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Problems With Nero's Recode2

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by daletom, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. daletom

    daletom Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    It was like after it said 99% complete something came up on right side where time is that said elasped and then it just ran for about half hour or so and I finally had to shut down computer to get it off the screen I could not close it or nothing. I then tried again today and was not going to hit burn at once but just burn then it said already had a file in folder did I want to overwrite and I said no. So I went into the recode folder and something must have wrote itself to harddrive so I deleted all that waited awhile and then tried it again and it copied.No I don't ever save the log did not know to. But I think you are on the target with size because this is the 1st one I ever had that said writing 4/x then gave something like 5490kb or something (not sure of that number but I know first was a 5).I will install the new anydvd. Now do I have to make any changes or will it be automatic? Hate to hear it but glad to know someone of your knowledge has problems every now and then.Thanks
  2. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Thanx a lot, glad I could make you happy by mine screwing up. lol Your problem sounds like it was from your size. 5+ is way over 4.3, you can only copy that to your HD, not a disc.
    When it asked you if you wanted to overwrite you should have said yes, that was files from a previous burn in your temporary folder. I always delete my info in my temps after finishing, cos I never know what prog I will use next and it saves HD space. You ended up deleting it anyway.

    All is automatic in Anydvd, just reinstall over the old and reboot.

    You can always choose custom size in recode and set it at 4300. However this is where I'm having problems right now, and I talked with nero, the new update with the fix is soon. If you have problems, you should save your log file, nero support will ask you for it if you have problems so they can analyze.

    Glad it's working for ya...

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