Problems installing Large Hard Drive after Softmod

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by MLOYLLO, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. onthedge

    onthedge Guest

    stupid question, but what do u mean by SC modded console? never mind, just figured it out :p. ok, i'll try that then
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2006
  3. onthedge

    onthedge Guest

    ok, i can't get my drive un-"frozen" to lock it, after i've built the partitions and everything. i'll ask this now, can i put a new BIOS in so it will boot with or without a locked drive? and this is on a softmodded xbox too.

    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Are you using xboxhdm? If so make sure you included you r eprom bin on your iso so you can lockhd, oir whatever.
  5. Attacker

    Attacker Guest

    I JUST installed my softmod using the first splintercell game. It took me about 8 hours but I figured out practically ALL of the problems everyones been having using this game to install the mod. There arn't that many problems to tell you the truth, just a few that really get you stuck. I can't explain everything because that would take forever, so if anyone has any individual questions, ask away and I'll answer them.

    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Thats good to know. ThanX man........

    Did you use ltools_v1[1].7.5_SC_NTSC?
  7. Attacker

    Attacker Guest

    Nope, all I used was splinter cell, action replay, the adapter from the computer to the memory card, and winrar. But for the record, if anyone is having the problem with splinter cell when you go to click on checkpoints after u have your softmod programs on your Xbox and it freezes, or it says your Xbox needs assistance or something, then you know you DO have a CORRUPT MEMORY CARD. I know many people have been reading the Linux program and seeing the it says BAD TYPE or something under the controller setting or something, that IS CORRECT. It is supposed to show like that. What I did was buy a new memory card and boom, I was all set. The only problem I have right now, is that I don’t know what to do now. Like I have the softmod installed, but in non of the games I own do I have any super powers you know what I mean? Like super speed and unlimited stuff, you know. So if anyone can help me with that problem that would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks. :)
  8. nate1490

    nate1490 Regular member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    Just to let everyone know, formatting the G drive takes 5 sec. Just go to file explorer in unleashx and click on the G drive. Bring up the options and click format

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