Problems with Live Free or Die Hard

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by PacMan777, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    RipIt4Me uses DVD Decrypter and automatically builds PSL files for DVDD when needed. Most of the time that's a good decryption method. There's only a very few of the newer releases that RI4M can't process. As for processing with FixVTS, the program figures out if the files need FixVTS processing or not. If not, the files can be opened in Shrink. Besides the VOB cleanup done by the FixVTS software, RI4M also does an IFO cleanup. To really see all that RI4M does, go through all the steps using the wizard method. For the user wanting files for RB, they can simply let it rip the files to open in Shrink and close Shrink down. Quick analysis in Shrink is a common test for DVD compliance. I run it occasionally if I think there might be a compliance problem. You get the test automatically when running RI4M. Basically RI4M rips and cleans the source files in one smooth process. RI4M has been able to do a lot of new releases while others were waiting for Slysoft and DVDIdle to get the updates out.

    If you liked the previous Diehard movies, you'll like this one. I like it better than the earlier ones.

    It turns out with Live Free or Die Hard that it can be ripped with DVD Decrypter by itself. In fact for RB users this is probably the best route to take. I'd tried the other decryption programs and variations with them. RB kept getting errors. I ripped the full DVD with DVD Decrypter, I did not use FixVTS or anything to further process the files, I opened the source files in RB, let RB/CCE encode and build an ISO, and I burned with Nero Express. I've not watched the whole DVD yet, but skipping through the scenes everything appears to be in good condition. If anything the other decryption programs were over processing the source files and altering the structure enough to cause RB errors. Guess jdobbs doesn't need to do anything for Live Free or Die Hard since the software to rip it is still floating around for free.

    Edit: For some reason RipIt4Me errors out when I open the DVD in 1-Click. Normally the 1-Click method is the best. It's a runtime error saying the system is out of resources. I can switch to Wizard or use DVD Decrypter and everything works the way it's supposed to. I'll run the RI4M processed files through RB later to see what happens. Better yet, I'll take wolfmanz word for it and save myself the trouble. ;) So, this is another success story for RI4M and DVD Decrypter. DVDD gets extra points because it does the job faster by itself. LOL
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  2. wolfmanz

    wolfmanz Regular member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    This option does not work for this film.

    Looks like Fengtao and Slysoft are the ones with the work to do as this is not the only film causing problems.

    Another thread on this subject has been started at Doom9

    Just goes to show what a solid combination DVD Decrypter and Ripit4Me make!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  3. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    I didnt have any problems with Die Hard 4 using Rebuilder 1.26.5. There were a bunch of files according to VOB Blanker that were dummies or something (I forgot). However....during the first half of the movie.there are several loud pops that occaisionally occured. Also I noticed 2 artifacts in the 2nd half of the movie. It was like a square near the middle of the screen with blanked out squares. I used ANYDVD and Rebuiler Pro (latest version) and VOB Blanker (latest version) and Decrypter. Everything ripped and encoded in Rebuilder without a hitch. But will have to make another backup as to try to get a backup that plays without these problems. Also, once, the movie froze for like 2 seconds (much longer than a layer break freeze).If anyone knows why the playback is flawed please help..:)
  4. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    The solutions were posted by wolfmanz and me just a few posts back. Rip the files with DVD Decrypter, no further processing needed. Use RB and you should get an excellent backup. I watched mine and it looked like watching the original. Wolfmanz got his backup using RI4M, which incorporates DVD Decrypter. The program has extra steps not needed with this release, plus I couldn't get 1-Click to work on my system (had to use Wizard).
  5. brussells

    brussells Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    I've just tried backing this up, to portable HDD, using both DVDFab and DVDDecrypter and both had odd results. The main menu for the disc plays through but doesnt let me select anything, and the film is out of sync. Also, the first chapter, once finding it, has NO sound! All other chapters work perfect! Once backed up should I be running the files through something else before watching it??

    UPDATE: Main Movie ONLY with DVDFab = problem solved!
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2008
  6. blair99

    blair99 Member

    Sep 28, 2007
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    ok ok so to rip this movie what program should i use.

    Im making a full dvd copy.

    so what would be best?
  7. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    At this late date I'd say most of the decryption programs that are supported should be up to date for this one. Try the latest version of the free DVDFab HD Decrypter.

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