Hi,Yall(Scuba Pete, Frank y los otros<--estoy cerca la frontera): Yeah! That DVDINfoPro is my kind of software. How fine it would be if all offerings were that comprehensive. On Nero Ultra Edition, I am desirous consumer. I'll probably approach it as I would a desired parking spot at the supermarket: I circle around a bit 'til I get what I want on MY TERMS. Maybe I'll survive long enough to enjoy Nero Ultra Edition at, say, $45. . . . As long as I can complete a burn within an hour, I can tolerate a bit more labor. . . . Now on Windows Messenger. Does anyone know what it's good for? Better: Does anyone know how to inoculate against it? wlloyd
Windows Messenger, Turn off in msconfig - "P" _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small]The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1GB RAM. 340GB HD, 7200 (Maxtor 120, Western 200 & 20. 4 Drives, JLMS DVD ROM, HP DVD Writer 200j, Nec 4X DVD RW ND-1300A & AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– XP sp1.[/small]
It's for instant messages - Me, I don't want it. If you want it dead and dead, uninstall it from control panel - Or what I said in my last post - Shut it down in msconfig - "P"
rick5446 I have an NEC 1300a also. NEC Website not showing me what I want to see, firmware upgrade. What am I missing. Can you provide a URL? Would greatly appreciate it. Ted
Hi,Scuba Pete: Hell, I knew about deleting that sob Messenger in Control Panel, but as I mentioned some time earlier,the infor had escaped my short pipeline. I have lived through the children of Microsoft. Hey, a bit of reflection: I can recall when Microsoft was a spreadsheet outfit. Let's see. What was the name of that first major spreadsheet? Yeah. It was Visicalc. It preceded Lotus 1-2-3 and (of course Excel). Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro Pro were my favorites for a few years. Guess what. When I bought this new Dell it came with. . . Quattro Pro. . .Old Home Week from the late '80s. It still does stuff that challenges Excel. Got off the track there, but I just wanted to illustrate that I am not quite the new hand from the broccoli farm. . . . I am glad that I whacked that Messenger. Hey, Pete, I am thinking of buying System Mechanic. Please give me your opinion up and down. Thanks, wlloyd
If your just talking Instant messaging then just open it up, go to preferences and uncheck start with windows. Close it then go to the system tray icon and right click over it and choose exit. You won't see it again. The is also an unrelated windows messenger service that you probably don't notice. It can be shut down with msconfig or in services.
XP is your system mechanic - set up Scheduled Tasks, it does my Disk cleanup, VirusScan (By McAfee), System Restore (very nice tool that), instant Updater and my Evidence Eliminator (a super program to clean unwanted file particles and deleted files and like that - all I do is Defrag when needed I also run McAfee Firewall - No Worries - If you feel you really need something - checkout - Cloudmark (SPAM killer (Free), Ad-aware (anti-spyware, Free), Search and Destroy (anti-Spyware, Free), Panicware (anti-popups, Free), SpyBlaster (Free), SpyGuard (Free). "P"
Thanks, Pete, El Viejo. I have used XP frequently for the tasks you identified. But I didn't see anything there for the Registry. System Mechanic has a scan-register feature that gets rid of old,invalid registry items. But I'll follow up on your suggestions. I am not not anxious to keep spending for the PC--unnecessarily. On another subject. One of recent burns is "Dolores Claiborne," a fine flick. I watched it last night. Nancy Bates plays the title role. She is great. I will always remember the classic line from this movie: (To her brutally abusive husband)"You touch me again and one of us is going to the boneyard. . . ." I love that line. Again, Bates is a super actress! wlloyd
As far as messenger is concerned, try using the "Shoot the Messenger" program on the following link, works great, but not for MSN Messenger. http://grc.com/stm/shootthemessenger.htm
Hi guys, I have a program called registry Meechanic that seems to do a pretty good job of keeping my system in order. I'm looking for one that is a bit more comprehensive though. I went surfing the other night looking for .gif and .jpg downloads and ended up with a truckload of adware and hijackers. I had to run my spybot a couple of times, three virus scans and a system restore! What a mess. Now I get an error message on start up to the effect of "cannot install module, C:\temp. internet files, bridge.dll missing", sheesh! To this day I cannot reinstall Nero package 2, the one with Recode 2 in it. Three weeks of trying with no results. I get one of these: "An error has occured during the copy process (file name Error: 183 Cannot create a file when that file already exsists. Please reboot your computer and retry." Needless to say, rebooting or anything else I've tried doesm't work. Uninstall, reinstall, using all the Clean tools, Defrag, etc. The one odd thing I notice is that if I do a search for Recode, I can find an .exe that when clicked gives me a "your trial has expired" message. The odd thing is I owned Recode 2. So where is this message coming from? I'm in touch with Nero so I hope they can help. Well enough of my whining, Cheers, Frank
Hi,Frank: If you have not evaluated Iolo Technologies' System Mechanic, I recommend that you. Over the recent years I have done three or four "30-day tests" of it. I recall that it helped considerably during my Win98 years. That O/S was a weekly challenge. Even shutdown was an issue. Heck. I went at least a year without a full shutdown of Win98(or what it Win98SE?). Today, I saw this ad that may interest you: http://www.outpost.com/product/3747916/ I like how well(smoothly) System Mechanic works--and it's for Dummies. . . . I may not do it all, but what it does seems to be enough. . . .And it has been safe for me. wlloyd
wlloyd, Frank, Funny how things work - I just downloaded System Mechanic last night - today I check my mail and you are talking about - I'm running it now - will let you know what I think in about 30 days - "P"