I was terminated today Thanks for all your support, I saw the err of my ways but it was too late. A lesson lived is a lesson learned. Well off to look for a new gig, Ill be back a.s.a.p. You guys are the best!!!
on what grounds did they terminate you? it sounds like jeff was up someones ass to keep his job while you lost yours. there really was no grounds to let you go except for the fact you were on probationary period and they could let you go for any old reason,basically. it seems they have a tight knit group of losers that stick together and watch each others back while putting the bulk of the workload on the new guy. id bet they have ran plenty of people out of that site the same way. ive worked at several sites that was that way. people hiring friends and family and then pushing people around knowing that their job was secure. but now that you're fired you might want to call up the company's human resources and let them know the reasons you were fired so they could look into it. maybe get somebody in trouble for discriminating against you. commenting on somebodies work habits is no reason to fire somebody even on a probationary period. it proves they wanted you to do most of the work and have you keep your mouth shut. they obviously dont want upper management involved that is why they terminated you. it might not get your job back but it could get them in some heat. and by the way, if he was bigger than you then it probably was wise not to fight him. ive had people start fights with me on the clock to try and get me fired. but after we clocked out and i went to the parking lot,none were there to fight. they would act like there was no problem and walk to their cars. thats mainly because im single and dont have kids so i dont worry about fighting people when my job is not on the line. dickheads like jeff look for people to go after that arent willing to fight. i would have sent that dickhead in a different direction. minded he wasnt a bodybuilder. then i would have ran him down with my car. lol
@ Jizmak: since your job is no longer on the line, you could pull some nasty pranks on the bastard... Another Day, Another Vendetta?
Tomorrow is another day. There's more jobs around your area, i'm sure. Remenber what i said last time? You haven't got a job to loose anymore, you could have a chat with him now... Don't let him do to others what he done to you and possibly to others before you. Teach him a lesson. Me out...
The one thing you can learn out of this is to pick your battles. It was not worth telling a jackass to pick up his production. In every situation in a work environment you have got to watch out for number one. People tend to play stupid, stupid games at work. The person who rocks the boat is usually the first overboard. I worked for a company for 5 years and had a problem with a co-worker that was documented. When it finally came to the last straw, I was "laid" off. I tried to be diplomatic but after he tried to kick the ladder out from under me I confronted the manager and bye bye me. You have no legal recourse against this, live and learn. Even though you were a great worker, you became tainted in their eyes. 99.99% of employers can't see you through the bottom line. I was severely injured at another job and once I was out of the wheelchair they tried to get another employee to take me to a bar during work so I could be fired! You need to have boundaries at the next job so as to protect yourself against the next Jeff. Good luck in your job search.
I will be honest I am a little bitter with a bad taste in my mouth, Maybe once the 'heat' cools down "SWIM" will pay him a visit. "Never let go of what you strive for NEVER think you cant make a change."
score yourself some steroids and do some major workouts and come back looking like hulk hogan's bigger brother and scare the shit out of the little girly boy jeff })
man if that ever happend to any1 i knew i'd be first in line waiting for any1 after work... if it were me personally i'd keep my old sweetie from high school in the trunk (34/31 lousville slugger...sandy), then i'd beat the f*ck'n piss outta him n stroll into work the next day, when informed about the co-worker, i'd reply you sure thats true and not just hear-say??? but i dont have kids and prolly not as much to lose all and all man it may not feel like the right thing or really good but most any rational person would say you did the right thing considering your situation...hopefully theres not a next time for you but if there is and you know its a problem, carry a tape recorder of some sort for justification. btw steriods are not an ans to any of life's problems, unless under treatment from a doctor OR if you have a small member, steriods will shrink your balls, and the smaller the potatoes..the bigger the steak looks***
i kinda have the same problem BUT its a female causing me the problems she likes to pick fights with me yells and screams and throws a fit i dont really respone to her and I keep my cool as shes calling me names and giving me the finger.then she goes and tells on me and lies about it all . she does it all the time and gets away with because shes a girl and iam a guy so i figure iam in a no win problem , iam really tried of it . any ideas all??
@aabbccdd Sounds like a girlfriend problem - is it? I would hope us women do not act like that a work!!
@aabbccdd Maybe your only chice is to give her some... With those women there's only so much you can do. Laugh in their faces, bait them... They will always bite because they think they are superior... Fair enough, but that sh@te only works in a one off situation caused by stress or something like that... When we're talking about a bully that does it repeatedly that just feeds their attitude! Wait for her to try to rattle you around and then kinda accidentally leave the camera-phone on video... That would keep her on her toes after the kiss and tell...
let her hit you then when she does start crying real loud. it wont solve anything but i think that would be a hilarious thing to do. XO