Better off on a Replay Lite thread and ask there, to avoid any confusion, put a search in the search box at the top, you will get many threads dealing with your query, it's all about using the forums correctly, such as here >>>>>>>>>>>>
Just put a search in it was for me >>>>>> See What Turns Up
im on eurovox and i got setanta back without losing my favs by save cdf file then rescan eurovox,setanta should now be back!press info button on setanta write down freq then download cdf file back to eurovox,then press menu,user instalation,ch edit,ch add put in the freq that you wrote down set ur sybol rate and keep modulater code the same then press o.k.go back to fast install press advanced install and turn fav sort of now press exit.go to the new ch that u have just saved and manual scan! now they will appear at the back of ur tv channels so just take out none working setanta and put new 1s in fav!hope this helps sorry for long explanation!