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SlySoft switching over to the Euro soon, prices going up

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by fasfrank, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. QuikDraw

    QuikDraw Regular member

    Sep 29, 2007
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  2. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    DVDFab Platinum will do the entire backup job from bypassing copy protection all the way through burning to DVD. It takes both AnyDVD and CloneDVD 2 to accomplish the same task. DVDFab Platinum is currently on sale for about $49 US. Regular price is what AnyDVD HD alone costs now.

    Glad you appreciated the "term paper". No insult intended, politically correct or otherwise. And I rarely try to be condescending. There's too many smart people in the world for me to try a trick like that. LOL I respect res2cue and I think he's aware of that. I didn't mean for his name to come up in any kind of misunderstanding.

    I'm not nationalistic to the point I believe the world should cater to the US. Much of the world doesn't want Americans around. I'm all for restricting international travel (close the US borders to travel and commerce, if that's what the global community wants). The USD has weakened and I don't mind if it weakens more against the Euro. Let everyone complain about the high Euro effecting international trade. In fact I'd think it would be a welcome change. The US can officially ask the EU for financial aid. ;) I'm one of those guys who believes the US should pay more attention to what's happening inside its borders than out. Just my 2 cents on that issue though.

    Excuse me for delving in economics 101 again. LOL But with an international company, Slysoft, sticking it to the international market, I couldn't help but put in my 2 cents (plus) worth. ;)

    I can see the reason for Slysoft moving to a more stable currency that's increasing against other currencies. It's good business. Set the price and without raising it again the product value increases as the currency does. I don't fault Slysoft for that at all.

    As for the price hike, I got that from QuikDraw and it was pointed out that FasFrank got it from Slysoft. I also noticed it on a news site, independent from any AD sources. Who knows, maybe Slysoft changed their mind. I'm just reacting to what has been widely reported as a 46% price hike for an overpriced program. That's 46.6% in Euros, USD, and Canadian dollars. As scorpNZ pointed out, countries that have a lower exchange rate are going to get hit even harder. In New Zealand Dollars the jump will go from about 103 NZD to about 151 NZD, if the reported price of 79 Euros is put in place for AnyDVD HD. If the quoted cost turns out to be a reality, it's going to be a 46.6 percent increase in whatever currency a consumer is using.

    To put my take on it in short form: In case anyone may have misunderstood what I was saying, It's smart business for Slysoft moving to a more stable currency. I find no fault with that. If the 46.6 percent price hike that's been reported goes into effect, I think we're seeing an international vendor ripping off international consumers. It has nothing to do with national pride. It means 46.6 percent everyone will have to pay over current cost, irregardless of currency in use.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  3. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    @PacMan: I didn't take offense brother, we don't always have to agree do we? I guess my point is this, being Canadian this whole paying in different currency and getting raped is old school as thats the norm for here when we pay for items in American Dollars. Essentially the consumer will let Slysoft know if this is a good plan or not. I just hope that if they find out this was a rotten idea it's not too late to turn things around. But.. at the same time I think the company is being more than fair by giving a months notice of this change. Time will tell if this move makes good business sense or not. I don't know what their expenses are or how much they have increased, but being payed in one currency while paying your bills in another that is higher value can get expensive, and dangerous. Maybe there is more to this than we think? Is it possible this is a last ditch effort to save the company financially? Has the pot finally started to empty? I don't know, just looking at the bigger picture.

    It's nice to see that we can keep this thread going with so many differeing opinions and for the most part stay civil :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2007
  4. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Staying civil is no problem at all. You're right, we're all allowed our point of view. I was simply trying to broaden the view from nationalistic to looking at the situation from a global perspective. As I mentioned before, Slysoft can't be faulted at all for moving to a stronger currency. As you mentioned, there's less loss due to a deflating dollar. If pricing was left the same though, it would only mean a slight gradual increase over time to currencies that are growing weaker in face of the euro. That's nothing to do with the Yankee dollar except it being part of the international banking system. As you can see, there's not much we're in disagreement on.

    Talking about buying power, the EU is in the "catbird seat" at the moment. They get to buy cheap and sell high to most of the world. The wife was wanting a Volkswagen but she's more likely to get a Toyota made in the US. ;)

    You're probably right about what's happening. Most people already have the software needed to do DVD backups and the consumer market has to be drying up. No doubt you're right in Slysoft wanting to and needing to sure up it's business practices to keep from losing money. It's only that 46 percent increase for everyone that was reported that bothers me. Actually it doesn't because I already own a copy. I got it back when it was cheap. I just hate to see the new customers squeezed. If they're like me when I started, I'd bought software before I found there was freeware that would do the same thing.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  5. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Yeah it's pretty gaye sly's charge for two seperate proggys when it should be inclusive,i shoulda learn't how to make software then i could update shrink & splatter it all over the net..lol.. the thing that sux the most when buying software is whether the company goes belly up & yeah finding freebies later..*bangs head*
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  6. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    off topic: do you ever sleep?
  7. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    why waste time sleeping, there'll be plenty of time to sleep when your dead (been dying to use that line since i saw that episode of 007) :p

    edit: ok it's decided dvdfab it is,i was leaning towards sly but i can't justify the cost even tho it's not too badly priced at the mo
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  8. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Also from Die Another Day:
    "You're cleverer than you look" - Bond, "Better than looking cleverer than you are!" - Q.
    I've not found a place to use that one yet. LOL Nobody seems to think I'm very smart. ;)

