Pinnacle Studio 9 plus problem to render

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by rayosx, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. cp1966

    cp1966 Regular member

    Sep 22, 2004
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    Another solution I just thought of regarding hard drives; If you have 1 HD and its a 20 or 30 GB, and 75% of it is used, you wont be able to make a disc because when rendering it needs 12-16 GB prior to formatting corectly. So, check your drives (space available).
  2. ferenc

    ferenc Member

    Sep 9, 2006
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    Pinnacle studio (8 - 9.4.3)hangs during rendering. Solution.

    After trying out several tips and tricks, here is the solution that works for my projects.

    1 save your old files under a new name
    2 reacapture tape with a simple free program: windv
    3 save the new file with the same name and at the same place as the old ones.
    4 reopen the project and create movie

    the main problem is that the files which pinnacle captured often contains small errors. This leads only to hanging during rendering.
    In general you should not capture video with pinnacle.
    Editting /creating movies is no problem.

    I my projects I used up to 8 hours video. Only 2 tapes (2 hour) needed to be replaced.
    So start with replaceing the tapes which cause the hanging scene.
  3. epic999

    epic999 Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    hi all,

    i have a hardrive camcorder, that generates mpeg2 files that can be copied directly to my pc harddrive.

    i have the issue where studio 9.4.3 stops during rendering, so i only get the sound and no pics.

    any advice on how i might get around this?

    i have several short clips that i'm trying to put together (27 mins in total). thx
  4. leazle

    leazle Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    I read the reply by cp1966 and felt I should post one.

    Sorry if you are "frustrated" by having to read about others problems with Pinnacle products but isn't that what these forums are for?

    Lots of people here helped me find a solution to my issues which they wouldn't have been able to do had I not moaned about them.

    For your information, I tried repeatedly over months to get someone from Pinnacle to help me but was ignored. No paranoia there, just ignored.

    The thread is entitled "Pinnacle Studio 9 plus problem to render". Obviously people here are going to complain. If it frustrates you, then don't read the thread - easy solution.

    And on behalf of all "Newbies" who refer here, a less patronising tone might not go amiss.
  5. Niknod

    Niknod Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Having being plagued by this problem for the last couple of weeks, I am glad to see I am not the only one!!!! I had Studio 8 installed for about three years with no problems, I upgraded to Studio 9 earlier on this year. Once I had upgraded the initial problem was that Studio 9 didn't see my Dazzle USB device. All other capture software saw it, but not Studio 9. I spent literally hours on to tech support about it, but finally gave up. I continued to use Studio 9.4 as I had Studio 8.

    In May I sucessfully captured and rendered to DVD a hove video of my holidays. There was no problem at all. This was using Studio 9.4.3 I haven't used it since then until last week when I was asked to convert some video for my sister to DVD, and thats where the problem started. Half way through the second rendering pass it seeminly stopped. The programme never crashed or locked, it just stopped doing what it should have been, despite saying it was doing it. I tried a couple of times, recaptured, deleted scenes (as it was always the same scene it stopped on), deleted 20 Gig of stuff from my hard drive, defragged, and after I had tried for the seventh time, with the same problem I felt like screaming, as it took it about 3 hours to get there!!!!

    I then decided to install Studio 9 on my laptop and try it from there. With the same result. WHich is why I started doing web searches. I have to say the WinDV solution works... but the fact the video is fragmented into sevearl files was a burden, can this be solved? But my main query is to why it worked in May... and not now when I have changed nothing???? Also, is Adobe Elements worth the money? I have downloaded the trial version, but it seems painfully slow on editing!
  6. Sideways1

