that helps tremondously..With your LDA-511-slot loading,are U using printed surface Disc's or just plaiin ones..U see this is where I had a problem..[TY's Ritek] printed with the Epson R300..these Disc's would not load without a push..& would not eject.Factory rep had no explanation..I tried 2 diff. units.I really liked the unit W/HDMI
  11. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I've used some printable ones and had no problems at all, ya gotta watch out for "flippers" though because it can and will scratch them. I have a couple of "flippers" but never put one of them in the unit.I'm also looking for a player that will do H.264 but no luck yet, the Kiss 700 is supposed to do it but it hasn't been released yet.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2006
  12. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    zrdb..I E-Mailed them..They are supposed to start shipping USA by mid summer
  13. pat182ric

    pat182ric Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    Posted: Mar 12, 2006 19:51
    I know there are alot of topics about this, but I have searched everywhere, and can't make this work. I have an 700MB .avi file and seperate .srt file that I want to play on my DVP 642. When I burn them on my mac osx 10.4, no matter what I use, toast or the standard mac burn, the video plays great, but the subtitles do not work. If I transfer the file to my pc, and burn them with Nero or HP Record now, the subtitles are recognized, but the video does not play. I have tried everything, multiple times, from messing with the joliet options, and apple extensions, to adding ";" after the .srt and .avi file, but still no luck. I have also tried opening the srt file in text edit, and changing it to latin dos, and resaving it, but that does not work either.

    I don't really care if the subtitles are removable or not, so I thought I would use ffmpeg to burn the subtitles on. When I drop the avi into ffmepg, it comes up as :


    mpeg 4, yuv420p, 640x352

    ac3, 48000 Hz 5:1 448kb/s

    The first time, I tried to match the same audio and video options, because all I want to do is add the subtitles. The subtitles work in the preview. However, when I burn the disc and play the video, is skips and only the top half of the picture shows up. I tried it a second time, and this time I didn't encode the video, only the audio, but still the same problem. File plays fine on my mac, but when I play in on the 642 is skips and the bottom half is missing.

    Surely there is a way to make this work with Toast, but I can't figure it out. I'm desperate here....

    If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks alot!
  14. darthash4

    darthash4 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    hi guys am new to this forum...

    i just recently brought a LG dvd/divx player . i have loads of dvd's which contain assorted stuff like movies , games ,music, pics, etc..

    all the dvd's till date worked..

    but i recently purchased a pack of blank dvd's and when i try to fill it up wit divx movies majority of them dont read...

    i had a few movies on cd's which worked fine on the divx player.. i wrote the same movies on to a dvd but none of them work..is this a problem wit the dvd media or is ther any other special way of writing divx movies..

    i have a sony 52x dvd writer and i use 8x dvd's
    my dvd burning method has remained the same yet this new error has occured now ..only on the recent batch of dvd's ..

    guys plese help me anyone

  15. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    darthash4...souds like U bought a bunch of those Playo's that were on sale last week..It would help if U did list what type of media U bought & where...Cause it sure sounds like MEDIA problem to me
  16. ruFFritch

    ruFFritch Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Hey all,
    New to the site, love it. Has anyone been able to dig up the support files for Lisa B's guide? This is the best guide that I have found for the 642 and those files would sure be handy to have!!
  17. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    ruFFritch..I pasted the whole thing in this forum back a few months U can find it right here
  18. ruFFritch

    ruFFritch Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Thanks, but I think you may have misunderstood, I am looking for the support files that she mentioned in her guide, the sample AVI files. I have a source that told me that the files total about 150MB. I am located in Ontario Canada, and if someone can burn them off for me I would happily pay for the shipping.
  19. kindlot

    kindlot Member

    Mar 24, 2006
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    I know I am behind the time but I finally purchased a DVP642/37 firmware 1223 manufactured 10/05. I had been converting DIVX files using VSO and just didn’t feel like screwing with a conversion program anymore. I don’t keep DIVX files only DVD but I like to throw DIVX on a RW watch it and then dump it.

    I got the unit home and it would play CDR, DVD+, DVD- but it would show no disc with a CDRW and with DVD+RW it would show loading and then just click over and over. I tried four different manufacturer discs (two of each) that I had lying around, still it would not recognize RW’s.

    I read all the pages in this digest and found one person that had the same issue but they asked for help but never posted the remedy. I searched all over the web and found a couple of people who groveled the same issue but did not post their resolution.

    So I thought what the hell and flashed the unit to 1109 same issue. So I took it back to the store and exchanged it. While I was there I picked up some DVD-RW and some new CDRW just in case this was the problem. I got it home and viola it played all the RW’s no matter what type. Now my only problem is that I have a 5 Disc Philips 793 that is about 4 years old it is a kick butt DVD, SVCD, VCD player that I will continue to use until it dies. But the remote is the same for both units (which after 4 years I still hit the wrong damn buttons). I turn on one the other turns on etc ahhhhh.

    Anyhow I thought I would post this in case someone ends up with the same issue, they can save themselves a days research and just return the unit.
  20. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    kindlot..Same thing happened to me,the 1st player would not work on Divx,but was fine on everything else.Exchanged it,waala everything was fine..But due to prosses of elimination,it is always best to have good media to start with.I keep TY's & Ritek on hand CD & DVD RW's.Then I shop the bargains,bought some DVD-RW's on sale for 0.20 a piece turned out to be INFODISCA01,They only write at 2.4x,But good temps,I'll use them as long as they work
    I did notice that after re-writing about 15 20 times with quick format that they would skip a bit& had a little blocking.So I did a full format & that corrected the problem..SORRY ABOUT the rambling

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