Pinnacle Studio 9 plus problem to render

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by rayosx, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. abczzz

    abczzz Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Astalker, right click on the studio.exe file in \Program Files\Pinnacle\Studio 9\programs\ folder and select properties. You will see your file version.

    My version is and still stopped rendering until I executed my above listed actions.
    Last night a 100-minute project completed !
  2. plandis

    plandis Guest

    To download the latest patch from pinnacle, I went to

    For the short URL:

    For the actual long URL:

    I downloaded the Studio 9.4.3 Patch (FULL version)

    This fixed the issue and it now fully renders the project. One thing that Pinnacle mentioned about this patch is it fixes some issues with MPEG4 bugs. Sounds like this is what I ran into. Once I installed this patch, everything rendered perfectly. Good luck and hope this helps! :)
  3. cp1966

    cp1966 Regular member

    Sep 22, 2004
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  4. Rlqua206

    Rlqua206 Guest

    Hi all,
    I had the same problems you all had so now I just use Pinnacle Studio to bring in the raw video. It works great for that. I have resorted to using other programs once I have captured the raw video. I didn't realize there was a patch. I am going to try it. Thanks for the info.
  5. fcarr1

    fcarr1 Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Wow! Walk away for a bit, and suddenly a landslide of replies. Hello Tzonis, I'm not sure who had 512 RAM but my 1.5GIG (almost 1Gig free when running Pinnacle) was not enough. It also bugs me to no end that I might have to disable so many things to get stability. Either way, I'm going to give the upgrade a shot.

    Allan, I have not tried playing the audio using other software, but my 25 minute video successfully rendered after I took the audio out. I then stepped away from the problem for a little while to return with a "fresh" mind. I realized a couple of things as I thought over the problem.

    First (I'm the guy that bought and tried PD4), when reading through the PD4 documentation, it stated that, for their product, they recommend 15Gig of free HD space above any other file storage requirements. I don't know if Pinnacle has that type of a recommendation, but I moved files from 3 drives to keep this 15Gig buffer (actually more than 20 up to 150 on each drive). Second, I also noticed that my firewire cable seemed loose and checked all cable connections. The result was that when I re-captured the original hour-long raw video (my video camera is digital), I could render "test" portions of it with the audio (the same audio that two previous renders did not like). This points to a possible "garbage in garbage out" scenario though I did not have lost frames,and also to the possibility that Pinnacle, too, requires as much as 15Gig drive space overhead (for each drive) on top of everything else. Previously, I have worked with as little as 8Gig available when I knew I only needed a little bit of storage like .5-1 gig of space.

    If I can find time, I'm going to see if I can render previous projects that did not render to see if the audio remains the problem. I am also going to upgrade as suggested by Plandis.

    BTW, PD4 looked pretty good (and very stable), but when you capture video the audio is bound to it and cannot be separated. Support acknowledged this, and separating the captured audio and video is something I do a lot, so back to Pinnacle I go (if I can get it to remain somewhat stable).

    My thanks to all those on this thread, it looks like I may be taking a big, positive step toward stability. I'm looking forward to other resolutions and ideas coming from everyone.
  6. Super8

    Super8 Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    I have read this thread with great interest. I have the same rendering problem with my (1 week old) version of Studio 9 Plus patched to the latest patch There is no newer version at the time of writing this. I've had a number of e-mails with the help desk to no avail. The user interface is great and I was able to assemble 42 minute long video without incident. I was impressed by some of the unexpected features like when I moved a still picture that was part of the movie, it gave me a browse window to go and find it again. However, when I tried to render it to DVD format for burning, every time it failed to complete. I have lots of drive space - using a second 160 Gig drive for video and Auxiliary Files. The amount to render is 5024.9 MB and it will stop at different places. The ones I wrote down are after 3411.5 MB, 3401.6 MB and 3346.9 MB. After stopping Norton, screen saver etc., the program crashed while rendering, with an unhandled exception error. A short 26 second long test video renders fine. I am a C++ programmer and my guess is there is illegal memory access happening. Mostly it does no damage, but sometimes it does something that stops the rendering. I think we need a new patch to fix this problem.
  7. astalker

    astalker Member

    Sep 12, 2005
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    Hi Super8. You are quite right. I tried all the suggestions on the Pinnacle web site (I looked there first, well before somebody suggested it!) and I've been running the patch all the while I had the problem. I agree - there is no newer patch - I was unable to find the referred to. I have been using Studio with no problem for some considerable time. I decided to remove the 9.4.3 patch, and go back to 9.0. Hey Presto - no problem. Capturing and Rendering work just fine. So I'll wait for a patch beyond 9.4.3 - despite evrything we've said, some people still insist we have too little space, or fragged drives, or whatever. The problem lies with, and is related to the capture. If you go back to a previous version, I suggest you recapture.
  8. cp1966

    cp1966 Regular member

    Sep 22, 2004
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    astalker, I mentioned the Pinnacle forums because some people may not realize that Pinnacle hosts it. If version 9.0 works for you (and possibly others) then stay with that. Perhaps those that are having issues should revert back to 9.0.

    I mentioned hard drives because it is recommended that a second drive be used. Its a good idea anyway. required? no, just a suggestion. And there are some people out there that have a small drive to begin with, and if there is not enough space they may not have checked that possibility.

