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plssssssss guys!!!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by coolyo, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    Sorry buddy,I ah...ah...ah...lost my crayons...ya thats it!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2006
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i don't have any crayons at all!!!
  3. PKGupta

    PKGupta Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    yea this is pretty weird
  4. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    ...or colored markers or colored pencils or even food coloring and a q-tip!
    Oh,and they don't sell paint locally either!
  5. PKGupta

    PKGupta Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    wut r u guys talkin about?? haha look how this topic was started and look at it now lmao.
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Hey ddp, I'll overnight some crayons!
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    wut r u talkin abot,tis can not undstan u..

    frick frat its hard to do that..

    Usually, the first thing a person says when they learn to use the subliminal mind to speak is: "I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ."

    With some subjects, such bits of HUNOR will KNOCK them into an altered state of unconscious. With others--who have very overbearing logical minds, it merely WHACKS them into a state of indignation.

    It is metaphysically unsuitable to try to substitute for the word "KNOCKS" such peurile euphemisms as "transmits," "sends," or "transfers."

  8. PKGupta

    PKGupta Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    lol ok w/e
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    PKGupta_coolyo both win the contest
    Of taking Nephilim home because of there great langrage skills..
    They both think the same,as they both colored the contest pix the same..
    Using there 2000 box of color crayons ……….

  10. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    @ ireland

    pass the chEasy

    das dat wafe bandakoot the breezy
    what different upbringings we brings leads to similar things

    were the inclusion of unusuitable psuedotransmissions un-heared??

    what is weird??
  11. tocool4u2

    tocool4u2 Guest

  12. PKGupta

    PKGupta Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    i talk differently in different situations... so yea...
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    today i am finishing up me federal taxes today,i had to hang out in the Safety valve,as to were else ye can cry and laugh at the same time instead of a crying all day on tax day...
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    neph, want the full spectrum of colors please!!
  15. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    You'll get them all but fuschsia - that's my favorite :)
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Newbies in Internet culture

    Since the internet has long been an attractor of people, especially children, to sophisticated areas of expertise (programming, gaming, system administration, etc.), there have been certain cultural and behavioral patterns that result as a conflict of newbies against veterans, veterans against newbies, and newbies against newbies; these clashes typically result in newbies showing childish behavior. Newbies have the bad habit, whether accidental or purposely, of asking obvious questions in online forums and chat rooms that could be quickly solved by use of a search engine. For example, a newbie on a Yu-Gi-Oh! card game forum could ask this obvious question: "What are the green cards called?" even though it states in the rulebook, anywhere on the internet and on the card what they are.

    Noobs in Internet gaming

    In gaming, noobs tend to exhibit one or more of the following behaviors:

    * Poor sportsmanship: noobs might communicate explicit/racial/prejudicial comments to the victorious parties, in situations where the newbies lose. Blame might be redirected to an external phenomenon, such as a latency (a.k.a. lag) spike. Other poor sportsmanship actions include: disconnecting in a game once victory is deemed impossible (albeit this may prevent statistics from being recorded, both for the victors and the losers). In team games, newbies might team kill (sometimes called gank, meaning 'Gang Kill') friendly players as a vent of their frustration.
    * Giving personal information that is fabricated or is not actually true. For example, a "noob" may claim that they are "football players" and "could beat you up in real life", and countless other claims of "real life" superiority.

    * Noobs look for opposite or same sex companionship online. It is common to see a "noob" requesting a "gf" or "bf" (girlfriend/boyfriend), especially one that is advanced or at a high level (e.g. RuneScape).
    * The inclination to shout random phrases when voice is enabled, that may be nonsensical and/or use an overwhelming amount of explicit language. Some "noobs" even do strange things such as playing on the piano or impersonating celebrities or people with ethnic accents. This is especially a problem on Xbox Live and Counter-Strike. This can drown out aural environmental indicators, which could lead to a detrimental gameplay effect to the other parties involved. Some games have options specifically made to drown out the voices of other players.

    * Little or no use of team tactics, or understanding how to cooperate. This is especially critical in games with players assuming specific roles on a team, such as Battlefield 2 or TeamFortress. Moreover, a tendency to be 'greedy' in regards to personal user experience versus the team objectives, i.e. always using a vehicle without being inline with objectives.

    * Not understanding the game environment. This includes not understanding the concept of friendly and hostile players, combat/trading zones and non-combat/trading zones, or ignorance to game world rules regarding player conduct,e.g, team-killing.
    * Not understanding how to play without breaking some basic formal rules, created by the players long time ago, such in games like Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
    * Not understanding why do they get owned so soon or why cannot they kill anyone, such in games as Counter-Strike or Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.

