Qoob - Upcomming no-swap modchip.

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by Artlover, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. Artlover

    Artlover Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Yeah, it is a big deal to people. I think you'll probably a more people then not care. Aside from just being inconvienent, it's makes dealing with multi-disc games anywhere between a pain in the butt to impossible.

    No-swap is the only reason I'm interested in buying it and assuming it's real, I WILL buy it just for that, even at $91, despite having just spent $75 on my viper 2 months ago.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2005
  2. saltonsea

    saltonsea Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Too bad its not just a bios issue its an actual hardware difference..... It has more solder points
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2005
  3. gulliver

    gulliver Regular member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    the extra solder points are for usb connecting and bios, not hardware. More wires doesn't mean anything. It depends on where the wires are going to.

    Well, you must either be rich or increadibly lazy. You'd be willing to spend $91 when you just got a viper for the sole reason that you won't have to swap? Why did u even buy the viper? You should've waited for a no-swap method. Just seems like common sense to me, but to each his own I guess.

    btw, good luck. it's pretty risky to remove a chip to put a new one in, unless you're putting it in a different cube.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2005
  4. Artlover

    Artlover Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Excuse me, do you know me? (Hope your up for a long read - that's your punishment.)

    1st, It DOES create issues with multidiscs games and makes some of them impossible to play.

    2nd, Princible. Shouldn't have to need to. Don't have to swap in my SegaCD, Saturn, Dreamcast, PSX, PS2 or Xbox.

    3nd, Unlike all those other systems, the cube doesn't even make it easy to play the swap disc game. Between the the way the case is design, and the time limit involved.

    If your happy with it, fine. I'm not, and neither are a majority of people I've seen. To each their own.

    My suggestion would be that you don't concern yourself with no-swap chips or people who want them, and refrain from pissing in threads about things that you obviously don't want, insulting people who do. Just a thought.

    Only if you don't know what you're doing.

    I've been working with electronics and soldering equipment and test equipment for 20+ years. I fix all my own stuff; tv's, vcr's, monitors, printers, computers - all at a componente level. I build my own electronic devices from scratch, design my own circuits, etch my own boards, etc. for fun. Companies like MCM & Digikey & Mouser are close friends of mine.

    It took me all of 30 seconds to install my viper. Easiest thing I've done in years. I could happily and easily uninstall and reinstall it all day. I can't even comprehend the comments I've seen some people make about how hard this was or how small the soldering points are. Small? Please, it has some of the largest points I've seen in an electronic device in recent years. You want to talk small or hard, go mod a PS2 or repair a broken DIMM.

    It's comon sense. Modchips are electronic devices that require installation. Thus it requires some minimal basic skill in using the tools required. There is an assumption that people would know this. Unfortunatly, the problem with modchips are that they draw out a lot of unqualified people who do not have the knowledge or skill to install them but know that they can pirate games with it, so they insist on wanting to try.

    How easy something looks means nothing if you have absolutly no understanding of any of it. If you want to do something you need to learn how to do it first. Not while you're trying to do it. Find some junked piece of electronics in a dumpster and try practicing on that first for a while. It actually only takes a few hours of practice to temporarly gain a minor level of proficiency. Not that most of these modders are trying to "learn" anything. They mostly are only concerned about trying to muddle their way through something they don't understand so they can start stealing.

    I don't shed any tears for them or their broken cubes.

    Now, is there anything ELSE you think you know about me and want to comment on? <rolls eyes!>
  5. gulliver

    gulliver Regular member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    my God, some people are touchy...anyway

    Well, for one, I wasn't aware that I was "pissing on" it. If you could give a quote where I was bashing it, I'd love to see it. Just because I don't think this chip is the greatest thing ever doesn't mean I shouldn't concern myself with talking about it. If I want to voice my opinion, even if it doesn't agree with yours (like it matters) then I'm going to. If someone was insulting by something I said, then they have real problems. What exactly did I say that was insulting? That I think it's stupid to buy a chip and remove it two months or so later to put in another one? Sorry, but that is stupid.

    Anyway, that's fine that people aren't happy with their viper and wanna replace it. I don't care about that. If they think this chip will solve their dre problems or whatever, then more power to them. But if you're having dre problems now, I hope you know (I'm not talking to anyone specific, so you know) that this chip won't solve it. Almost all dres are from a combination of your burner and media, and how compatible they are with each other. But that's for a different thread entirely.

    Anyway, Artlover, I'm not trying to insult you. And I'm sorry if I did, really. I just don't really expect people on these forums to be old enough to have been working with anything for 20+ years. I guess I just don't understand what's so special about this chip. But anyway, there's enough fighting in these damn gamecube forums. I thought I understood it before, but I'm not sure anymore.

    Anyway, moving on...
  6. saltonsea

    saltonsea Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Meow .. bitch fight....lol
    Regardless i hope for you guys sake it is just a mere bios update for the Viper, I'll wait and will get the qoob chip looks like a more stable piece of engineering, plus it has USB vs Parallel, smaller and more compact.
  7. Artlover

    Artlover Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Mostly that "increadibly lasy" bit.

