If its the firmware your after, your best bet is here--->> http://www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds Just look at the list that starts with R4. TBH they can be trial and error. I bought my R4DS from a computer fair and it was labelled as a Sandisk, I tried the 1.18 and it failed, eventually got it working with one that was called 1.25(forget which one exactly tbh) but since then i have bought three more for my friends, all from the same place, all labelled as Sandisk too...thing is the 1.25 doesn't work with these new ones and after trying various firmwares it was the 1.18 that did. So it seems that whoever is mass producing all these miniSD cards, they are simply labelling them all with a well known branded name, just so that we buy a name we all know and trust.
I'm glad it worked for you as well. Have to say I am well impressed now it is working. My kids love the fact that they don't have to keep swapping cards around. Think I might have to buy one for myself now .