i can't send you the files but I can send you the instructions to make your own. It's pretty easy. I figured it out in a few minutes. -Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude Fix: Requires editing of the "default.xbe" file with a hex editor. Offset/Location: 00168370 Change: 3b 81 9c 05 00 00 74 11 To 3b 81 9c 05 00 00 EB 11 Bonus/Optional (Censor Bar Removal): Requires editing of the "AppInit.JAM" file with a hex editor [File Directory: \Data\JamFiles\Xbox]. Location (Do a Text Search): NuditySetting Change: { Name "NudityMode".Type Boolean.Data 0 } To { Name "NudityMode".Type Boolean.Data 1 } AND Offset/Location: 00371490 Change: 0.000000 1.00000 To 0.000000 0.00000 *There are many patches on the internet with the "Applet.JAM" file already edited for the Censor Bar Removal, but practically all of them didn't add the last hex edit (so you basically get partial results).*
I haven't seen all of the girls yet but I think that the real model whom they based Sally Mae on is the hottest one!
I have had problems also. I use boxplorer and it did not copy the game correctly. I ftp'd the files directly from the disk to the Pc and using craxtion 4 made an iso and it was less than 1G. To no suprise this didn't work. Right now I am going to FTP the files back to the xbox and see if it will play form the HD. I also got a black screen when I tried to play from the dashboard. I had to boot with the disk in. I will let you know if the ftp trick works. Where can I find a nude patch for this or Leisure Suit Larry? sonicbuzz_1999@yahoo.com
Ok first of all when you ftp files from the pc to the xbox or from xbox to pc make sure you verify that it copied correctly. I've had to manually check every single file with some games to see if they are the correct sizes. This is a major pain in the ass but if it means that you will get a working copy of the game then go for it. I use Cute FTP and for some reason when I try to transfer files from pc to xbox they don't always transfer. Nobody has been able to tell me why. Also, If you read the instructions above it tells you how to make Leisuresuit Larry completely nude. If you can't figure it out for some reason then ask the guy above who got it to work to send you the files he edited if he still has them on his pc hard drive.
I'm just making sure everything has been tried so do this.Burn game to dvd-r.in evox settings change game region settings to auto save & exit and then reboot xbox.try to launch the game.if it dont work copy it to hdd with boxplorer and then patch it yourself with dvd2xbox 6.3.If the game still has problems in enigmah videomode switch to other version i.e. current region ntsc , switch to pal.
can anybody please tell me where i can get a no cd patch and a nude patch for leisure suite larry, for the xbox....i cant find one anywhere. email me if you know where to get one or just leave a message here.....beerboy852000@yahoo.com