Place to buy

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by andyc1979, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. hearts

    hearts Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Everything I have said is true. My username, as I have said is easily checkable. I do not hide behind different usernames. I don't need to.
    I appeared out of the blue becasue I sell the product through forums such as this.
    I am not looking to steal you away from your regular supplier, I am pointing out that if your regular supplier has no stock I will deliver next day. That's asuming of course that I have stock.
    I have no pre orders, you don't wait 2 weeks for a box.
    If you live local you can pick up.

    I'm not trying to cause friction here, as I said I can understand your concerns. For anyone willing to check me out the product is here if you require it.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  2. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    well let the people make there own mind up as for me i stick to what i know im not saying you are not legit i dont know ya but for me if i was buying i would buy from the people others have and that have been recomended by long time members there has been so many people stung on here buying from this person and that person so it does make people suspicious as some even had websites and where still caught out.
  3. hearts

    hearts Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    I quite understand your position. I would probably be reluctant myself to purchase from a "stranger"
    As I said I am easily checkable. But Iv'e pushed this far enough. Ask your self this though, how many of these other suppliers actually visit your forum in person and open themselves up to scrutiny? I am always available to answer questions. I have nothing to hide.
    Thanks to the Mods here for allowing a stranger to at least give it a shot.

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