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should guns be allowed in america

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by will9898, Oct 9, 2005.

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  1. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    Don't knock the man. If you've ever been taught to use a gun properly, you gain a massive sense of pride and responsibility. Hell, I feel good knowing that if the Commies ever come I'll be able to do my part and take at least one of the suckers out before they get me.

    Ultimately, it isn't the gun that ever kills someone, it is the person holding it. If there weren't guns around, they'd probably use a knife if they really wanted to commit some crime. It is just that a gun is a more cowardly way of offing someone and takes less balls to use to commit crime.
  2. S2K

    S2K Regular member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    what the florida law says is that if someone is attempting to use leathal force aginst you, you have the right to use leathal force against them.

    The REASON for this law was civil suits by criminals and their heirs. IE If a criminal broke into your house, and was not just attempting to rob you, but also attempting to kil you, you now do not hav to prove you had no option of jumping out a window or running away (and perhaps being shot) inorder not to be sued by the criminal who threatened you.

    I am to the left of center on most things. I dont own a gun or care to, but there is just no question of a) the second amendment giving the right to individuals (and it s not only for hunting) and b) the bogus twisting of statistics by the anti-gun lobby.

    That being said there are also bogus statistics by some of the pro gun people, including the "physicians kill more people accidentaly" chain mai, which is a) made up numbers and b) not an accurate analogy anyway.

    Lastly, having lived overseas half my life, I always chuckle when people overseas say "American's don't know much about the rest of the world," when in fact posters outside of American here show the converse is true as well.

    I would say half the people in my family own guns. not one of them has ever been in a gun accident or used oe in anger. The only case any of us know of anyone ever being involved in any threat or violence with a gun was when I was mugged at gunpoint in Washignton DC, which of course has the strictest laws in the US, where no one can own a hand gun. The law forbidding handguns had no effect on the criminal mugging me -- the only person the law effects is law abiding citizens.

  3. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    If you take the guns away from lawful citizens, you all know, and this is very clichè but ONLY CRIMINALS WILL HAVE GUNS> And if by some stroke of luck you manage to disarm the criminals, suddenly ball bat deaths will increase. Ban ball bats and people will beat the hell out of each other with golf clubs or something else.
  4. Jauzzi

    Jauzzi Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Well sorry about that, but what I was trying to say is that, you can't call someone a "coward" if he doesn't want to have a gun around the house, since the reason we have guns (if you do) around the house is because you are afraid someone might come and try to harm your family... I mean, at the end, we are all afraid... and the other thing is that, let's say tomorrow the government says "it's against the law for civilians to bear arms" or something like that.... and then the day after that the government declares a dictatorship, and that the USA all of a sudden is a communist country! Are you really going to sit down and watch TV and be like, "well, it's against the law to bear arms, so I guess there's nothing we can do." No way man, you don't need a law for that... you don't need a law to defend your freedom. If in that case, you don't do anything about it, well then I agree, you are a coward.
  5. huntr

    huntr Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about the "home of the BRAVE" comment. It was not directed as a comment about ownership of firearms as much as it was intended to point out that freedom requires one to be brave. It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to forsake the "nanny state" and be responsible for yourself and your loved ones. A great many people lash out irrationally at firearms owners whenever they feel they are being accused of cowardice because they don't own firearms. I couldn't care less whether you own a firearm or not, but the reality is that a very large segment of the anti-gun crowd want others disarmed so that they (rightly or wrongly) don't feel ashamed of not having the ability or the desire to defend themselves. If you choose to give up your right to self-defense, more power to you (or would that be "less power" to you?). The line about "I just shot a 'boo and I'm so brave" is just a cheap shot that suggests to me that you are trying to rationalize away why you don't own a firearm. (Although the choice of caribou suggests further that you live in Canada, which means your nanny government has already decided that you cannot be trusted with a firearm and after all, they'll take care of you, so you don't need one. Ain't freedom grand?) Please, don't take this as anything against Canada, because we Yanks have even more lunatic politicians than anywhere on earth.
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    can also live in alaska which at this moment is still part of the us of a unless they seceeded from the union to keep the oil & caribou to themselves!
  7. sui-cyco

    sui-cyco Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    i think all the gun carrying criminals and the law abidding gun owners should go out to a secluded area.then have a massive shootout. and the winner of this shootout then wins the right to bear arms.we here in america love sporting events and this sounds like a super bowl(or shooter bowl).it would no doubt make the highlight reel on espn.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2005
  8. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i'll bring the gat XD
  9. sui-cyco

    sui-cyco Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    and i'll bring the cheerleaders...of course they will be armed too.
  10. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    I'll be the grey-haired guy with the FN FAL
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i'll be the canadian with the .50 cal sniper rifle.
  12. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

    Ill, just be there :) I is 14 and cant get a gun. No wait, ill bring a potatoe cannon :)
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    looks like ddp is going to be the winner with the sniper rifle lol
  14. xboxdevil

    xboxdevil Guest

    im not gonna argue the point but guns are dangerous.when you get shot in the head dont come crying to me for warning you thats if you live.if not rest in peace.
  15. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    I've been shot at and I did some shooting back in the early 70's ... been there, done that and it wasn't the old proverbial 'walk in the park'

    but if the need arises, I can handle it
  16. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    everyone realizes guns are dangerous, but so are cars, staircases, lightbulbs, and telephone cords. hell, one could die just getting out of bed. a lot of life is denied to people because the morons in charge claim "it's dangerous," yet their only real reason is that they want control...they're just tightening their hands around your cajones.
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    2nd that!!!
  18. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    The bottom line is that PEOPLE are dangerous .. I mean damn, toss a hatchet at someone kinda hard and you're gonna draw blood fer sure (at least) .. and ballbats and golf clubs sure will change a person's outlook on life ... Ah hell, just ban all sporting goods .. all that crap's dangerous!
  19. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    I say let there be guns, violence, drugs, crime, etc... I think all who think they can't handle it are a bunch of french pussies, and I see enough of them in Quebec myself! Ahh they sicken me, so let their be war on earth, and terrorists, yes terrorists, what the average american fears the most, are going to come right threw the woodwork and going to take over the world!!! And god bless them too!!! And anthrax will be in are water supply and their will be atleast a dirty bomb in each city...and all who dislike this type of madness will look like this guy!!!

  20. sui-cyco

    sui-cyco Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    alright there [bold]Osama[/bold]...i mean doggy_bot?
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2005
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