    * A tendency to use only the most powerful weapon possible, such as always using the rocket launcher when possible in Doom 3, even if the situation would call for a different approach.

    * A tendency to utilize cheating programs, after a period of frustration experienced from getting beaten by veterans. This is most frequently seen in Counter-Strike and Diablo.

    * A tendency to require the quick fix solution. In computer role-playing games for instance, this would include such actions as begging for free in-game items off other players.
    * A tendency to act like a certain place in a map belongs to an individual. This occurs very often in MMORPGs, as a lot of players want to level up their characters quickly without being bothered.
    * A tendancy to impersonate a Moderator in order to obtain "free stuff" (this mostly on games like RuneScape) or "res (ressurection)"(this on games like World of Warcraft). Newbies do this very often when being hazed by veterans, who, in turn, haze them even more. Impersonation often leads to their removal from the game.
    * A tendency to claim the possession of various kinds of resources, this usually occurs in multiplayer games when players are competing for resources and supplies.One common example is to steal supplies from their allies in RTS games.
    * A tendency of turtling(Turtle (strategy)) in RTS games. This may due to their "concern" in losing the game or just simply a lack of tactics.

    * In a modification for Elite Force called RPG-X, a n00b is defined as someone who violates the server rules (fragging, language, using the wrong rank, and ) and/or n00bing with the maps functions of the map (such as: turning functions on/off repeatedly (or at the wrong time), making stupid plots (as its a Trek RPG game), spamming, formatting your name incorrectly (most servers don't allow clan-tags), and asking for admin class.

    Noob talk

    An underground joke is "noob talk" or "NUB/NOB TALK". Noob talk is when an individual uses harsh spelling errors and terrible punctuation to insult noobs. A lot of "real" noob talk is found on games such as Gunbound, Ragnarok Online, Counter-Strike, and RuneScape. Also, there are many examples of noob talk on game-related websites, especially forums. An example of this dialect is "ITAM PLZ" (translated into "Items Please") (In RuneScape, the higher leveled players usually use the term "PLX/PLOX/PLZ" when imitating N00b Speak."). Other examples of "noob talk" is randomly shouting "i 4m t3h pWn!" and "t3h d00m!". Noob talk is mostly used to make fun of players who whine and ask for money or items. More advanced players might mockingly walk up to a low-level character and plead "moses plz!!" or "i wnat godl! plz!?". "M3 Wn4t M0n3y!!1!!!!!!11111111" Noob talk is fairly simple to grasp. The main characteristic of noob talk is to make numerous spelling mistakes and overuse common Internet slang. It is easy to discern between "real" noob talk and "joke" noob talk. In many ways, this is similar to the 1980s B1FF postings on Usenet.

    Example of real "noob talk":

    OMG LOLOLOLO U SUK!!!!!!!11 Translation : You suck!
    OMFG R U SERIUS??? <<PERSON>> IS SUCH A NEWBIEz0r$!!!1!!!11!!!1! : Are you serious ? <<person>> is such an newbie!
    OMG KAN I HAV SOME FREE STUFFS PL0X!1!@!! : Can I have some free stuff please
    OMG I KILLZ0RZ U, G1V3 ME MONEY!!!@21111! : I kill you, give me money!
    NUB!!1! IM UR GF! GIV3 ME PHR33 ST00F! : I'm your girlfriend ! Give me free stuff!

    Example of joke "noob talk":

    OMGWTFBBQ U SUK11oneone11!one
    OMFG <<Insert character here>> gots <<insert weapon here>>!!11 He winzar!!11111 LMAOROFLawlz

    Utilization of noob or n00b as an insult is very similar in act being called a troll; certain actions trigger someone's "noob" or "n00b" label, as a form of group insult.

    Noob generally describes a player's current behavior rather than his level of game experience. Although apparently originating from reactions to the ignorance among new players, its usage extends to high-level players who act similarly, and invalid with new players who lack apparent foolishness. For low levels the more correct term Newbie is used, altough not always. Someone online may call someone a "n00b", who offline would call him or her a loser or idiot.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2006
  17. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Haha :p, I like that one Ireland ;)
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    neph, bummer as that is the 1 i chew on as i color!!!!
  19. pepsimaxx

    pepsimaxx Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    personally, i like to chew on anything i can find while i colour preferably "n00bzorz$" in the saftey valve :D

  20. pepsimaxx

    pepsimaxx Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    *huffs and puffs* am i outta time??? can i still win neph?? my basements aching to be trashed??? [​IMG] haha judges....outta 10 please :D


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