the codes dont work with starview 4 anyway just checked but they do for starview 3 on the c*o*us signal lime**ck area
it has been said lots of time its nothing to do with co*** is down to the firmware for that box it wont matter what you do with that box re scan re flash you just wont get them without a new firmware been made thats it
I am in London and certain channels have gone i.e.Film 4,Film 4+1,Arsenal Channel.Iknow someone local this has happened to as well Have they started on us now?
factory reset rescan and no splitters and you should get them back they have been moving them around again
yes it should be if not follow below after doing factory reset ok Channels Not Clearing If channels not clearing goto Menu / System Setup / Press ok with Parental Control highlighted then press OK Then the letter I then 2007, this should put you in the CAS SYSTEM Menu (You may need to do this a couple of times untill you get the speed of your remote K*y presses correct ) When in the Cas System Menu with Nagravision 2 highlighted Press ok, On the Provider ID Line select your provider by using the left / right arrow buttons on remote then press ok, wait for it to save then press exit. (Your provider needs to be the same one that you selected in Cable Network Options above. Finally make sure Autoupdate is On (Bottom Item in Cas System.) Got to a scrambled channel and wait a while to clear.
Ferq,Ihave done the factory rescan .Is there something Ihave to switch on i.e EMU iif so can you tell me what it is and how to get there
Channels Not Clearing If channels not clearing goto Menu / System Setup / Press ok with Parental Control highlighted then press OK Then the letter I then 2007, this should put you in the CAS SYSTEM Menu (You may need to do this a couple of times untill you get the speed of your remote K*y presses correct ) When in the Cas System Menu with Nagravision 2 highlighted Press ok, On the Provider ID Line select your provider by using the left / right arrow buttons on remote then press ok, wait for it to save then press exit. (Your provider needs to be the same one that you selected in Cable Network Options above. Finally make sure Autoupdate is On (Bottom Item in Cas System.) Got to a scrambled channel and wait a while to clear.
and when u get it working again write down on paper what u did and how to do it,as it is a common thing losing channels due to frequency change.u will have to do it a number of times in the future so having it wrote down is handy.
gentlemen Ihave got as far as highlighting parental control,but up comes old pin new pin etc and as I press letter I it just enters in the pin number and stops More help Please Please and thanks
read what it says harry highlight parental control then press ok then letter I then 2007 that should bring you in to the cas then read the rest
Ferq with Parental control highlightedI press ok and up comes pin numbersand Ipress the I it thinks I am putting in a 4 in the pin code Ihate richard Branson
ok try highlighting parental control then press the Letter I then 2007 see if that brings you into the cas menu
what firmware do you have on your box can you tell me is this the one below StarViewPVR-21122008.bin how did you get the box to work when you got it first ?? did you flash it before and if so when was the last time ??
this is all i can find on that box below If channels not clearing goto Menu / System Setup / Press ok with Parental Control highlighted then press i then 2007, this should put you in the CAS SYSTEM. (May need to do this a couple of times quite slowly to get into CAS SYSTEM) With Nagravision 2 highlighted Press ok, On the Provider ID Line select your provider by using the left / right arrow buttons on remote then press ok, wait for it to save then press exit. (Your provider needs to be the same as the one you selected in Cable Network Option above. Finally make sure Autoupdate is On (Bottom Item in Cas System.) Got to a scrambled channel and wait a while to clear.
E-Ver 4506. 15OCT2007 My nephew flashed it originally and as Iremember he re flashed the last time all the boxes went down
december is the last one that was out so you may need to flash it as that is all the info i have on that box