    Sideways1 Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Just wanted to add a slightly different take on the rendering problem. I haven't read the entire thread from start to finish, but I have read the first 3 or 4 pages, a page or so in the middle and the last page. I am working on a project where the rendering process stops part way into the second pass. It seems almost everyone here is working with captured video and some have suggested there is a problem with the capture process. My project has no captured video at all, it consists of about 100 digital still images, one audio track that is a 100 meg wav file, another audio track which is 5 mp3's totalling about 17 meg, a menu and a few text overlays. Almost every still has a transition and been animated with a zoom or a pan and the whole project is only 10 minutes. I have tried repeatedly to create a DVD without success and followed the suggestions found on various forums about defragging, stopping all unnecessary programs, no AV, no Firewall, empty Windows temp folder, empty files from Pinnacle Auxillary folder, shrink timeline so it all fits on screen, bring another program to foreground so Studio doesn't have to do video preview during render, raise process priority .. all to no avail. I did create an AVI from the project and that works fine! I also used Roxio Easy Media Creator to take that AVI and make it a DVD and that worked but it seemed to lose quality, particularly with text display.

    I recently did a similar project with about 60 digital stills and a single audio track with two mp3's totalling about 14 meg. Every still has a transition and was animated with a zoom and every image has a text overlay. The total time is about 15 minutes. I re-burned that project to DVD just to make sure that something like a Windows Update hadn't messed with Studio and the project still burns without a problem.

    So I am left with the suggestion that the audio is, or may be the problem. I will play with that and see what happens, that is the only thing I haven't seen elsewhere.

    My system is as follows:
    Dell Dimension 8400
    3.2GHz P4 processor
    2GB RAM
    160GB 7200rpm SATA drive with 25GB free
    ATI Radeon X300 128MB video card

    Maybe this will help someone?
    Thanks for reading!
  7. cp1966

    cp1966 Regular member

    Sep 22, 2004
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    Leazle, regarding the frustration comment I made, the frustration part comes from way back in the begining of this thread when I and others made some suggestions, I/we got bashed. I am glad you got your movies to work. Sometimes it takes tinkering.

    Sideways1, I have never tried to make a project like what you described. But as I mentioned quite a while ago, hard drive space is extremely important. If you only have 25% of a 160 GB drive available, you are really pushing the limits. Digital rendering takes up huge drive space. With not much available on your drive, that could be a possible culprit. Also, I think Nero has a limit on how many photos it will allow to be placed onto a project. I am not sure if Pinnacle is similar. Try cutting the photos down to 50 and see if that works.

    Let us know! And good luck!
  8. cp1966

    cp1966 Regular member

    Sep 22, 2004
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    oops, I meant 25 GB of the 160 GB drive is really pushing the limits. But I would defintely try making your project smaller, double check you have the settings set correctly as what you are making, and give that a shot.
  9. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    I use Pinnacle 10.5 (updated to 10.7 ) It seems to work better than 9 I started with 8 and it was a total PAIN in the ass I made a DVD disc with 100 plus jpeg pics some video music MP3's and a lot of transitions maybe if you could upgrade 10.7 What i'm getting at is I think 9 was a little buggy save you project and start fresh maybe some of you music might be bad ( ? ) I had problems with 9 also
  10. ser7164

    ser7164 Member

    May 10, 2007
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    Hey everyone,

    I´m from Cancun, Mexico and new in this forum. The Pinnacle Studio is a very complex softwre package with the intention to be friendly for the final user. It requieres a lot of resources in the machines but you don´t need a super machine to do it works. I have a Pentium 3, 1 GHz, with 256 Mb in RAM and a 80 Gb HD, Windows Xp-Pro and SP2, and the system works very good: I can create DVD´s, MPG and AVI videos with music and effects that play for 40 minutes or more. It´s very important the "tunning" that you can complete in the machie. Temporally suspend your Antivirus an all the TSR (Terminated Stay and Ready)programs that you know are actually running in your machine. If you are using an Operating System older than Windows Xp you can use a program like RAMBooster to free RAM memory. Check if your HD is DMA (Direct Memory Acces) capable. Multitasking in some PC´s is not really possible: use only Studio, no music, no Internet, even no antivirus.

