It might be a good idea to take a look at your post. It's impossible to make any sense of it. Think about what your problem is and what your question is. Then start a new thread with a title informing people what your problem is. If people can make out what help you're asking for I dare say it will be forthcoming. Good luck.
or try the search button as this has been covered countless times about the JTAG, Just of note, the UK aint going to N3, its already been released a few weeks back, its IPTV, what I have been saying all a long,
With the launch of IPTV will that make the starview boxes redundant? will Vir*n have to supply customers with new receivers if so surely that will cost a fortune. What are the benefits of IPTV compared to changing to Nagra 3 like in Ireland. Sorry for so many questions all in one go
different box yes, now, UK law is different to Ire when it comes to Cable TV etc, so could be a duel box, cable and internet etc, not sure yet how it will be worked at present. not sure on the logistics of it, but if sly put pressure on them with regard to their chans, they may well pull it from the cable platform, they put pressure on UPC to sort their encryption (so I read anyways) IPTV will bring a broader range of services than cable can at present, chans etc. Cable and Wireless is onboard and so is virmin,
arite mate im in the uk and have a starview 4 usb works a treat,my girlfriends uncle was lukn one aswell but i dont really want to get him one if this iptv thing is gona be cumin this the same as nagra 3 more are less ??? and will the box be useless when it comes in?? dont really see the point of him getting one if hes only gona get a few months out of it.
your looking at a year away or less, if you get 3 months or more out of any box, its paid for itself, Ya dont think these boxs are gonna last forever?? the cable and sat scene is always changing, whether its chans or encryption, I mean for approx 70 pounds, thats less than 3 months full subscription, IPTV and Nagra are different beasts, IPTV is a total service whereas Nagra is just the encryption in which chans are broadcast on via cable or sat, IPTV is Internet Protocol TV there is link on the left of the page about it