just a added comment to my previous post. Out of the five movies i rented over the holidays,2 of them were not able to be played in this Phillips dvd player. The 2 movies that "froze" were , 1: "The Breakup" with Vince Vaughn/jennifer anniston (ok wife was picking out the movies"lol and 2: Flight Plan with jodie foster...flight plan froze the player at the Piracy screen. The Breakup froze the player at the main menu screen as soon as you entered "play" on the remote. This was after repeated attempts. Both movies played fine in my 4 year old Panasonic unit i had to re hookup just to watch these movies. I agree with previous poster. You should be able to "slap" in a dvd and play it...simple procedure right? duh..lol...
FYI, I returned the Philips to Circuit City and purchased a Samsung DVD/VCR combo player and I haven't had a problem since.