If i did that to MY mom she would lock me outside the house for a few days but i think it would be worth it!!! but she would suspect it was me, so i'd have to do something like break the door or leave it wide open or something.
I heard of a joke on putting ketchup packets under the lid of a toilet seat. So that when someone sits down they squirt all over. Seems like fun....
I think the only prank i've only played on someone is my aunt, when shes was sleeping, I put a bunch of fake snakes (shes hates snakes lol). Went back to bed, at aroung 6:30 AM, I heard a loud scream, it worked =)
my brom switched my chocolate milk entirely with choco exlax....,made me mad. so i did the same thing back but at the same time i made the clear jello in his tiolet : ) worked out really well up antill the next day ha came to my hous and kicked my A$$
you mean a n00b............ kinda like now, just 3000 posts later !!! lol j/k sup lethal... im in da club now !!! lol (had to say that in my best rapper voice, just for you)
well... I must have been a noob making crappy threads like this, lol. And you know you like a bit of rap music now and then buddy Shame I'm no metalhead, by [bold]any[/bold] stretch of the imagination.... ;-)