I did a few searches related to nagravision 3 Seems to be a lot of work going into cracking the software It's probably only a matter of time before we get the channels back After all it's just software and any software can be manipulated Rumours have it that it's already cracked but it will not be released in Europe until the USA changes to Nagravision 3. Then the whole world will be hacked and it puts the encryption companies back to square one
anything people need is at the end of my post and there is no need to pm anyone for it as its all free below on the links
can you tell me what the date is on the one you have ?? also could you put it on a download site so i could download it and look at it thanks
There is about 3 million reasons why nagra3 will not be cracked as quick as you hope/think....cause behind closed doors there is an insurance policy in place ....and i can tell you that nagra will not wanna be paying up on that deal if the system is broken inside 2 years....we should all be very happy we got the great service we did from s..view eu...vox etc etc/....for as long as we did,,,and we should be thankful of all the guys behind the scenes that released the firmware and loaders for these boxes over the past few years... So to all the admin and other posters cheers for everything ...but i think i better go and pay a sly bill for the 1st time in nearly 3 years...lol..thanks lads.
I am very sorry to let you no that euro**x st***iew and all these other boxes are still working so ????????? what are you talking about,,,so if nagra 3 is rolled out everwhere its only about time it will be cracked ok...
Nagra 3 is not rolled out everywhere just yet..almost...and the channels you speak of are free to air channels.ppv still works if memory serves me right.......kr..view is the only box that the loop has not been closed on ....and it will be closed soon...
ev sv dream all these boxes are working 100% unless it hasnt effected my area yet...im down south of ireland yano?
me too mate,,,im in waterford...iv even a guy,,,working for the enemy if ya get me...iv had st...view ..and the b.x,,,,iv flashed them all myself..as i do 360's wii's etc..so im not a noob in the scene....
with nthell......i had a st..view orig...downstairs...and the b.x upstairs....if ur still around the coastal areas of the country u may not be affected like us...just yet...but my mate on the inside tells me they are flat out with customers ringing getting back in there sports/movies ...iv tried rolling back firmware ...didnt work //went with latest firmware works as normal but will only find free to air..and the ppv still....sly sports etc movies ...setenta 1/2 gone ...but setenta ireland left...as i said i do iunderstand kr..view still works 100% but nthell are ready to put the hammer on that soon...as i said in my original post ..we had it great for an age...and now with the country in a recession ..not many of us will afford the premuim rates with sly/nthell.
sounds very bad,i just read there on the net that they have 50% of nagra 3 out in ireland already,,,its gona be a disaster i mean it,,i hop soon very soon someone has the break through in nagra 3,,as you sed we just cant afford the other providers,,,what if we get cards wit nagra 3 already and get around then,,did you see sky are changing their cards too