    Keep trying. Best regards
  11. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    You are dead on you need all your horsepower to run Pinnacle if you get it to work you will enjoy it ! I said IF !LOL good luck !
  12. ser7164

    ser7164 Member

    May 10, 2007
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    I´m sure you got Pinnacle Studio to enjoy making and sharing videos, not to figth with soft and hardware. My comment is, if you have problems with a new and very powerfull machine runing this program, the problem is not in the machine nor in software is in tunning, you need to enjoy doing it by yourself... or send your tapes to a pro (digital video store) to get what you want... keep trying´s enjoyable and a reason for this blog. Best regards.
  13. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    Once you get the hang of Pinnacle you home movies will look like a pro did it for you ( the might be using Pinnacle anyway ! )so why pay a pro when you can be a pro yourself
  14. Sideways1

    Sideways1 Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I have tried ALL the tips on this and other forums and simply could not get my last project to burn to DVD! I tried for about three weeks without success. Trimming down my HUGE ten minute video slideshow simply was not an option! Although I was able to create an AVI without any problem at all and then import the AVI into another product and burn to DVD from there, without any problem at all.

    The simple truth of the matter is that the software does require a powerful machine, the software is flaky (I haven't tried version 10, and almost certainly won't), there is no fix, and under some circumstances will not successfully burn a DVD.

  15. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    Yea version 9 was a dog I use 10.7 it works the best I could not even get version 8 to work there is Adobe premiere out there but it cost major bucks unless you get the bundle version with Adobe Elements
  16. ser7164

    ser7164 Member

    May 10, 2007
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    To burn DVD is possible with version 9 with some aspects to consider:
    1. be sure that the DVD driver is correctly installed in the machine and that it is the hardware device list.
    2. In some cases is possible thta the the driver can´t burn the media (disk) that You are using: DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-ROM. The only difference between "-" and "+" is that the first format was DVD-... (like a CD-R or CD-RW) then became another format that use the "+" to make difference. Thay are almost the same but not compatible.
    3. It´s possible that some part of the video in not rigth captured. Try to capture again the section that had problems.
    4. You need a lot of HD free space (10-12 Gb o more) to act like a buffer.

    Best regards.
  17. Sideways1

    Sideways1 Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I have successfully burned several DVD projects previously, drivers are correct.
    My drive will burn all media, including dual layer.
    There is no captured video, it is all digital stills.
    I have approximately 25GB free space.
    While trying without success to burn my last project, I went back and burned a previous project just to make sure nothing had changed, and it burned just fine. There is just something about my last project that the program can't handle.
    Many people have had similar experience, spend many hours putting a project together and when you are done, it might work or it might not...
  18. kelpf

    kelpf Member

    May 30, 2007
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    The installation was bad. It did not run right, even with the updates, including the rendering problem. The uninstallation was incomplete and improper. It erased inappropriate directories.

    Thus, I am using another program. Don't beat a dead horse. This company is in the wrong business.
  19. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    I agree if and when you ever get it to run you will enjoy it BBuutt if you don't have enough system requierments to run it it will not install you will need the Pinnacle Clean tool to clean your system first before you reinstall or it will not install it is a pain in the ass ! I only like it I guess because, I was going to make it work or else I paid good money for it I took back Pinnacle 8, 3 times,9, 2 times,and took back 10.5,1 time after I pissed off the people at the store I think they threw a party when I finally got it to run
  20. Super8

    Super8 Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    I've been watching the board for a while without commenting, but here are my two cents: I had 9, returned it because I could never get it to work properly and bought 10, which has been a lot better. Now I am waiting for Avid 11. Once 10 came out, I don't think Pinnacle did any work to fix 9. They were too busy fixing 10. 10 had a series of major patches right after it came out and I found it still crashed unexpectedly and I had some problems with making DVD disks that would not play on some DVD machines unless I did the burn with Nero rather than Studio. I like Studio for the features and I guess I am hopeful that Avid will now really make a good version 11. 9 and 10 do/did things that should not happen with software. I don't believe one should have to stop running other programs to ensure success. I am running other applications such as a weather station. They never crash and are doing all kinds of complex stuff with files, ports and the Internet. Also stand-alone video processing programs do not crash and are doing similar complex functions like compressing video, which means reprocessing it like Studio has to do when rendering. Even burning large DVD backup disks (using Nero) can be done while everything else is still running and they verify perfectly and do not crash. We'll see how 11 works.
    Last edited: May 30, 2007

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