no mate you cannot you either have to get a new box as they have moved them channels up to the new encryption
if you are on N** you will need the KryptView as this is the only one that is working over here now check your mail above !!
could someone please send me a pm on the kryptview box waterford area looking to buy r any info on them so sick of losing chnnels
If you value your account here you'll read this ~ In English ?. All you'll get help with here is firmware. For code nonsense you'll have to go outside of Afterdawn In English ? All you'll get help with here is firmware. For code nonsense you'll have to go outside of Afterdawn
Hi- Just wondering what / if any affected parties with the new n t hell release of their new cards / update procedure? Anyone had trouble / reporting issues since getting? I've had my letter to say its on the way and fear the days of SV/KV are coming to an end. Thoughts?