    What has been offered here is just advice....
  9. banone77

    banone77 Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    I have had the same problem and have done everything suggested in this thread without success. I downloaded a little program called DVIO (free) and used it to captue my video. Edited my project in Studio 9 Plus, and rendered it with out a hitch!! There must be something wrong in Studio's capture software.
  10. Robert66

    Robert66 Guest

    I have read all of the postings on rendering stall. I believe that my problems started immediately after upgrading to 9.4.3. If you read the postings, this is a common issue. I had no problems prior to this latest upgrade! I am going to un-install and re-install 9.3 on Monday. I will need to re-invest the 2 hours to re-capture my project, but that will at least hold the possibility that I can complete the project and burn a DVD as I have done many times! It's a shame that Pinnacle cannot identify this glitch before we lose confidence in the latest upgrade -- which probably has some positive attributes! I have plenty of computer "horsepower" and doubt that the issue is anywhere else but in the upgrade!
    Good luck to us all.
  11. cp1966

    cp1966 Regular member

    Sep 22, 2004
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    Be sure to let us know if it works! Good luck!
  12. Super8

    Super8 Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    Since last posting, I've had a good exchange with Pinnacle on this issue. They've had me try several things and I think they are trying hard to identify and fix the problem. It seems there really is one and we should hold on for a fix.
  13. bramo

    bramo Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    Any luck with this anyone?

    Same problem I'm afraid. and rendering stalls. Note however, I was running this version for a while with no problem.

    I uninstalled everything and 'cleaned' the regeistry then reinstalled 9.3 (from trial download and then reactivated it). No luck, same problem.

    I bought on line so have no CDs. Does anyone know if there is a spot where I can download a 'full' version 9?
  14. orbiter5

    orbiter5 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    I'm thinking of buying Studio 9 for digital TV to go along with my new Compro T200 TV card. Will Studio 9 be able to make DVD's properly from MPEG 2 TV and has anyone had any experience doing this. I don't want to buy Studio if it won't do the job.


  15. bramo

    bramo Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    Well, it goes like this. If it wasn't for my current problem which seems to have no solution I would definately recommend Pinnacle studio.

    I've got two movie projects that need to be done this week and one was finished all bar the rendering. I need to do it again.

    I'm trialling Ulead Video Studio and I also have Roxio VideoWave neither of which I think are as good as pinnacle studio. Both have some nice features, but I'll probably go with the Roxio product - not so much because it's the best, but in Easy Media Creator you have a whole bunch of products for the same money.

    I really wish Pinnacle had a fix though. I've tried on two computers, re-formatted one and recaptured my video. I've also tried the project with all the additional audio removed.

    The big problem is that once this 'hang' seems to occur once, it occurs in ANY project not just the one that caused the problem.
  16. tempsj

    tempsj Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Probably not a solution for all, but hopefully for some.

    My problem was with the raw AVI imported from my MiniDV camcorder. During the capture, it dropped about 30 frames. I figured no problem, but when I previewed the video in studio, the sound would stop periodically. This project would not render. Like many, it stopped about halfway through on the second pass.

    I recaptured the video, no dropped frames, and it rendered no problem. I did follow a few of tips posted around the web.

    1. I set the priority of studio to "real time"
    2. I disabled virus scan and firewall (also unplugged ethernet
    for good measure)
    3. I disabled all power functions and screensaver

    Hope this works for some.
  17. IanSharpe

    IanSharpe Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    Hi guys,

    I have restarted using Pinnacle after giving it a miss for a few years. I even bought P9 to give that ago. I didnt find it much improvement over P8 but gave it a go.

    I find it so slow & sometimes unstable & I remember thats why I gave it a big miss some time ago.

    Anyway after I got frustrated with P8 , I tried TPMGenc DVD Author & found that much more stable & heaps faster than P8, but a lot less features.

    ANyway my question is:

    Why does a product like P8,P9 & even Ulead stuff take sooooo much time to render whereas DVD Author takes litterally a fraction of the time, like 15 mins for a 3.9G project. I assume that they both have to render , so why is there such a huge difference in performance.

    Also I have found that DVD Author has NEVER hung or crashed on me, cant say that for P8 or P9. They both run on the same computer BTW.

    ABout the only thing I like about Pinnacle stuff is the transitions & fancy stuff like that, maybe thats why it is unstable & slow, too much fancy stuff.

    ANyway DVD Author Pro is very good & if it could do stuff like transitions etc , it would be even better.

    What do others reckon about DVD Author??


  18. bramo

    bramo Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    My understanding is that with some of the DVD authoring programs your video components are already finished. You are just adding menus and 'sequencing' the project.

    I think the time consuming part of the rendering process with Pinnacle and friends is 'mixing in' all the transitions/background music/overlays etc.

    Authoring the DVD is much less work than editing the video. Pinnacle etc need time to do both in one go. I may be wrong though.

    I've swapped to Roxio VideoWave due to the problem in this thread. I expect it will take its time to render as well. It's not quite as nice as Pinnacle Studio but it's close. The media management is quite handy.

    I'll also evaluate the EditStudio/DVD Lab combo and see how they compare. I've used DVD Lab before and think it's great, but they do cost a bit more.
  19. Robert66

    Robert66 Guest

    I think I have confirmed where the "rendering" problem may be -- I uninstalled the 9.4.3 and reinstalled 9.3 and the 9.3.5 patch. I had to re-capture the VHS; did the same edits and same color corrections; and same menus. (This was a 24 minute project) The make movie and burn to DVD went through as it has previously for me -- no hang at rendering. I will copy this same information to Pinnacle and we can all hope that they will find the problem in 9.4.3 soon. For the $$, Studio has great features and is fairly easy to use.
  20. bramo

    bramo Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    I can't even launch it now. Some error about my 'system clock'.

    Agree on feature set and easy of use but if I can't render my movie it doesn't count for much.

    I take back on what I said about the Roxio suite. Editing is fine. Authoring is a disaster. I'm going to ask for my money back on Saturday.

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