knotaclu & shaneh, next time edit your post instead of adding 2 or more right after each other as per forum rules. 12. Repeated posts to increase total number of posts is not allowed. Especially if your message is the last in the thread, edit it rather than post a new message.
The boxes are and always have been sold as is. Capable of receiving FTA only (especially from EU sites). Unless the box is faulty you dont have a leg to stand on. That it is no longer possible to modify the box to steal a service is not grounds to claim the goods are not fit for the purpose intended. On a side note. Some people really have a neck. Buying something they know that will enable them to steal a service (especially fully configued boxes) then when it goes belly up they act as if the were buying it from dixons. It fell off the back of a lorry remember.
u buy something from the internet you have 7 days to return! simple as that! the unless the box is faulty only relates to retail outlets not the net, how big is your neck by the way!?!
lads if your caught your caught and if you get your money then take it if not stop crying about it times were good now there not .some day the be good again
Win some you lose some but, the annoying thing is, some sellers in the UK were still sending over boxes even after n3 came into play, i know of one supplier for sure who sent some monday evening, he had full knowledge of the situation here and has not answered his phone since last week, this supplier was highly reccomended from a certain member of AD on dozens of occasions. Not very reccomendable now i would say. Supplier will be named and shamed soon.
hard to call it either way,you pre order your boxes and pay,they come in say 3 weeks and are shipped out on monday evening,posts started after 13.30 about n3 it was not confirmed fully until the evening,i cannot see how the suppliers in uk would know of what is happening in irl at that precious time,they would be busy getting orders out,were they contacted by phone or email to stop shipping out to you? as everybody knew it was only a matter of time when it would strike. as i see it they were only doing what you wanted,sorry.
how did they know as no forum did plenty of rumours thats all,uk have nothing to do with irish provider u*c so how can they have known?
Ok, this supplier has been doing 99% of his business in IRE, he has made a lot of money from punters buying one unit and people buying cartons he was contacted by phone by txt and email on monday around 1pm and would not answer any correspondance, he then proceeded to send cartons not single units on monday at 5 pm fully aware about the situation in IRE. Is that good business?
AD is a very good site which i use for software and downloads i dont sit in front of my pc all day and night like you posting shite and reccomending dodgy suppliers. Know what i mean?
sometimes people only check messages at end of day,sometimes i even forget to check mine,i would have have thought 5pm very late to post by courier,as in irl they start at 05.30 and finish by 16.00 very little traffic on roads at that time. strange if you email and phoned him how did you know it had gone to n3 as we did not know,not to sure can you send a text to uk?my phone cannot.
touchy arnt we, i wonder if you would be saying that if your box was working, and no boxes from any suppliers in the Uk go out with couriers after 2pm, so nobody knew about the N3 thing till well after that, so it would have been impossible to stop the delivery as it would all ready been on route. And for the posting thing, at least i give something on here, and not just a frequent visitor, and take take software all the time, its posted and help feck all, or when boxes go down come on here then moaning about it, another lurker on Ad, there is plenty of them who just watch read and take and give feck all back. But the min the boxes goes down, where do they come you guessed it just like you a leech. Take all give nothing, then abuse the people that do contribute to the forum.