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Program didn't work on my computer

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by alexaegrl, Jul 26, 2004.

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  1. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    And to backup dvd's, your pc matters. Which is why I asked for your pc specs. Have you checked out any guides?? If you use "deep analysis", the movie will analyize twice ... and the second time it will take longer. Right now I find it hard to believe it's your hardware or your software. This stuff takes time, and if you don't want to take the time to learn to do it right, then I for one can't help you.
  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    To check your file system:
    To check your processor, and ram:
    [bold]Right click "my computer" -> click properties[/bold]

    To check your HD space:
    [[bold]Open "my computer" -> what does it say for your local disk? What are the two numbers?[/bold]
  3. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    When you first insert the dvd, dvd shrink looks at it to see how big it is (that was the 5 minute analysis). Then the second time, it actually shrinks the movie, which takes about an hour (depending on many factors). So when you got it to analyse for the hour, you were on the right track.
  4. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    can I read?? How dare you you fusking bumhole, for your information I placed into honors physics at 14, and computers make me want to shoot people b/c they don't work. You're supposed to be able to hold down shift and selct multiple files and my computer has 100's of gibberish code files for no apparent reason, and the shift thing won't work anymore. An yone who can stand this stuff must be dead, I feel irrevocably someon cidal just from today! You ego prick fusk you, I'[ll take the shit back and leave to you dead people to deal with! fuckin offer somone help and ask them if they can read, can you skateboard you fag, cause I can, and I read the main newspaper at 4, looked up words in the dictionary at 6, and did algebra at 8, so fusk you, it has nothing to do with intellligence, but with how determined you are to being whipped by the machine and looking like gollum by the time you die, cause that's how i feel right now. Personally, I'd rather live my life and go get laid or stare at the river or even go to work to make money to buy fuc\king than talk about this nonsense.
  5. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Grateful to livid in 6 hours. Your ego-driven mentality is the failure story, and I knew it would be, b/c most people are like that, like you. Next time, if you're going to be a freak, just let the person give up. Obsessing over making things work when they don't want to is for freaks, so why don't you just be a nice helpful harmonious freak, instead of one that makes people hate machines even more than they already did. I know, it's cause ya'll don't talk to people, you don't have social skills, so you take everything personally and sit around like the puppy whipped boyfriend of you computer. Doeswn't that suck? There is more to life than bieng rude, like, when you're not, things work, the man is subverted, and people thank you, an d don't spread hate.
  6. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Well can you? Cause how many times do you have to ask?

    If you could read, you would have read this in my third post:
    Can you answer this? If not are you at least running XP, Windows 2000 or NT? If yes, open my computer -> right click your local disk -> choose properties .... does it say NTFS for the file system?

    Then your fifth and sixth post, your asking how.

    WTF!!! Are you smoking?

    You know here's another tip: Read the rules ya potty mouth.
  7. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I'm going to ask you again. CAN YOU READ!!! Because I did say I'm trying to help, but I also said it's not fun guessing. How old are you? or should I ask young? And if you are young that's a shame, cause there are alot of knowledgeable young kids out there. You happen to be very hot tempered, ungrateful, and a bitch.

    Jesus Christ some people.
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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