Softmodded box No idea what dash

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by shinnster, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I just tried the splinter cell with the saves on the memory card but to no abail so will give the hot swapping a go. i have to get another data cable tomorrow for that though. but then saying that, i can use the one thats in the xbox can't i according to that guide? take it off at the motherboard and put it in the pc
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2006
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    According to the guide.

    - You have a long IDE cable. One end connect to motherboard on PC. The other end is free

    - Open your xbox and free the hdd. So you can easily move it. But hdd is still connect xbox

    - Turn on the xbox, when you see ms logo appear under the big X, quickly remove the IDE cable on xbox hdd and connect the one from computer to it. Xbox still power on.

    The purpose is to use xbox unlock the hdd so PC can read it. Then you can use Xplore360 to read the hdd and to rename the xboxdash.xbe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2006
  3. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Once again thank you for your help dude, my mission for this evening is to get this box up and running again!! I have the C drive of the box backed up on my pc so through that xplorer360 i can just put all the files back on can't i to how it was?
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Can you see all file in the xbox hdd? Just rename the xboxdash-old.xbe to xboxdash.xbe as before.
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    remember do not delete anything on xbox hdd.
  6. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    i am just gonna try it now, so give me 5 mins and i'll let you know if i've done it right :)
  7. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    i can not see the xbox drive when using xboxplorer360 or fatxexplorer. ialso tried to see it through winhex and it doesnt pick it up, is there something i'm doing wrong?
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    you should be able to see hdd. Maybe you disconnect IDE cable from xbox hdd too early.
  9. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    right success ( i think) i have managed to see the drive and replace the file i deleted. do i have to power off my pc when disconnecting it or can i just unplug the hard drive and chuck it back in hte box?
  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    You got everything as before right? turn off all apps on PC then turn off the xbox. Then connect hdd back to xbox and power on
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Did you back up everything on drive C and E to PC?
  12. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Thank you soo much dude, i have success and the box boots up fine again now :) If I knew where you were i'd buy you a drink!!
    I had all the files backed up before i started just incase something like this happened,lucky I done it :)
    I dont think i'll be playing around with changing my dash boards for ....hmmmm..about 15 mins at least!!
    Once again, thank you dude for all your help, it is very much appreciated.
  13. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    hold on
    so you give up with evox?
  14. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    MXM gotto be msdash.xbe
  15. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I'm live in SF, usa. I wish to see you here. lol.
  16. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Is just a little bit far from London, England :-o No i dont give up, idont want to go through that hassle again. So your saying i should change the other file name and that would load evox at the start?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2006
  17. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    One thing you should know that your xbox always be fixable with this hotswap method if you everything in the xbox hdd to pc now.

    Later on if something happen, do hotswap and copy all the stuffs that you backup on pc to xbox hdd. And it will work again.
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    if you dont want to do it, I dont make you. But at least you still can switch to evox dash. right?
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Maybe just leave it like that and enjoy.

    Well You did learn how to hotswap.

  20. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I can still switch to the evox dash but knowing me i will be trying it again before the night is out. now i know how to do the hotswapping method you're right, i can always fix it again. :)

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