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Problems with Netflix

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by aabbccdd, Dec 4, 2005.

  1. JMG

    JMG Member

    Apr 2, 2005
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    netflix is the better of the two online chains and that is not saying much...the only reason to keep netflix is for there large selections as JaguarGod mentioned.

    don't know if this has been posted yet....http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/02/10/netflix.penalty.ap/

    this guy pretty much speaks for what is wrong with netflix.

    the good old days are over!!
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2006
  2. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Everyone knows how to get around "throttling" now though ;)

    Take the movies you really want or have a really long wait and put them 1,2,3 on your queue. Then get rid of everything else from your queue, and they WILL send you those movies, really long wait or not.
    Take that netflix and your declining service! :)
  3. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    That is a pretty good way to get the three you want, but I imagine that they may still do some stupid things like "lose a movie in the mail", or send you the wrong title.

    Probably the only way to get good service is for some hacker to get into their system and put a virus that disables their throttling software (basically remove the secret renting limit).

    I think what they try to do is get $2 per rental. That is not that bad of a deal, but waiting 1 week for movie that you want to see is not that much fun.
  4. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    And we all shall rise and rent new films for an old one's price.
    So it has been fortold in the prophecy and so it shall be.
  5. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    good link JMG i see now that iam not the only person that had problems with slowing down shipments ,i talked to netflix on the pnone several times and they swear its the post office fault i told them BULLSHIT straight out and then said its not worth the headache to have your service ,they even offered me a free month and i said screw it dude iam OUT !!!! ,if you guys have other online links to rent from post them .i sent this thread to netflix BTW lol .and heres netflix phone number if anyone wants to call and bitch about there poor service 1-888-683-3549 ,they DONT post this on there website either humm wonder why.
  6. Jam_7th

    Jam_7th Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Listen Everyone. (My English Is A Little). Anyway .. I am Netflix Member Since Almost 2 Years. They Are and Still The Number One Online Rental. Yes ... In The Last Month They Have A Little Problem Because They Have Many , Many more Customers. I make A Blockbuster membership And They Is Super Extra Bad. Blockbuster have bad inventary and almost all movies is long wait or short whait. I recive the movies one month later. When i return the movies .. they say never recive and charge me for the three movies.Three weeks later they recive and Refund my money.Bad experience with blockbuster. With The GameFly.com Almost The Same Situation. Maybe Netflix Have a little problems now but Still the number ones. ever the movies come to me in 2 , 3 or 4 days max and remember i am member since almost 2 years and I am from Puerto Rico. Thanks !!
  7. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    maybe the service is better down there than in the states ,bottom line if your turning around to many dvds its a problem to them becuse they arent making any money from your account. and its not worth the headache to me to get that poor of service so i dumped them !!!!
  8. mdawg2323

    mdawg2323 Member

    Jan 14, 2006
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    If there were a better alternative I'd love to hear of one. Unfortunately Netflix has the most bang for your buck right now.
  9. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Netflix will run its course and something will come along better sooner or later its just a matter of time . if a company would come along and be honest a say we cant let you turn around 25 dvds a month for a certian price ,but we can at this price i would do it, its all about a company being honest and doing the right thing not being sneaky about it after you been with them for several months. so stick it netflix where the sun dont shine
  10. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    According to their site, this one is honest:


    However, they say 8 movies a month for $16.95. Not the best deal, but at least they seem honest.
  11. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    looks good JaguarGod 55,000 titles ,mature titles lol hummm maybe i will try it ,thanks

    heres another site to check out also

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2006
  12. berger103

    berger103 Guest

    Those prices for those are kind of..well expensive, but its worth it if they do send you movies quickly and you can see 20-30 movies a month. Has anybody tried any of these companies out, and if so, what are they like?
  13. spirittoo

    spirittoo Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Does anyone know if you can cancel your subscription on a Saturday? I know they won't mail anything, but is there staff on hand to cancel you?

  14. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yes you can cancel anytime , you will have like 7 days to mail back the dvds you have out when you cancel. just cancel the day before there going to charge you for the next month. and you dont have to call just cancel online in your account. easy as that ,screw netflix
  15. spirittoo

    spirittoo Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Thanks for the info :)
  16. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    so netflix is sueing blockbuster now thats a load of crap, what idiots!!!!!!
  17. tsquare43

    tsquare43 Regular member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Guy in my office said today that Netflix was sueing because BB ripped off their "dvds by mail" concept. Guess they should have include Wally World in the suit also.
  18. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    I thought you did not have rights to ideas like this...Isn't this something like Tetris, where making a game with falling blocks is allowed as long as it does not have "tris" anywhere in the name (i.e. no one can own the rights to falling blocks in a game, but someone owns the rights to use "tris" in a game of this nature)??

    If this is the case, Netflix is only losing money by doing this, so this means more throttling for their members!!
  19. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah the law suit will go nowhere with BB and i also read netflix has a class action law suit against them for "throttling" which they pretty much admit they do. why cant they just have two different price points for there service ,one for a limit of say 12 movies for the 17.99 price then unlimited movies for say 24.99 a month ,i pay it
  20. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Sorry to reply to a dated message, but intelliflix is BY FAR the worst service of all. I recieved 4 broken (like literally cracked in half and glued) out of the first 9 movies they sent me. Ridiculous. never again....

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