Thats exactly what there saying, its getting to the stage now we just dont know what they have up their sleeve. there just putting the gun to peoples head now.
Hi guys, I have a 'The Box' Super, is there a fix fir that or am I gonna have to get a new box? can someone pm me where I can get a Kr$ptview if I need to.cheers
my dads in the tipperary area, super box was working fine on ch**us cork but now only rte 1. tried to flash it at the weekend but nothing happened. Any ideas or help greatly appreciated guys and thanks for all your hard work
what is the message on the screen bad or scrambled channel ??? if so go to the menu 1570 and turn the EMU back on and exit out
hi this, can you pm me where to get kyrptview box in dublin mate, cheers. Also still no way for dm500c to read this new official card?
thanks mate, will you let me know if you hear anything about being able to use official card in dm500c,
can someone tell me where i can get kryptview and is it a solution to our problem in the republic of ireland?
sorry fergus, was out all day. turned the emu on. all channels jus say updating but not changing from 0% no matter how long its on for. All help appreciated
ok go to the menu and tell me what API version is on the box you might need firmware updated if your firmware is all ready up to date you need to keep trying the channels until you find one that will update
I will check it over the weekend, im in dublin myself. I think i have the up to date firmware but can you give me a link just in case. And thanks sooooo much for all the help
you will have to look on one of the other people names for a link to the eko site you will find all the info in there that you need i will be away myself for the weekend so back sunday hopefully