    To get closer to the topic. ScorpNZ, personally I think it's a good choice, the DVDFab is on sale now as well. I own most of the programs we discuss here at AD, but I often use the free DVDFab HD Decrypter for bypassing the copy protection and then use my favorite encoder programs. I've never bought into the Slysoft hype. For a while slysoft was faster at getting the updates done, but DVDFab appears to have taken care of that.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  9. elby

    elby Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I tend to disagree. AnyDVD HD supports HD DVD / Blu-ray MKBv4 titles since October 28, 2007. Today is December 8th, and DVDFab still doesn't support MKBv4 titles...
  10. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Maybe I should have qualified the statement. I meant updates for bypassing copy protection for those backing up DVDs to DVD5 and DVD9. Blue Ray and HD DVD are still a small market segment in comparison. Who wants to pay as much for a recordable disc as the original? Why not just buy two? High hardware costs also make the technology an enthusiast's and/or rich man's toy.

    I'll give Fengtao and the group at DVDIdle credit for what they have done. Unlike Slysoft they added the new technology components they have for the same unit price. Slysoft is charging an additional $30 US for the HD component and that is soon to be increased from what's going around the forum's. Both AnyDVD and DVDFab HD Decrypter are used for bypassing copy protection. Slysoft charges for AnyDVD, DVDIdle gives DVDFab HD Decrypter away for free. If Slysoft wants to follow suit, they should give AnyDVD away for free and only charge for CloneDVD 2. I'll be waiting in anxious anticipation... ;)
  11. taylor30

    taylor30 Regular member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    I know the updates are supposed to Lifetime once you buy the programs but they could have an update that expires the current License key. It wouldn't be too hard to do. But, than a lot of people would be mad that they have to buy the programs again. Maybe, I'm just being paranoid.
  12. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    you can be paranoid all you want, but the same could be said for any program that has updates, Microsoft windows included. No sense being paranoid, you will only drive yourself crazy. Heaven forbid something like that ever happened, or dvdfab all of a sudden decided it wasn't going to be free anymore... the list is endless if you want it to be.
  13. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I think you're being paranoid. So far Slysoft has been good to their word and their products are excellent but I'm none to pleased with their price increases coming.
  14. JRoDDz

    JRoDDz Member

    Nov 3, 2005
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    I'm going to vote with my wallet. A 46% price increase means I won't be purchasing anymore Slysoft products in the future. End of story.

    Thank you Slysoft for your sticking it to the consumer.

  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    It's easy to say that since it appears you already own some of their software. But what if you had just begun backing up your movies. It would be hard NOT to buy AnyDVD. I realize DVD Fab is free but it doesn't work 100% of the time and neither does AnyDVD but with both you can do them all.
  16. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    I love my slysoft products, always had and still do, for non techies it still the greatest to use, but what I'm reading here is disturbing, hey prices going up is just a fact of life, but jumping 50% or more thats a kick in the ass.

    There's a lot of different opinions here about what the hike will be exactly, but if it's 50% or more it might be time to learn how to run the more inconvient software. Slysoft (I know you guys read these forums, especially this one) I would think real hard about this one. You might shoot yourselves in the foot, you need a price hike, ok, its inevitable, but 50%, uh uh, sorry guys.
  17. bilbo65

    bilbo65 Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Maybe, just maybe, one needs to buy a couple fewer crappy movies to "backup" and buy quality software instead of bellyaching so much. If you don't want to buy something then don't. I don't care.
  18. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I'm just ranting, the important words are in the last sentence. :)

    As someone just mentioned, to some of us Slysoft price hikes are just a "knee jerk reaction" to highway robbery. Personally I think the products are already over priced. I've got all the Slysoft Software I need. So, the price hike won't effect me.

    I've had enough experience with both SlySoft and DVDIdle products to make a good comparison. In the past months there is only one release that AnyDVD helped with doing "the perfect rip" (Ratatouille, R1). I was able to do the same movie using RI4M with only a small navigational error that didn't effect playability. Guess what? I'll push the Play button anytime for 70 euros.

    The only thing I see with SlySoft is the convenience of a good driver type decryption program. As for myself I rarely use AnyDVD. I was letting movies open in it to see what the copy protection is, but I no longer need that with DVDFab having similar function.

    SlySoft with their forward look to HD sales has slighted the current customers relying on it for updates for the DVD9 releases. They've been slower with updating for problematic DVD releases. DVDIdle has been noticably quicker at getting out the needed updates. For those who can wait a short period for the updates, both DVD Fab HD and AnyDVD are near 100%. Like others, I would vote with my wallet when there's a significant price difference.

    I wish I'd had someone tell me about DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink when I first started doing DVD backups. Now we have the free DVDFab HD Decrypter to replace the outdated DVD Decrypter. We still have DVD Shrink, and jdobbs gave us Rebuilder for those serious about high quality releases. With DVDIdle giving us the DVDFab HD Decrypter for free, and with the other freeware available, we can do the entire backup process for free.
  19. bilbo65

    bilbo65 Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Yes....for the time being....
  20. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    not trying to do the whole chicken little thing, but bilbo raised a flag with me... is it possible they know something that we don't?

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