    True, but what does any of this have to do with this thread. No said it would fix them. No one was even talking about them. No-swap, if real, was supposed to be the topic of conversation. That is if you can get past all the replies that it's fake or a viper clone.

    No problem, I kinda just woke up in a bad mood today, and the way that one comment read struck me wrong.

    34 here. Had my first soldering iron when I was 12. One of the first things I did back in those days was build an audio digitizer board for my Commodore 64. Hardest part was teaching myself 6502 assembly language to program for it, as basic sure wasn't fast enough.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2005
  8. gulliver

    gulliver Regular member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    as far as my comment about dres, I just figured (I know it's not why you are) that a lot of people are fed up with dres and would get this chip hoping it would be better for dres. I just don't want someone to go to the trouble of desoldering their viper, installing the qoob and finding that it doesn't solve their problems;)

    23 here. I think it's so cool that you're in your thirties and still into the scene:) I know I'll be the same way in ten years;)
  9. AceMilo

    AceMilo Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    I was thinking about something. Even if it works without swap, you have to jump the lid sensor so it thinks its always closed, so 2 disc games will never work for it, at least with viper they could probably figure something out since they have the passthru. So, who cares about no swap? Ya it saves 8 seconds, but if thats the only benefit, you can't even turn qoob off since the lid is always closed, so 2 disc originals won't ever work. Sounds like a raw deal.
  10. petertje6

    petertje6 Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    i am new here and i have some questions.
    what is the difference between the Qoob Pro and SX chip and wich one should i buy.

    and if i only want to play burned games on my GC i don't need other things like a SD card?

    p.s. : and i hope with all my heart it is not a april fool joke:D
  11. AceMilo

    AceMilo Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    If it is real who cares? You can't even play orginal 2 disc games let alone copies. See my above post.
  12. indienemo

    indienemo Guest

    Im trying to stay neutral in this, its good for everyone isnt it, if it comes out, people can buy a new chip and people who have a viper get the bios anyway, why so much anger
  13. DixonButz

    DixonButz Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    First I have heard of that. You have a source for that info?
    You are talking about the Qoob?
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2005
  14. AceMilo

    AceMilo Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    I coulda swarn on the qoob site under the install diagrams they show you you have to jump the lid sensor by soldering a wire to 2 points on the underside of the lid sensor connector. Nevermind, I'm an ass, it does have a passthru, ignore my post (derf on my part).
  15. Artlover

    Artlover Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Edit: never mind the below, you already figured it out. :)

    Why are you assuming the lid sensor need to be kept closed??

    The lid sensor ONLY relates to methods where you have to swap as you can't let the system know that you have changed the original disc with a copied one in an attempt to circumvent the protection.

    If this is a no-swap chip, then it's irrevelent and the lid sensor can be free to act like normal since you are not relying on swaping anything to load backups. 2 disc games will work just fine.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2005
  16. AceMilo

    AceMilo Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Ya I realized my mistake, however after thinking about it, why would it even need a passthru in the first place? If it is a true no swap chip then there should be no need for a lid sensor passthru yet the qoob has one. I would really just like to see some solid info about this chip and not just marketing hype.
  17. gulliver

    gulliver Regular member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    I was thinking the same thing. Sounds kinda fishy to me...
  18. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    All I have to say is why would they build a site directed around this chip,and then have so many modchip distributors put it on preorder.I don't really think it is fake.You all know gamefreax.com right the modchip distributor.They are a pretty reputable modchip distributor.They also where the first to have the Viper modchip.I know it does sound kinda fishy right,but trust me a modchip distributor such as this one would not even display it if it was fake.The multi disc thing would work since it would keep reading any disc you pop in the system also.I think with any product it will take some time before any real information will be released.They have to manufactor the chips also which takes a long time.I don't know,but hopefully it is true and I do believe the 2 extra wires has something to do with it.Oh another thing I don't think the Viper will support the bios file,because the Viper uses Parrallel port where the Qoob is going to use USB.I think this is going to make a big difference in the bios.I don't know to be honest I will just wait and see if it is real or not.You are all right though,there really isn't enough information on the modchip at the momment.
  19. gulliver

    gulliver Regular member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    You misunderstand me. I'm not suggesting that it's fake; I'm suggesting that it's not a true no-swap mod. I think there has to be some kind of swap procedure involved since it has a pass-thru.

    As far as the bios. I don't see why it would matter that you flash the chip with USB instead of parallel. The only thing I could think of is that their bios might be too big to fit on the viper, but they can always modify it to make it fit.
  20. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Nah gulliver the Parrallel and USB do differ as for the functions.This is why the bios will not work,reason why is the bios will call different functions then the normal Cobra bios.Maybe if someone rebuilt the bios,but nah not possible to just pop it into the Viper without it being reconstructed.The modchip being a no swap mod,sure it is possible I think.Technology is moving fast these days and I am sure they don't want to mention alot about what is making it a no swap modchip.If they revealed how they made it a no swap modchip,Viper would take that idea and implement it into their modchip.Then the Qoob would lose money on their chip,because they just told everyone their product.Think about it though do they really want to start telling people right now even though the modchip isn't out yet.

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