i'm sure if we ask nephilim that can be arranged. Welcome to the forum memorexloner (you know you get to start as a newbie when they change your name) lol only kidding!!!!!1
I am SO sure of that one! START!!!! I would NEVER get higher than that if I changed my name to that!!!! LOL!
andmerr, it happened to scubabud a couple of times when ad tried to send him mail & bounced so he was temporarily inactive(& deserved it) til he corrected his email account
That's the question I asked dRD remember. So if I belong to 20 threads, and 5 have new posts within a minute or so, and my ISP went down for a minute when that happened, poof, I'm out.
@ scubabud: Man and you believed them , dont you know what a conspiracy is................... [bold]lol[/bold]
Hey andmerr That's what I gathered. Even Neph said he was trying to get me banned but they kept reinstated me. <G> It must be something we said, or the way we said it! LOL
Actually it didn’t cost me a dime. I just gave them a few of ddp’s off shore accounts so they pulled a couple million, and said that I was good to go for about 6 months.
wasn't my account you touched as still accounted for but do know the drd's account is close to mine so i wonder if you "borrowed" some of his by mistake. Oh DRD, have you lost some money!!!!
Venom, you and movies27 can recruit members to your cult of memorex users. Call it MCC (memorex coaster club). I also figured a good use for my old CMC mags. If I take about 25 or so and run a piece wire through them I can use em everytime you recommend mem's to knock some sense into that noggin of yers.;p
jacsac I believe that they have to belong to this club first http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html before they can start their MCC club!