Hey heres another link as well Quikdraw http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060806-7431.html interesting as well.... http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_Limewire_illegal http://www.slyck.com/story935_FrostWire_Prepares_for_Gnutellas_Future http://www.geocities.com/mamiya0taru/aqualime/aqualime.html
WoW! Looks like Limewire may be on it's way out. I remember when Kazaa a couple of years ago was the same way. Now, they charge. I don't recall who it was before Kazaa. Does anyone know? I'm sure there will be other P2P's poping up in the future. I really, don't think it's over just yet. Have you heard anything about bittorrent or Utorrent, having simular problems? Haven't heard back from FALLON for some time now.
@ Quickdraw Yeah limewire has there foot in the door it seems. But that aint going to stop frostwire which is made by the same ppl as limwire. Hell thats why i switched over to frost. Yeah i remember kazaa and that was the shit. Hell i loved kazaa but before kazaa there was napster, Imesh, bearshare. Ive used Imesh,bearshare and just about every P2P out there and nothing comes close to limewire. As far as bittorrent/Utorrent goes havent heard anything. Heard some hear say on it...some ppl saying it wont be long before it goes down but no news on it really. Id rather have Utorrent than limewire. Im more into movies than music. Just what ever u do becarful about how much u share. I know in limewire u can chang this option. I share nothing with limewire!! Must read this shit....just read it talks about torrents sites shuting down ppl in the US.......LINK http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2007/09/26/torrent_troubles_around_the_world/1
sry havent been on 4 awile Im right back were I started from lol hope limewire doesent go i LOVE it havent bought a cd since I had it lol so if you have anymore ideas I'am happing to hear, Thanks
Let me get this straight: You downloaded movies that you want to burn as DVD, correct? Then try DVD Flick to encode those files to DVD; this has a built-in capability. It'll burn shortly after encoding.
I've work out how to burn but now I can;t find the on my computor I know I sound like a real noob lol
sry prob didn't make it real clear I'll try again I got dvd flick which I can burn through but when I go search 4 to find the movie to put it on I carn't find it in the computor I find limewire but it doesent show a list of whats on limewire
Is this a folder you created? Are you using version beta? you would use the browse button in the lower right corner of the DVD Flick window. Do you need me to show you the path?
fullon, To readily locate your saves, create a folder on your desktop and place your downloads there or create a shortcut of the current folder on your desktop.
@fullon Creating a short cut would be easier to find ur files or changing where they are saved to. U can make a file any where on ur HDD and call it anything like Limewire downloads and then go to tools/options in limewire and select where u want it saved to. Best bet...make a short cut. So good luck to ya. It gets easier as it goes..lol Have any problems post back.
Ok I've finnly got it I just need 1 more thing could someplase give me a quick rundown on using dvd flick, THANKS 4 everyones help.
If ur not worried about time then dvdflick is ok. dvdflick is a slow program and may take a while to convert. Plus dvdflick dont add chapters or menus. If u can get ur hands on a copy of convertXtodvd that would be much better.