Ok I get you. I have one more question is there not certin boxs working on both ? I see on another forum they claim to have a box that works in ireland. So what i cant get how is this if nagra3 is being used ?
Starviews are working with Ch*r*5 in some areas. One unit is working with Ntee hell, the Kryptview, as for the N3 thing, well it's a misnomer. The stations that have gone are actually running a new version of N2, what's about to happen is all the stations will go over to Nagra 3. The staeview can't handle the new encoding the Kryptview can, but when N3 proper comes online it too will fail. That said U pee S could leave things as they are now for a year...
have just watched the video and have to say allot of nay sayers will be left with egg on their face as he does seem to have cracked the problem. Also i do understand why he has not posted the fix in forums god only knows what spys you have from these companies reading these forums and fixing the exploits as they are posted here,if the don't know the exploit its harder for them to fix. Maybe next time the nay sayers won't be so quick to judge and keep their mouths shut then maybe we would all benefit from this.
maybe after looking closely to the video you would have spotted a tiny give away hahahahah 2:58 seconds into it pause it symbol rate = 6875 = chorus Chorus = N1 N2 and N3 on all channels NTL = N2 N3 on all channels and also N1 on SOME channels
What about all the fixes for new firmware that are linked to on this forum(eamos library)provided by people who know what there talking about and not trying to play some silly cat and mouse game,myself i waited till the op person came along with his so called fix and then still waited for him to put up his so called fix,but as i wasn't the one he was getting at i waited till fergus came along to answer him.He was obviously on c@orus from the start which have not lost the same amount of channels as n@l.
Fergus, let me get this right. Chorus = N1 N2 and N3 on all channels NTL = N2 N3 on all channels and also N1 on SOME channels So chorus are working on all three and the important channels on ntl are working n2 n3 ? If Chorus swith off N1 their users are left in the same position as ntl users. Why bother with N2 or is it a case it has to be updated N1 to N2 to N3 ? I am finding it hard to see the point in N2 at all,is there a reason for this?
ianoh23 stated when he first posted that he was using the Ch*r*5 service. Read the treads properly! He is describing a fix for a problem with that service.
he did say he scanned it in on ch*R*S first got nothng & then n*l and all the channels were all over the place, so he did not lie prob just got mixed up??? i tryed it on n*l and it did,nt work for me when he sent me a pm, so maybe some of yous on ch*r*s will get it if not already got it may be some serious butt kissing to him will make him post it to you why not you's do it when a mod or addict comes on line with an idea!!!
i am on chorus in limerick and i can confirm that most of the premium channels are gone so i along with others could have done with this fix instead of everyone climbing on his back. And as he had stated he was using chorus i think people should lay of the guy instead of the high horse cavalry ambushing him
Actually he's not proved anything. All he's demonstrated is that a starview 4 usb in ch*r*s does has not lost the channels to N2/N3 like n*l has. We know this! Part way through his 'demo' he referrs to they are still on N2. Infact his box is decoding the still-available N1 like everyone elses. Starview cannot currently do N2/N3, and I would not get your hopes up about them fixing it. They got your money and now support it hard - bail out. Even if they do fix it it would probably be a new box from them. The comments the poster makes about different codes is frankly bull. There are only one set of codes that will decrypt the picture on N1 N2/N3 will use different codes, but also different maths and the numebers are larger. No amount of entering numbers on a starview will get it working on N2/N3
Not all chorus areas are affected by this - it's a bug in starview 4 firmware that some change is affecting. He's in an area unaffected (yet)
i am in limerick on chorus and i am using the starview 4 and i have lost the premium channels so he has found the fix i am looking for
Why do you slate a guy who was only trying to help. Maybe he is not as arrogant as some of you soccer loving twats and thought he had found a solution to what we would all like. To see our t.v back and up and running. Instead you shoot him down, He could have prolonged the annoyance of a lot of people on the chorus network. Some of you are so scarred some one will trample on your know how, which is impressive, that you slag a guy off for helping!!!
No he hasn't. The starview 4 bug has hit your area you will need a new firmware. It's not a 'codes' issue, it's down to buggy firmware in the sv4.
I have not slagged him off. I have just posted the facts. What he posted was getting peoples hopes up (falsly)
well if he has not found a fix explain how he has more channels than me even though we are both using chorus on a starview 4???