Softmodding an Xbox Tutorial

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by jonbtrini, Jun 22, 2005.

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  1. SkeetMchn

    SkeetMchn Guest

    wizard i want it so i can play around in custom games and stuff with my friends, i dont sucks so bad at halo 2 that i have to mod.. ur an idiot dude, not everyone mods to get their rank up. Can someone please reply to the message i posted?
  2. WizardWW2

    WizardWW2 Guest

    once again if u would actually read a post before posting urself i was talking to the morons in mm and besides ur screwed now anyhow ur gunna bebanned if u have moddified content in any game type mm or custom they dont care
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2005
  3. jonbtrini

    jonbtrini Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    LMAO now if everyone asking me for hacks would've LISTENED to me when i was telling them this for the past 3 weeks....
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2005
  4. jonbtrini

    jonbtrini Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    @Skeetmchn - You need to download the gamesave that corresponds to whatever game you're using. For instance, if you're using Splinter Cell, you'd download the gamesave for Splinter Cell, 1.7.5, NTSC/PAL depending on what type of Xbox you have. The second step is to change the .rar to a .zip (i believe you may not have to do this, but some people have had to) so in order to do this, download WinAce, and read back a few posts, i think Slith tells how to change it to .zip format. As far as downloading it, just drag it from the right side window over to the left side window in whatever folder you want to, how do i know where you want it saved? Finally, read the tutorial again, i tell you exactly how to get the gamesave onto the Action Replay memory card....
  5. SkeetMchn

    SkeetMchn Guest

    ok i modded the xbox.. i think.. i installed UDE2, and did the backup and stuff, now there is a thing at the top that says Run
    Mini Linux, do i need to install this? I have had it installing for like an hour, and the light is still yellow.
  6. SkeetMchn

    SkeetMchn Guest

    oooo that might be a problem, the ntcp/pal, because i just put a random one on my memory card, so maybey that might be a problem. How do i identify which one my xbox uses? i have the version of my xbox, well.. the k number, so can i tell which one i should use by my k number?
  7. jonbtrini

    jonbtrini Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Mini linux is a mini version of Linux operating system. This is not something that is to be installed. DO NOT USE THIS if you don't know how to use Linux. You could seriously F up your Xbox. Nowhere in my tutorial did i say click or mess with anything called Mini Linux. I hope you haven't done anything to mess up ur box. Cut it off and make sure it will still boot up and that you get the Evox dashboard....
  8. Arkanian

    Arkanian Member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    Reposting my previous post

    ok I have read this entire thread so DONT FLAME me when I ask this question. I have a Xbox v1.6. If I try to either backup the hard drive or try to install UDE2, I get a green garbage on the screen and the light on the XBOX is orange. I know that you say this is normal. I am trying to backup the hard drive at the moment and it has been going on for 45 mins. Is this normal? Other people who had the same problem, how long does the backup and install take? This is a brand new Xbox and I think that their might be some security feature locking the XBOX up. BTW: the screen is frozen and nothing moving.

    EDIT: I am using componet cables, does this matter?

    EDIT2: Ok after 2 hours I give up. I am going to try a different softmod technique. Wierd because it doesn't even hurt my Xbox. It is like it is catching the mod and freezing the Xbox. Oh well. Worst case is I go buy a used Xbox.

    EDIT3: Softmod Installer deluxe v1.01 works perfect and WAY better than itools. None of this green garbage screen freezing crap. Modded Xbox in less than 2 minutes. Also, you don't have to tell it what UDE or settings to use it automatically detectes it. By far the easiest Softmod option. :)
  9. SkeetMchn

    SkeetMchn Guest

    Thanks J, i was about to run it overnight haha.. um ya.. Is the Evox dashboard the cool blue looking dashboard? Because if it is, then how to i get this to be set as my default dash, when i load up my xbox by opening the disc tray, it opens itools.. So to get into the blue dash, i have to load halo, then when it gets to "Press Start Button", i open the disc tray, and it goes to it. Also, my x box live will not work with the mod on, i modded it earlier, and i took it off because xbl wouldnt work. I just had to go into the network setting and switch the IP from manual to automatic, but i do not know how to do this with the blue dash. Right now before I do any modding, I want to get my xbl online.. help
  10. SkeetMchn

    SkeetMchn Guest

    can someone..... please... f'n reply...
  11. MrWoot

    MrWoot Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    skeet, you need NTSC if you live in the US and PAL is for them canadian and europian folks, now what is your other question?
  12. WizardWW2

    WizardWW2 Guest

    U know only half the people here have legitimate questions that are not answered in the tutorila im serious i have just read every post
  13. SkeetMchn

    SkeetMchn Guest

    My other question is why wont my xbl work after i installed everything or... modded my xbox?
  14. WizardWW2

    WizardWW2 Guest

    look up a thing called the marrige theory or simply read this: Pretty much live detects u have modded content and wont let u log on unless ur special like other ppl i know
  15. Slith

    Slith Guest

    These keyboards just suck guys. The a and the q; the z and the w; JESUS. Not even an exclamation.


    XBL will not allow you to play if it detects mods on your XBOX.

    Later guys. New hotel today.
  16. jonbtrini

    jonbtrini Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Wizard, thank you for coming aboard to help answer some of the questions! You and Slith are a big help to me, as I have help threads posted all over on different sites, and its' sometimes really difficult for me to answer them all in a timely fashion!
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2005
  17. jonbtrini

    jonbtrini Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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  18. SkeetMchn

    SkeetMchn Guest

    is there a file i can download onto one of the folders of my xbox so xbl wont detect it?
  19. jonbtrini

    jonbtrini Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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  20. SkeetMchn

    SkeetMchn Guest

    so.. wats the point of havin a modded xbox? i wanted to use it so i could put games on it and shit but since that damn thing came out..
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