You bet I do. Zagar and Evans. lol The song was popular in 1969, a month or 2, before I went into the Army.
@grandpaBW: Yea, I'm an old fart who remembers it too but to remember the performers and the year; better memory than me! A year or so after I went in, I remember some marines marching to a cleaver improv "I've been throught the desert on a horse with no legs ..." wish I could remember the rest of it. Probably would have been more appropriate for today's boys. @ddp: WHOOPIE!! I'm soon to be promoted to a full member! (I'm glad; this is a fun place) but now I'll really have my work cut out for me: here at the office, I'll have to work a lot harder at working a lot less so that I can make Senior!! ...Gerry
i just checked how meny posts i made...that might make me the old man here..! You have posted 9686 messages to our discussion forums since you created your account on 29 November 2002 note:i deleted a ton of my own posts in threads i closed and removed,i do not know if they are in the above count.. Also on my own info site i posted over 28769 post..since nov 2004.
Hi Ireland! You must have the strongest and fastest fingers around! I noticed your title of "DVDXCOPY chief moderator"; tell me, are the reactivation instructions I saw still the case? I know this isn't the right place but I had to do a destructive recovery and lost my DVD XCOPY Platimum. I've read a lot of complaints but it always worked like a charm for me and I'd hate to lose it; I've had it a couple of years, I guess. I thought 321 studios went out of business; is there still any hope to reinstall from download and reactivate? thanks Ireland!
gerry1 go here and fill out a ticket for activation if ye get activated go here for a update and ask baldbear for the ripper free version v40415,which will do all the sony stuff with anydvd..(no nag screen}its much better then international v5.0.0.13 note v40415 will activate off of platinum v4038
ireland, got you beat by almost 2 grand except for your other site posts. You have posted 11509 messages to our discussion forums since you created your account on 15 October 2004.
@ ddp and creaky, i'm going to make it easy on you both. Theres heaps of offensive posts for both of you. @ireland: well i'm not to far behind you and i've been here since August 2002